The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By mccarthy
can sum 1 please tell me wat all these things mean<br><br>1: the stars that r next 2 this and how * i only got 1?<br>2: wats a newie?<br>3: y do girls open there mouths wen they put mascara on?<br><br>thanx 4 ur help <br>
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By Lawrie
the stars go up due to the amount of posts you put on the board and the "name" also is a part of that<br><br>as for the make idea..although nail varnish..ask me later
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By Lawrie
oh my god i do that! so its not me? phew !<br><br><br>also the big question....groups of girls go into toilets together...why?
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By Uglybob
why do they put lemon and lime in opal fruits when everyone hates them (i know theyre called starburst but i think its a crap name)
By mccarthy
has ne 1 else noticed that wen ur mum looks for a number on the door for sum strange reason she turns the radio in the car down as if it helps her eye sight it confuses me no end
By Guest
why is byker grove so shi*t nowadays, i saw it today. The theme tune has had at least five remakes and is getting progressively worse, the actors are arse, the bloke who replaced geoff is comparatively rubbish, and the storyline included a fat kid dropping his mobile phone in a pond. really.
By Guest
my parents insist they are just trying to concentrate and hence need to turn the radio down as it distracts them. particularly annoying when moyles is in the middle of a link, and when they eventually urn it back up you hear the radio one jingle signaling the end of the link, and so solid cru record start :(
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By Lawrie
byker grove i remeber the old days with pj and duncun and all the others<br><br>that girl..with the blonde hair is quite cute..hangs around with that ginger haired one<br><br>
By Ionic_Storm
We take this kid home from school, and my sister insits on turning the radio down when he gets out, in the hope that he might say 'thank you' or something... it's never happened yet  :)
hmmm...i take my friend to school, but i don't turn the radio down. i can never hear the radio in a morning anyway so i don't know why i bother turning it on because my dad just talks over everything.
By Ionic_Storm
Weird? Hmm... he maybe reading this.. guess what happened.<br><br>Car pulls over (yes it looks like we chuck him out!) sis turns radio down, he says "thank you"<br><br>I suddenly woke up.. yes....
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By Sanjay
yeah i'm still waiting for my mate to say thank you.  You would have thought it was common courtesy eh?<br><br>Countless "journeys" we take him on - pick him up, drop him back - and gets out and mumbles:<br><br>"see ya"<br><br>No acknowledgement of the deed.<br><br>In the words of the dr - "PAH - some people" :)
By Guest
My mom and her friend take it in turns to take a various collection of offspring to school, and we always remember to say thankyou! :P :)
By Guest
hey there folks!  i just joined this forum and i have no clue as to what to do!  umm, i'm just some silly american who has a massive crush on will... go figure (i have no taste). so yeah. anyhow. ciao-ee.<br><br>kendra k.
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