The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By hdsport82
Nicola_Red wrote: I HATE Reverse Words cos it's so cringey, especially making prank calls with it. Does anyone remember Chris ever making prank calls on the old show? Sting Ring I guess, there may have been others I've forgotten. They feel very 'local radio' and time-wasting-cos-we-have-no-better-ideas to me. I also thought they had fallen out of favour since that Australian station/Kate Middleton hospital debacle.

I agree about 'prank calls' they did some with Jon Culshaw when he used to be on but that's a long time ago. It is though a very 'local radio thing' especially considering how they mock Steve Penk's (who Jon C also worked with) awful 'when did you know you were being wound up' calls that's certainly something I like to see ditched.
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By MitchOnAStick
I agree wholeheartedly RE: an extra player on RDJMNPQ (as the cool kids are calling it) and thought about this earlier. Is there any worth to getting the lad whose name totally escapes me but who works in the back and makes clips (Stern fans - their version of JD!), to record Rob asking and giving answers to the quiz and running the desk for 5 minutes whilst Pippa joins in with the game? It stops Chris from having the answers to play through his headphones during breaks, would give the game an extra personality/level of competition, and might actually offer up some extra LOLs from more Rob pronunciations and even the odd fumble from the guy running the desk. There's potential fodder there and would spice things up a little bit.

More than anything, it would stop the quiz feeling like Men Behaving Badly. Radio X, sure, but we don't need the three wacky men to be kept in check by the straight (in comedy terms) girl. Get Pippa involved and then we've got a game on our hands!
By Misfit

what goes through your mind when Chris launches into a rant about management? Being show runner are you nervous that it might reflect on you some way and do you try and reign him in?
By Randomisation20
Theres a lovely bit of Pippa footage on the 2009 show when Pippa is talking to callers congratulating them on supporting the Chris Moyles Show -very funny - she might enjoy re listening to that
Think it was the 30th September 2009
Hello Pip! Just on here to say it was nice meeting you friday night, i really enjoyed myself. I dont really have anything constructive to say about the show other than i really enjoy it, as i know nothing about ins and outs, and workings of a radio station hehe. Im just your average everyday listener. Keep up the good work.

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By yummytummy
Hello Pippa

Nice to see you here. Just a thought with the colouring books , you can't sell them but why don't you auction them off for Make Some Noise. That way people who want them can get them and raise money for charity. Would you ever bring in Big Steve and Table of pain as I think Dave would love it as well as Chris

Nichola xxx
By Trigger
Is this 'Ask Pippa' then or what?

I hope X becomes the centre of the universe so that one day you get good adverts instead of shit ones.

Then we'll call him Mr Greenlight. Good luck Pip... in all respects. And I hope you'll give us some geeky insights along the way. I do hope you all vacate from the honeymoon period and start getting on each other's tits again soon...(sorry but it makes great radio, and leads to classic rants).

Hope you enjoy your time on here :).
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By Peteivy
Hi Pippa

I figured you'd come back here at some point (hopefully).
Just wanted to thank you for calling me an idiot this morning on air (It was me who's car had blown up (not literally) and I forgot to mention my name in my text for the colouring book comp. To be fair, it did give me a good laugh. :)
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By jeddeth
Hi Pippa!

I am enjoying the new show and all of the new features, other than the commercials.

I was wondering if 'Angry Manc' is gone forever? He hasn't made an appearance in a while and this may be my stupid American ignorance but I assumed he went away because he was too racist for morning radio.

Anyway, keep up the good work and Walking Dead recaps.

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By Frothy Bevvy
I think it was more that the joke had run its course and Angry Manc became less relevant considering the Manchester listening figures are better than London.

It should be Angry *, or Hateful Shoreditch Hipster.
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By Nicola_Red
Well, I think we can all agree that was thoroughly embarrassing. Quite the rude awakening - literally, the chat started about a minute after my alarm went off. I'm not sure whether I miss Chris slagging the forum off, or whether I'm disappointed that he doesn't give a crap about our opinions. Maybe a bit of both.
By rocka23
Nicola_Red wrote:Well, I think we can all agree that was thoroughly embarrassing. Quite the rude awakening - literally, the chat started about a minute after my alarm went off. I'm not sure whether I miss Chris slagging the forum off, or whether I'm disappointed that he doesn't give a crap about our opinions. Maybe a bit of both.

Hahaha that was hilarious this morning good to see Chris having a laugh with it. His real issue was with Pippa for coming here seeking feedback and suggestions for the show.

She shouldn't have done that without his consent, or she had it and the whole thing was set up for 20 minutes of material who cares?

How can anybody be disappointed with it after the amount of personal and professional digs at Chris on his own fan site recently?
I was the guy from the clubnight 8-O hehe

I didnt know what to say... Meeting Chris and the team was great. I did apologise for bothering Chris, Dave and Pippa, but i could not resist, not saying hello to them all and asking them for a photo. I dont regret it and the drive up from Cornwall and back again the next day was definately worth it.

Super embarssed though... Looking forward to Danny Devito on the show tommorow, love it when guests are on.

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By Nicola_Red
rocka23 wrote:
How can anybody be disappointed with it after the amount of personal and professional digs at Chris on his own fan site recently?

I don't feel like I've seen a lot of personal digs. Professional though, yeah.

It's before your time here I think, but a group of regulars from this forum were invited to the old studios by Aled to consult with the show producers about their opinions and ideas for the show. So at one time they did value our opinions, even if they were criticism. I don't know how much Chris had to do with that, but I imagine he was at least aware of it.

I do agree with him that a lot of the current dissension is based on a 'it's not the old show' feeling and that's the crucial difference to what people are saying here now vs. what we used to say. But not all posts are just crying for certain features to come back. It's more a certain vibe/atmosphere I think, which can be difficult to pin down in words.

I don't know. For myself, I absolutely don't want to gripe about the show any more. It's starting to feel entirely unproductive (is that a word?) But there have been some really strong, well thought out posts about the direction of the show and they've been buried in a storm of "BRING BACK CELEBRITY TARZAN!"
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By Nicola_Red
JRT-UK-NZ wrote:I was the guy from the clubnight 8-O hehe

I didnt know what to say... Meeting Chris and the team was great. I did apologise for bothering Chris, Dave and Pippa, but i could not resist, not saying hello to them all and asking them for a photo.

That little story very much put me in mind of when I met Comedy Dave. "I'm from!" *stony silence*

Saturday is up