The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
I have a few suggestions - First is bring back celebrity two word tango! I always thought that was great radio!

2nd- expand the love hate track feature, maybe get guests & other djs and involved and open it up to listeners in a celebrity raspberry kind of way? i.e play a song that some loves and a song that someone hates and listeners have to guess who it is? Might be difficult at first, but I think people would be intrigued to find out the results, particularly if they were involved with the world of music.

3rd- Have Listeners call with secrets they have and want to confess (they tell the secret to you off air) Then have dave call the other person and confess the secret for them (got to be a feature with dave giving away secrets in there somewhere)

4th- Have a team mr & mrs style quiz, so Day 1, Chris goes and has questions asked about him and the team have to answer, cld be different questions each day and the person the quiz is on could choose the questions. whoever has the most points at the end of the week wins.

5th Soap Characters - Dead or alive
Two Word Tango is always a great feature - if it can be tweaked to involve custard pies in Matt's face it would be perfect.
Celebrity Two Word Tango has to be brought back. It was always a highlight of any show it featured on. But how about changing the format so you play it with an actual celebrity guest? So each celebrity guest you get in has to play with the team? That could be interesting.

Or how about some music festival tie-ins this summer. I know that there are other DJs on Radio 1 that cover the major festivals but if Chris and the team maybe travel to the festival it could create a real buzz among festivalgoers and listeners alike. The outdoor broadcasts are always great shows. I know there was the attempt to go to Glastonbury that wasn't allowed (and I'm sure there will be many news from the Folkface appearance) but there are many other UK festivals that the BBC cover such as T in the Park, Reading and Leeds and Rock Ness. This would also ensure interesting and different guests through the festival lineup and possibly secure some acts that would not have time to visit the studios in London (for example Beyonce playing T in the Park, The Streets at Reading and Leeds). Leeds Festival would be a particularly good tie-in what with Chris' roots (but I am rooting for T in the Park as I am a regular goer with my 2011 ticket already booked).
Don't forget the custard pies in Matt's face.
I have a few thoughts.

1: Versus. Each week 2 of the team go head to head together, In a physical, mental challenge, special interest activity then a team decided activity. The winner of each week goes a head to a final week. So for example. Dave v Chris they do the phyiscal and mental challenges, then when it comes to the special interest day. Chris and Dave go head to head on a gaming console playing a game like FIFA. When it comes to the final week of the challenge 3 team members go head to head for the ultimate prize of being the best on the show. The the three losers come up with the activities for the final week.

2: Tour: As there won't be a Big Weekend next year but the Hackney Weekend in June 2012. Scotland and Northern Ireland will be missing out on seeing the team or meeting the team until maybe 2013. So it would be good to have the team go out and meet the audience again. So we don't feel and this is such a presonal thing too, that things don't become London or England centric for a lengthy period. Reaching out to the regions.

3: Forces Tour: This is one i thought long and hard about. Chris mentioned that he would love to go out to meet the guys and girls out in Afghanistan but you all have a fear of flying. So you could do your bit from the UK. Going out and meeting the servicemen and women here in the UK. So you could do it in conjunction with the fine people at BFBS. Have a goodwill tour of some of the RAF, Navy and Army bases in the UK. Doing the show from one of the bases each day then at night in one of the messes do a karaoke night for the guys and girls there. Plus you could raise money too for Help for Heroes charity by collecting money at each event or the listening audience could donate money too. Then at the end of the week you could go to Healdey Court Military Hospital to meet the injured servicemen and women who have returned from Afghanistan. While you are there you could present the a cheque of all the money that has been raised to them to help with their rehabilitation. Trust me the guys and girls would appreciate it.

Thats the three thoughts i have had atm. I could come up with more.
hah, amazing that the show do basically all their OBs quite far away from london, and them doing a station wide event at hackney draws the comment

dreamer1978 wrote: So we don't feel and this is such a presonal thing too, that things don't become London or England centric for a lengthy period. Reaching out to the regions.

chrysostom wrote:hah, amazing that the show do basically all their OBs quite far away from london, and them doing a station wide event at hackney draws the comment

dreamer1978 wrote: So we don't feel and this is such a presonal thing too, that things don't become London or England centric for a lengthy period. Reaching out to the regions.


I knew that would draw a comment or 2. I know they do but its just a quick in and out in most places. Like i mentioned to Aled in the Ask Aled section. Bangor got a week for the Big weekend Carlisle got a week too. When it comes to Northern Ireland or Scotland its maybe 2 days flying visits not for an extended period of time. If you get what i am meaning.
UK Accent Old Mystery Song Tombola.

A UK accent is drawn from a tombola ball , okay then , a box. Then the name of a team member is drawn, any team member as long as its Dave. Dave...i mean the random team member then draws a year, & pre 1995 too would be nice, & has to sing a song from that year in the picked accent - without mentioning the title if it appears in the lyrics - & the other members have to guess the song, year & accent.
The winner gets to do it next time or can choose to pass the challenge to Dave.

Basically its to get Dave to sing old songs in a funny voice.

I think this is a goddamn good idea!
I really liked the idea you had about broadcasting the show live from a perspex box travelling around the uk. There's something cool about the idea that you could be listening to radio 1 live and then you see the van go past with them all broadcasting from.
chrysostom wrote:Chris Moyles Show Sports Day

Each member of the show competes against a team of competition winners in various sports, could even be a station wide event...or up against 1 Extra.

Dodgy Olympic tie in?

This is my favourite so far. I was thinking when they did the Sports Day at the Country House that it would be really good if scaled up. It reminded me of an old thing that They Think it's All Over did (years and years ago) where they did a Sports Day with a big audience and made a day of it. Watching the one at the Country House was fun on the red button but was quite anti-climax because there was no atmosphere; it would probably be really fun with Radio 1 personalities and it was made a bigger deal.

chrysostom wrote:The Dave Vitty School of Features.

Rule One : Name > Feature.
con dom (people try to hoodwink dom)

Made me laugh out loud.
jsnsmith wrote:How about a Simon bates our tune style revalation about something someone should never of done to there partner.

Apologies, but that sounds awful. Cheesy local radio style, and not even in a funny way. People will be suggesting prank phonecalls next!

(I hasten to add I haven't yet come up with any good ideas, so I'm basically just sat here criticising Statler and Waldorf-style at the moment.)
Prank phone calls are a definite no - unless I can come up with a way of incorporating custard pies in Matt's face that is.
Challenge Matt: Send Matt out to do the most disgusting challenges or jobs that are around. Anything that involves him getting dirty and makes him uncomfortable.
jsnsmith wrote:Aled and Tina's summer swim wear selection. Tips on how to look good this summer.
There's got to be something comical in that.

you'd think, but no.

good to see effort went into it though.

"how about, something with bananas. they're funny right?".

sounds like mills.
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