The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Nicola_Red wrote:
paulgannon01 wrote:Chris just mentioned me by name from my tweet on Radio X :) Denied by Pippa lol. She doesn't want to watch Fast and Furious with me haha.

What time was that, like 7.10am? If I remember I'll clip it up for the Member mentions section of the sound vault.

Between 6:54 and 7:04
Jeez, what a borefest today was. I'm starting to get slightly irritated by this "Nice Chris Moyles thing". Plus the losing weight chat at the start of the show was just boring, I don't know why he thinks this is interesting to anybody.
jeddeth wrote:
neilt0 wrote:
jeddeth wrote:Can anyone tell me who Dave Rogers is? (Sorry I'm not British)

Does he?

see, in American English that doesn't mean anything to me at all. I feel so left out, haha.

You should meet his cousin, Roger Ring
I felt that today's show was great, with the Barack Obama email and conversation with Pat Sharp being highlights. Up to that point I had found the show a bit watered down on the whole, although to be fair I haven't listened to the majority of a show since last Friday.
I think in general the show is still finding it's feet, and so far it has been good. As the weeks go on, then the features will start to get better. (even Masterman is starting to get a little more vocal). I am even enjoying the music (which is something I thought I would never say).

I think the problem that I had was that at the start I was comparing this show to the R1 show, which had been 8 years in the making, so of course things will take a little time. Now I have got over that I can see glimpses of potential that Chris has with this show, and the almost free reign he has.

For the Global bosses however, they must be loving it. It is clear from the vote for you old favourite that a number of the old show's fans have switched over; when that first Rajar comes out they will have all the ammunition they needed to justify the changes and allowing him to do what he wants (within reason).
This week has felt more like the old Chris, there is still occasions when he is treading carefully but the links have had more meat and he is starting to serve his listeners first above all else, which is what has always made him great. I feared last week he was threatening to let this "new Chris" thing water down his performance in an attempt to have a broader appeal.

One more team member is needed for me, maybe somebody completely new to our ears.
Nicola_Red wrote:
rocka23 wrote:One more team member is needed for me, maybe somebody completely new to our ears.

Yeah, this for me too.

Me three.
I'm a tad disappointed that Dom seems to be a bit on the timid side as well. He went way up in my view for his contributions and wit over the past few years of listening to vintage shows and he seems to be less in the mix so far despite there being fewer players and seemingly more opportunity. Time will tell I guess...
After a week and a half I have to say I'm loving the new show! New Dave is starting to settle in a bit and I can only see it getting better with time.

It does seem there is more music compared to the radio one days (I could be mistaken) however it is much more to my taste and features a nice blend of new stuff and classics. I do question having the same artist played twice in one show though as in the case of Florence and the Machine today.
What does surprise me is how Chris, who was known for being technically excellent, seems to be struggling to get used to the new studio, with Dave Masterman having to hold his hand through getting the playout system to do anything complicated. I don't know whether Genesys is less flexible/harder to use than VCS.
northernsteve wrote:What does surprise me is how Chris, who was known for being technically excellent, seems to be struggling to get used to the new studio, with Dave Masterman having to hold his hand through getting the playout system to do anything complicated. I don't know whether Genesys is less flexible/harder to use than VCS.

From looking on the screens it does look a little harder to use than VCS, and also he is probably getting used to finding where everything is!

In what sense do you mean getting the playout system to do something 'complicated' ?

I wish X would up the amount of tracks on its playlist though, am kinda getting sick of hearing wall to wall Florence and Stereophonics, as much as I love them...
The music on the show does seems to vary between "I haven't heard this for ages!" songs and the latest tedious efforts from Florence and the Stereophonics.

I feel as if there's too much music on the show as there is, but I'm probably not part of the audience they care about for that opinion.
He also mentioned Dave in about 5 words with the same line as in The Sun article that Dave is working with the production company, despite at some points 75% of the questions being about him.

I just wish the elephant in the room could be removed somehow.
q wrote:
northernsteve wrote:What does surprise me is how Chris, who was known for being technically excellent, seems to be struggling to get used to the new studio, with Dave Masterman having to hold his hand through getting the playout system to do anything complicated. I don't know whether Genesys is less flexible/harder to use than VCS.

From looking on the screens it does look a little harder to use than VCS, and also he is probably getting used to finding where everything is!

In what sense do you mean getting the playout system to do something 'complicated' ?

I wish X would up the amount of tracks on its playlist though, am kinda getting sick of hearing wall to wall Florence and Stereophonics, as much as I love them...

I think there's a few reasons for this.

1. I think Chris almost purposely messes up - it makes him more human and it's part of that act that makes him stand out.

2. Chris also points out his mistakes - part of his act. So the other day when he did the going out of the jingle bit into a song again as he wasn't happy with it - no one would have noticed if he hadn't pointed it out.

3. Most DJ's shows are so simple, everything is in the log in an order and they just hit next all the time. Chris moves so much around, plays random audio clips, inserts, deletes etc, there's bound to be bits that don't make mistakes.

4. Genesys is horrible and looks like it was designed in Visual Basic in 1996 for a Windows 3.1 machine. (although very slick at networking - which is presumably the reason Global use it)
The Deadly wrote:Not sure if anyone was watching Chris on Periscope a few minutes ago but he revealed that Aled was offered a job but turned it down.

I knew that aaaaaages ago.... 8)
Hah, not surprising though. Most likely a punt, he would be mad to leave the BBC given his epic rise through the ranks, but it would be a massive snub to Moyles' respect for Aled if he didn't offer him a role in the show. I believe he would have taken any of his old show members if they would come - Aled could one day be on a big boss Ben level at the BBC, taking that gamble wouldn't suit his career. It's the equivalent of offering the last biscuit to someone and them saying 'it's ok, you have it'.

If anything Moyles admitting that is a move that compliments Aled in showing his loyalty to the BBC in my opinion.
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