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Which do you wake up to?

Radio 1 (Nick Grimshaw)
Radio 2 (Chris Evans)
6 Music (Shaun Keaveney)
Other BBC national
BBC local
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Commercial local
No radio at all
chrysostom wrote:Right, over the last 2 weeks I've so far tried:

Radio 1 - Music is sometimes too aggressive for waking up. Grimmy is relatively inoffensive but not a great listen
Radio 2 - Chris Evans is tedious and waking up to 'the Candyman' song makes me want to vomit
Radio 4 - No music at all, so difficult to actually wake up. Too early for intense debate
Radio 5 - No music, quite boring
Capital - The music is ok, adverts are very annoying, AWFUL jingles, Dave Berry is a twat (today's story was how he saw an older woman getting changed in public view and had to scream 'argh my eyes'. That was trailed from 8am and told at 8.15. Was nice hearing Dom deliver the news though.

Does anyone have any other recommendations?

Interestingly I wake up at 8.15am and Chris Evans is quite easy to tolerate, when the iPlayer Radio app came out for Android the other week I set up Radio 2 as the alarm and I'm yet to be annoyed enough to turn it off.

Maybe i'm just getting older. :(
chrysostom wrote:Right, over the last 2 weeks I've so far tried:

Radio 1 - Music is sometimes too aggressive for waking up. Grimmy is relatively inoffensive but not a great listen
Radio 2 - Chris Evans is tedious and waking up to 'the Candyman' song makes me want to vomit
Radio 4 - No music at all, so difficult to actually wake up. Too early for intense debate
Radio 5 - No music, quite boring
Capital - The music is ok, adverts are very annoying, AWFUL jingles, Dave Berry is a twat (today's story was how he saw an older woman getting changed in public view and had to scream 'argh my eyes'. That was trailed from 8am and told at 8.15. Was nice hearing Dom deliver the news though.

Does anyone have any other recommendations?

Xfm with Jon Holmes, I listen to it every morning and I think it's hilarious. Worth a try at least.
Jack FM Bristol for me now, love the gone in 60 seconds quiz at 8.08am, they also nick some ideas from the BBC, not just CMS, but also R4 with the Guess the Intro with the swanee whistle and kazoo.

Just wish they'd interact with the audience a bit more.

PS. Am already £500 up on a random match Bristol Street with Bingo Card :D ; strange, as the kudos with getting my name read out on Rob DJ's quiz on a few occasions seems worth so much more.

PPS. Mcfly and Stargirl seems to have reached their playlist at long last!!! Shame a Wednesday afternoon airing of said tune made me lose concept of time, and I thought it was Friday morning.
I just find tv too distracting in the mornings. I stop what I'm doing to watch it and make myself late.
Still listening to 6 Music although it's Chris Hawkins now instead of Keavney as I'm up earlier that I was earlier in the year.

Still miss Moyles though even after all these months, a big hole still hasn't been filled (ooh er missus ;-))
I generally listen to Iain Lee on Three Counties, which makes me feel a bit old, but Iain Lee does a lot of taking the piss out of people without them even noticing - and I like him from his 11 O'Clock Show days.
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By Boboff

I have gone back to Radio one, and I am enjoying it, Grimmy is okay, and Cox is as ever wonderful.

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By Yudster
I only hear the first half hour of Grimmy - but then I often only used to hear the first half hour of Moyles. Its very different and nowhere near as good, but honestly, its perfectly adequate to shower and get dressed to. I think Grimmy is working extremely hard to develop a recognisable feel for his breakfast show and good luck to him.
By JayE
I think Grimmy's show sounds great when you turn the volume on your radio down, it sounds brilliant.!
I've tried Grimmy a few times, probably about once a month, try to give him a fair shot. Still can't put up with it for more than about 20 minutes (sorry Grimmy! Breakfast just doesn't suit your style IMO...)

Every other day, I've been listening to BFBS. Decent mix of music, the chat doesn't make you want to kill yourself, and no "real" adverts (just a bit of advice on cleaning your boots and not plugging USB sticks into MOD computers).

Usually listen via Sky or DAB, though if I'm about in town in the car on FM (though I do live in a squaddie town!)
Its amazing how tolerable Scott Mills seem when you haven't got anyone exceptional to compare him to.
I can't stand Scott Mills, although he is more tolerable when replacing Grimmy than he was replacing Moyles. I only listen for 20 minutes or so, as soon as I'm in the car I listen to Chris Evans.
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