The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By MK Chris
I enjoyed the Longman phone call too - how on earth do you go from a sandwich shop in Leeds to a personal trainer to the stars?!
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By yummytummy
golden hour is emotional today what am i going to be like next week
By hels78
I've done nothing but cry during the show today, I need to get a grip as next week is still to come! I did get a mention on the last Golden Hour though which was great!
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By yummytummy
hels78 wrote:I've done nothing but cry during the show today, I need to get a grip as next week is still to come! I did get a mention on the last Golden Hour though which was great!

Must be those stupid onion's as been crying as well :(

Well done on mention
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By MK Chris
swaddon1903 wrote:I also enjoyed the Longman call, I wasn't expecting that. Hopefully he and Chris will become pals again.

All sounded very good natured, with a little hint from Longman at the end at how silly to fall out over something you haven't even discussed.
By hels78
yummytummy wrote:
hels78 wrote:I've done nothing but cry during the show today, I need to get a grip as next week is still to come! I did get a mention on the last Golden Hour though which was great!

Must be those stupid onion's as been crying as well :(

Well done on mention

Thanks, it's made my year! Dom's choice has set me off again, I love U2, and if the sneak preview of Elbow is anything to go by then I'll be off again! :(
By DarroM
Was cool to hear from Longman although I started listening when he was long gone from show appearances but knew him from the podcasts and listening to the older shows at work! Anyone know what the whole reason why they fell out in the first place?

Hopefully this chat makes them friends again!
By swaddon1903
DarroM wrote:Was cool to hear from Longman although I started listening when he was long gone from show appearances but knew him from the podcasts and listening to the older shows at work! Anyone know what the whole reason why they fell out in the first place?

Hopefully this chat makes them friends again!

Longman himself explains on this thread:
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By yummytummy
If they play never forget next week I will be a wreck, Well done Fearne for runining it not!!
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By Munki Bhoy
That's it for me. I'm on holiday next week so I'll definitely be getting the last five shows from the Vault when I get back, but no more Chris Moyles show live in the morning for me.

It's weird. I have struggled to wake up in the morning for weeks now. This morning I woke up a couple of minutes before my alarm went off, just in time to turn the radio on and hear Dom finishing up the news. One last cheesy song :-)

The next time I wake up for work is going to be weird. Like one long Moyles holiday period that I've always hated.
By Fathomer
In 1 week it will all be over. In 1 week Nick Grimshaw will be the host of the breakfast show. In 1 week Chris Moyles will be a singer in a musical.

It really is finishing Guys!
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By lynothehammer
Been off this week and meant to listen to every show, really hasn't happened as my little boy has been ill and where i've been up in the night i've just been sleeping in. Looks like i'll be downloading the shows.

I was a bit of a late comer to the Chris Moyles Show, but tuned in when he did the Mount Kilimanjaro Climb. Since then I've just fallen into the trap and really seem to get what his show is all about, I honestly don't believe there'll be another like it either.

I'm a postie and for the last 3 or so years my mornings have always centred around listening to Moyles when I'm out on my delivery, yet as soon as Fearne came on and the handover was complete I'd switch off. It's going to feel odd as it does when he's on holiday not listening to him.

My day off next Friday so will be waking up early to make sure I catch the show from start to finish, I reckon i'll shed a tear too...
By Frogo
To be frank, I think it's about time that Moyles got booted off the air. His show was old and tired and the BBC did the right thing by looking for something new and fresh. I used to listen and it was ok; I'm not sure if it was supposed to be comedy or not because I rarely even managed a smile at anything, I felt like perhaps the show was so old that Moyles had ran out of ideas.

I can't blame him though, if I had to do a radio show 5 days a week for 8 years I would struggle to come up with new material. But I think that's probably why it's time for him to go and make way for something new.

What really made me tune out was the jingles. They were cute for a while but there's something annoying about hearing "Hello! Tuesday! International radio one." every day. And these jingles have been the same for donkeys years. Perhaps if Moyles just updated the jingles once a year then the show would keep it's fresh image.

Goodbye Moyles, your show has been digestible. Let's see what Grimshaw has to offer.
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By slaphead1982
Frogo wrote:To be frank, I think it's about time that Moyles got booted off the air. His show was old and tired and the BBC did the right thing by looking for something new and fresh. I used to listen and it was ok; I'm not sure if it was supposed to be comedy or not because I rarely even managed a smile at anything, I felt like perhaps the show was so old that Moyles had ran out of ideas.

I can't blame him though, if I had to do a radio show 5 days a week for 8 years I would struggle to come up with new material. But I think that's probably why it's time for him to go and make way for something new.

What really made me tune out was the jingles. They were cute for a while but there's something annoying about hearing "Hello! Tuesday! International radio one." every day. And these jingles have been the same for donkeys years. Perhaps if Moyles just updated the jingles once a year then the show would keep it's fresh image.

Goodbye Moyles, your show has been digestible. Let's see what Grimshaw has to offer.

Why have you joined this site? There is no hint in that statement that you are a fan.
By Frogo
slaphead1982 wrote:Why have you joined this site? There is no hint in that statement that you are a fan.

Because I want to write about Chris Moyles and this is a forum about Chris Moyles.
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By Sally A
Give Frogo a chance ;-) A heated debate could be good.

The tweeness of Holly singing International Radio One made me grate a bit, I preferred it when random kids were given the chance. (I don't do twee!).

Other than that I love(d) the whole set up, comfy in format, but unknown in content.
By ChrisBoyles
I'm a 10+ year fan, but I respect the posters opinion. There is room for alternative opinion. There are no rules that state that all opinions must be positive or one must be a die hard rather than a Luke warm 'digestable' fan. Fans here have stated their view of the shows becoming a little stale of late? It's all subjective. All things must end, but let's see what the new chapter entails
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By slaphead1982
I have no problem with people saying what they do and don't like about the show / Chris, But Frogo gave no hint of liking any of it.
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