The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Remember how Chris used to absolutely rip in to Aled at times, really quite seriously? But they still had a magical professional relationship and have also always been firm friends? I don't think New Dave could handle that. Still, I have it from Aled himself that one day he WILL work with Chris on the radio again. he absolutely promised. And I am going to hold him to it.
Good Lord, today's show has been tedious. Didn't even bother switching the office radio to RX when I arrived, left it on R1. I don't need to hear them trying to give away "Noel Gallagher's guitar" again (cos of COURSE Noel Gallagher plays an Epiphone).
Whilst never the best radio Chris will produce, my stance is; suck it up, it is for chariddy, after all...
Yeah, I know. I guess it's the fact that all the Global stations are involved that made it seem far worse than when they plugged Comic Relief on the old show. But hey ho, it's just one day. And as much as I slagged off his stupidity when he stood in for Dave, it WAS quite nice to hear Olly Murs back on the show.
Nicola_Red wrote:Yeah, I know. I guess it's the fact that all the Global stations are involved that made it seem far worse than when they plugged Comic Relief on the old show. But hey ho, it's just one day. And as much as I slagged off his stupidity when he stood in for Dave, it WAS quite nice to hear Olly Murs back on the show.

Olly Murs did one of those Christmas "takeover" shows on our local station the other year and I was wondering how bad it would be considering that when he stood in for Dave it was bad, but he was actually surprisingly good!
Back when he stood in for Dave I was astounded at how dumb he was. That's a few years ago, so let's hope he's grown up a little since then. He's a nice chap, just thick as a wooden rocking horse, as my dad would say.
i don't get the music policy.


Stereophonics AGAIN! It's like they are trying to annoy you with repetition??? Of ALLLL the songs out there - why such repetition! They know people will be listening daily... WHY!?

* idiots - more tunes, you can keep your policy - BUT ADD MORE TUNES!? Why is it so hard...
You obviously don't remember Radio 1 in the months leading up to the Big Weekend. All they would play was big weekend artists!

Global are trying to plug the road tour thing, and also the eBay auction gimmick, so these artists will get rammed down your throat a bit.

I'm a huge Oasis fan, but I'm getting a bit sick of hearing Noel Gallagher tracks twice an hour.
To be honest I'd never heard of High Flying Birds. I too think they go overboard with the same songs on the playlist. It's going to be Stale Rock if they keep playing the same tracks. They have a whole history if music to play as this isn't the BBC so why don't they?
Stereophonics are a pet hate of mine, I'm mildly a fan of Oasis, and I don't like Florence & the Wotsits :), so the music does grate a bit sometimes. But there's a lot of good stuff being played too, like the Foos (no Manics though, which I'm amazed by considering what the station is supposed to be about).

But I rarely listen live anyway, so I get to pick and choose what I actually listen to.
Haven't listened to today's show yet.
Is it really as tedious as some have said?
ChunkyMunky wrote:Stereophonics are a pet hate of mine, I'm mildly a fan of Oasis, and I don't like Florence & the Wotsits :), so the music does grate a bit sometimes. But there's a lot of good stuff being played too, like the Foos (no Manics though, which I'm amazed by considering what the station is supposed to be about).

But I rarely listen live anyway, so I get to pick and choose what I actually listen to.
Haven't listened to today's show yet.
Is it really as tedious as some have said?

Ha, they actually played the Manics today!
ritchie wrote:i don't get the music policy.


Stereophonics AGAIN! It's like they are trying to annoy you with repetition??? Of ALLLL the songs out there - why such repetition! They know people will be listening daily... WHY!?

* idiots - more tunes, you can keep your policy - BUT ADD MORE TUNES!? Why is it so hard...

I don't mind most of the actual tracks but as you say it's the typical Global/commercial radio heavy rotation that grates.

I've been wondering if actually Chris makes it worse by not playing many songs so when he does it's got to be one of a small group of the 'biggest' tracks on the playlist in order to keep the bosses happy. That said I'm not advocating Chris playing more music!!
stevepro wrote:How much listeners is the show likely to achieve?

Anyone know how much the previous XFM show got?

Difficult to say – comparisons to the old XFM show are irrelevant because when you say the old XFM breakfast show it didn’t exist in this form – there was an breakfast show on XFM London, a different breakfast show on XFM Manchester and a third different one on XFM Scotland. XFM Scotland has shut down on FM, but Radio X is on FM still in Manchester and London and nationwide on DAB which the old XFM wasn’t (at least not in the past few years). It’s difficult to say what the reach will be as outside the BBC there are no real national breakfast shows that go out in two separate cities over FM and national on DAB. – or if there are they certainly don’t have the pulling power that Moyles has. The only one that comes close is Absolute Radio which is FM in London, DAB and MW everywhere else. It’ll be interesting to see what impact Moyles has on FM – London is a packed market anyway on FM, but I’ll bet Key 103 and Capital will watch their next breakfast ratings in Manchester with interest.

I think overall Moyles will be a vast improvement on XFM in like for likes, but the big picture is he won’t be pulling in 7/8 million anymore. Christian O Connell gets 1.5 million on Absolute – Moyles could easily get over 2 million which considering the station would actually be a major success.
bmstinton93 wrote:Ha, they actually played the Manics today!

Really? Wow. What a coincidence.
That's a good sign.

Haven't listened to all of yesterday's show yet, so haven't heard it.

Now we need some QOTSA. :)
ChunkyMunky wrote:
bmstinton93 wrote:Ha, they actually played the Manics today!

Really? Wow. What a coincidence.
That's a good sign.

Haven't listened to all of yesterday's show yet, so haven't heard it.

Now we need some QOTSA. :)

I'm sure I heard them play Go With The Flow the other day :) and maybe No One Knows previously too
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