The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By fatboydave73
I am listening this morning; he just played Chumbawamba and followed it with Prodigy.

He has gone up in my estimation.....

To be fair; it sounds a lot better than at the start. He was either under strict instructions at the start (or has chucked 2 fingers up at the bosses) to not use the zoo format, but it is morphing into that style and he seems more comfortable as a result.
After hearing Grimmy's first podcast last year, I unsubscribed and haven't heard one since. His panel show was OK but that is different than radio. The only things with Radio 1 I listen to are the Matt Edmondson and Scott Mills podcasts.
By fatboydave73
RAJARs to end September make "grim" viewing; the breakfast show is now 1.1 million listeners down compared to when he took over. It is the lowest listening figure for the show in 10 years.

The average age of listener for R1 is still 32; not in the demographic they are looking for.......
By fatboydave73
So in some ways they are achieving what they wanted; however that still means they have lost over 300,000 in their target age range.

I suppose the big question is what is the trigger of when they start to look for a new presenter? If it dips below 5m?
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By The Deadly
This could be a good opportunity to get Greg James in to replace Grimshaw. Greg James isn't ground breaking but much better to listen to than Grimshaw.

Bye Nick.
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By Nicola_Red
I dunno. My instinct would be to say they wouldn't ditch Grimmy so soon - but then Mark & Lard only lasted seven months on breakfast. Big Boss Ben is still sticking rigidly to the line that they're happy with him and the change in listenership.
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By Travis Bickle
I agree. I don't think they'll move him on yet, but if that show doesn't improve dramatically in the next 12 months he'll be gone. It needs a massive overhaul. More songs played, Grimshaw getting back to what he used to do before he got the brekafast show, and most importantly of all, shutting up those drones he has in the studio with him.

The biggest mistake Radio 1 made was not sticking to the plan to get rid of the zoo style format. The format itself is fine, but you need the correct personnel for it. Fincham, in particular, is just an annoyance.
By bmstinton93
As much as I hate the show there is something about Grimmy that could be so brilliant. On the occasional time I hear I have found myself laughing at something and I just don't know why but something about him just makes me feel there's potential there.
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By The Deadly
There is no potential there whatsoever for the breakfast show. His late night slot worked because his style suited that time slot and from what I'm told and the little I heard of his late night show it was good. I would like the bosses to give Greg James a chance on the Breakfast Show as his style would really suit it and I think would attract a much larger teen audience than Nick Grimshaw which is the ultimate goal.
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By Yudster
bmstinton93 wrote:As much as I hate the show there is something about Grimmy that could be so brilliant. On the occasional time I hear I have found myself laughing at something and I just don't know why but something about him just makes me feel there's potential there.

Agreed. On the whole it is a dire listen but I just think Grimshaw has something unique to offer. The problem is he is doing a generic radio show, nothing unique about it.

That was the difference with Moyles, he was - is - perfectly capable of going on to a radio station and presenting a show in the way that all radio bosses seem - deludedly - to think is "right". But he was allowed not to do that, so we were treated to something unique. Had he stayed at R1 he would have been required to have slotted into the required format - so I'm glad he didn't.

Is "deludedly" a word?
By fatboydave73
"working from home" today, so listening to the Nixtape at present; this is where Grimmy is at his best; if he was given a show in the 10pm slot just doing this I would tune in each and every time (although I am not the target audience, so Ben Cooper won't give a monkey's).

I think they should give him some more time, but take the brakes off and let him make it "his" show, in the way they let Chris; rebadge it the Nick Grimshaw show, give him free reign to break it away from a generic show format. If it still fails then move Greg James in to have a go.

If the figures were to dip into the 4 million bracket he would have to do something
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By chrysostom
I don't think they'll ever do that again. In a way (to his core audience) Chris became bigger than the radio show - when he was away they still called it the Chris Moyles Show, and they lost the huge power of the brand when Chris left, as well as all the Twitter users.

It will forevermore be 'The Radio 1 Breakfast show with...'

Yudster wrote:Is "deludedly" a word?

Apparently it's 'deludingly' (?)
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By Badger Mark
Nicola_Red wrote:Here's the BBC article about the slump in figures:

'Slump' is a great word. Only ever used when referring to audiences or ill people.

This really stuck out for me:

Radio 1 controller Ben Cooper said: "After the biggest set of changes to Radio 1 for a generation, we're really happy that the breakfast show sounds fresher, younger and more vibrant than ever and as a result 833,000 of the show's 'over-30s' listeners have moved on to other stations."

I'm guessing that because of the BBC trust stipulations about listener demographics this is something he should be happy about, but I think that if any radio station manager here in the US would have said that they were happy that they lost 833,000 listeners he/she would have fired on the spot.
By JayE
Perhaps they'll replace him next year when he turns 30. He'll be irrelevant to the audience then and if his figures are worse by then there shouldn't be any reason for them not to.
By stuartdgray
I'd like to see them give Alice Levine a go on Breakfast. Her show with Phil Taggart at night is really good and when she covered for Greg recently she seemed really at home.
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By MadTheEddos
Sk8er Boi damnit, Sk8er Boi!

Anyways, I think Dev should be the next presenter on the Breakfast Show. He's done a great job on Early Breakfast and he's probably the most underrated DJ on Radio 1.
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By Yudster
Dev was terrible, just terrible for the first few weeks he was on earlies. I completely agree now though that he's matured into a very good radio presenter, I like him a lot. That early breakfast slot seems to be the making or breaking of a few presenters - I wonder if the reason Grimmy still seems to have not quite got the hang of it is because he never did that "apprenticeship".
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By Topher
I think he was terrible for more than a few weeks, but I also agree he's very good now.
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By Yudster
I think he graduated last year.

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]