The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Yes I think that is the best idea, Moyles in Afganistan would be brilliant, really good for the Morale of the troops, and listening to Chris winge about how hot it is and having to shit in a hole, whilst the lads are out getting their legs blown off would have a really funny twist to it! ( that sounds sarcastic, but it is not meant to be, I think it would be funny)

Tank Park Catchphrase.
Celebrity Burka
"Aled, are you going to join in with the Bombing?" " No I don't do bombing"
Rob Dj's Thursday night Man Love Quiz
Dave's quiz, Idea or IED,a
Dom's weather, hot.
Tina Judging the best drag dressed Marine ( I don't know why, but all Marines love to dress in Fishnets and High Heels at any excuse) - Something here about "Helmut Province"
The team in Camp Bastion would be great but lets say the way of getting in to the camp isn't that great for anyone who has a fear of flying. My friend has done it going in and lets say it was scary for him. Like Westwood said in complete darkness and its combat manovers landing, the C-17 Globemaster planes drop out of the sky in seconds from high altitued to air strip to avoid detection on the Taliban radar.

Could you imagine Chris and the Team flying in these conditions:


He should go out as its great for morale. The people at CSE would love it if he did. If they went out between August and Dec my friend would be there to look after him.
Could all the troops be issues with custard pies to throw at Matt? Target practice!
dreamer1978 wrote:The team in Camp Bastion would be great but lets say the way of getting in to the camp isn't that great for anyone who has a fear of flying. My friend has done it going in and lets say it was scary for him. Like Westwood said in complete darkness and its combat manovers landing, the C-17 Globemaster planes drop out of the sky in seconds from high altitued to air strip to avoid detection on the Taliban radar.

Could you imagine Chris and the Team flying in these conditions:


He should go out as its great for morale. The people at CSE would love it if he did. If they went out between August and Dec my friend would be there to look after him.

One million pounds says Chris and Dom will NEVER get on a plane like this unless they were heavily sedated and payed an extremely high amount to do it!
*The bet above is for emphasis only and will not be paid, as I really dont have one million pounds...*
Yeah, I don't believe they would ever do the Afghanistan thing. I'm also not sure of how much interest it really holds for people who don't have friends/relatives out there. I'm sure everything the troops are doing is great and whatnot, but I found the Westwood thing a bit dull after a day or two.
nicola_red wrote:Yeah, I don't believe they would ever do the Afghanistan thing. I'm also not sure of how much interest it really holds for people who don't have friends/relatives out there. I'm sure everything the troops are doing is great and whatnot, but I found the Westwood thing a bit dull after a day or two.

Agreed agreed. I have nothing against the soldiers out there, but I've always been very much anti-Iraq/Afghan wars, seeing/hearing about the troops just serves as a painful reminder to me of all the troops who have died who shouldn't have been over there in the first place :(
English Bob wrote:Agreed agreed. I have nothing against the soldiers out there, but I've always been very much anti-Iraq/Afghan wars, seeing/hearing about the troops just serves as a painful reminder to me of all the troops who have died who shouldn't have been over there in the first place :(

I agree with you English Bob that they the troops shouldn't be out there in Afghanistan or when they were in Iraq. I support them but not why they are there. My friend will have completed by the end of the year 1 tour of duty to Iraq and 2 tours of Afghanistan.

nicola_red wrote:Yeah, I don't believe they would ever do the Afghanistan thing. I'm also not sure of how much interest it really holds for people who don't have friends/relatives out there. I'm sure everything the troops are doing is great and whatnot, but I found the Westwood thing a bit dull after a day or two.

Nicola - Yeah i see you point, it doesn't hold much interest for those who don't have relatives/friends out there. If they had done the show in over a month i would have been happy for the show to have interest in whats going on in Afghanistan, as i said my friend is going out there again. It gave Chris and the team who would be clueless on what actually goes on out there a real insight into life on the front line. So when he is out there i spend my time between listening to Chris in the morning then listening to BFBS radio for all the information and to communicate with him too.
I think it would be good for them to go and see the troops, but I don't think it'll happen for two reasons: firstly the issues raised about the unconventional way they'd have to get there and secondly because it's been done recently.

I'd love to come up with an idea that would eventually make it on the show, sadly I'm not imaginitive enough. Generally I like the spontaneous stuff over the features, but the Stupid Amnesty and the love / hate records feature are both class.
What about a game where listeners text in questions to the team and they have to be honest about it. Get to know more about the team
chrysostom wrote:A tiffin is a generic word for a small Indian dish. Tina is of Indian descent. It's not an obvious or stereotypical link at all, given that she constantly references her heritage on the show.

Thanks for the explanation. i was right, I don't like the sound of it. I am starting to wonder if jnsmith is listening to the same show as the rest of us...
Chris Moyles biggest fan competition - quizzed on knowledge about Chris Moyles

Chris Moyles new team member competition where you interview fans of the show and the favourite gets to be a team member for a week

Or just everyday a different person gets the celeb raspberry slot to chat to the team and then on Thursday everyone votes on text to see which out of the 4 they like most and then the one they like the most gets to come in on the friday or get to be in the final or something.
nicola_red wrote:
chrysostom wrote:A tiffin is a generic word for a small Indian dish. Tina is of Indian descent. It's not an obvious or stereotypical link at all, given that she constantly references her heritage on the show.

Thanks for the explanation. i was right, I don't like the sound of it. I am starting to wonder if jnsmith is listening to the same show as the rest of us...

I always thought (although it may be a myth) that Tiffin was a British Raj expression formed by a contraction of "Tea and Muffin".
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Friday is up, and platinum:[…]