The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Really gutted to hear this, but its been on the cards for some time. It's great that they resisted the outside pressure and let the show run the length it did.

Quite simply Chris Moyles is the best Radio broadcaster that has graced the airwaves ever, bar none!! Well done to him and the team for a truely wonderful show.

Wherever Chris goes, so shall I.
Ye Gods! 8O

Wheres the Blame Rhys Picture?

I just hope he goes to Radio 2 because otherwise wherever he goes i won't be able to listen as i can't get any of the big 'national' commercial stations over here.

I hope they put in the effort & the last few months are stoaters, because frankly the past few months - loaded as they have been with f**ken Hackney, the poxy Olympics & the torch ballix & of course, that ponce Rhys & his * shite music rules - have shown a marked decline.

At least, i can wash my hands of Radio 1 now & leave it to fester with its urban shite & Cowellised f*ckwittery.
Bad Times.

The important thing we need to find out is whether Chris will be starting a new radio show anywhere else, and if Dave will be with him. It'd be nice to have the whole team, but only Dom, Dave and Chris are freelance.

I hope he's not leaving radio to just do TV.

Given the tirade he launched against R2 last week, he's not going there.
Last edited by neilt0 on Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
Erm... Whats going on here....? (not listening to todays show - yet).

EDIT; just read page 1 of thread (dunno why opened 2 first anyway...). What the fecky feck?!!!!!

Last edited by dimtimjim on Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Moyles=Legend wrote:Please not Sara Cox or Scott Mills. Anyone but them...

It's possible that Scott could fill in for a few months till the permanent replacement takes over.It's almost certain that one of the younger DJs will take over permanentl though.Greg is clearly the favourite,esp givenn the cross promotional stuff he did last week!
Last edited by chrisjames on Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
neilt0 wrote:Bad Times.

The important thing we need to find out is whether Chris will be starting a new radio show anywhere else, and if Dave will be with him. It'd be nice to have the whole team, but only Dom, Dave and Chris are freelance.

I hope he's not leaving radio to just do TV.

Given the tirade he launched against R2 last week, he's not going there.

He should pull out all the stops to get Aled to go freelance, offer the wee man anything he wants, because i reckon he's the biggest part of the show after Chris.
Wowzers, never seen so many people online on this website...

How are we all meant to focus on work for the rest of the day now?!!

Knew it'd happen eventually, but still. End of an era...
Last edited by dimtimjim on Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Is it just me, or does anyone else REALLY fancy jeffing work off for the day and going and getting completely wasted in a pub to try to mask the pain...?
Genuinely gutted. Grew up listneing to Moyles. I'm 27 now...and I don't really remember when he wasn't on R1 in some shape or form.

These new rules that were brought in about more music (and shite music at that) have not helped the show at all. I used to love the freedom the show had to ignore the music and just talk nonsense for 30 minutes. I remember a feature they had on the afternoon show where they wanted to get any celebs who were listening to call in. Cue loads of normal folk calling in pretending to be Robbie Williams, Noel Gallagher etc. The funniest bit was when some bloke from Liverpool rang up saying he was God...Chris promptly hung up saying there was no way that God was a scouser. Strill makes me chuckle today....some 10 years later.

Very sad that he is leaving.
It's at times like this that we should all give thanks to the archive, and the wealth of full shows and clips that will allow us all to carry on hearing the breakfast show for a long time to come if we so choose.
Still at least the station will improve with more "Braaaap braaaap" nonsense and we can hear about Grimmy's night out with Peaches bloody Geldof.

You always think when you're in your late teens/early 20s that you won't grow out of Radio 1 - but at 27...come September I will have.

Policies is shite.
Munki Bhoy wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:Is it just me, or does anyone else REALLY fancy jeffing work off for the day and going and getting completely wasted in a pub to try to mask the pain...?

Not just you.

Mm, me too. Gulping down coffee but I could definitely do with something stronger!
Funnily enough, since they're supposed to be aiming for 17-29 year olds, they'll be pleased to know that they most likely won't have this 30 year old listening any more.

I'm assuming that's the point of that policy anyway.
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