The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
fish heads wrote:
Yudster wrote:Yes I know - all I am saying is that given that, listening figures are inevitably going to be low and stay low. The number of people prepared to invest in DAB or start fiddling with other devices when they have the option of just listening to something else without doing that is extremely limited. I have kind of lost track of what the original question here was, but if it was along the lines of "why are the listening figures so low and how can Chris improve them", well, that's the answer. He can't.

Well I sort of agree and said so much in my original post. I don't think you can convince people to switch to DAB through one show alone and my point was I wish they'd stop going on about it on the show. People are gradually drifting to DAB over time and Moyles won't change that.

However I disagree he can't increase the figures. Absolute Radio and Christian O Connell are absolutely smashing Radio X and they have very limited FM presence. The difference is they have a structured show and - like his content or not - built up a loyal following over the years by giving people a reason to tune in. Something Moyles doesn't currently have

Isn't Absolute on MW though? Do they not have 1215? Plus they are live on Absolute 80s, 90s and Classic Rock plus whatever else they have in their portfolio.
John Hellier wrote:Will these best of shows be added to the downloads in this site?

At some point yes. They will be drip fed onto here but they are coming.
Off topic slightly, but am I right in assuming that the "abbey" Chris keeps mentioning on the show is his girlfriend?
I only manage to listen to half an hour of the show every morning, so I miss loads these days.

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neilt0 wrote:Abi, no. But he does often mention "my friend, Megan" who I guess is a candidate.

But, he also talks about his lady-agent as a friend, so I get confused.

I always wonder why there's a lack of mentioning of a girlfriend/partner now-a-days (or since the split with Sophie).

Either he's learn't to keep his private life well away from public eye or I think sometimes Chris is bi-sexual/gay and refuses to come out for whatever reason. We know he's quite close to Stephanie Hirst and supported her through the changes.
Tunster wrote:Either he's learn't to keep his private life well away from public eye

Yes, this seems like a logical explanation from a sensible well-rounded person.
Tunster wrote:I think sometimes Chris is bi-sexual/gay and refuses to come out for whatever reason. We know he's quite close to Stephanie Hirst and supported her through the changes.

Oh, wait. Never mind.
neilt0 wrote:Abi, no. But he does often mention "my friend, Megan" who I guess is a candidate.

But, he also talks about his lady-agent as a friend, so I get confused.

Megan is doubtful. He's done a few live streams with her on Facebook and he's definitely mentioned on the show that she's his manager or something.

I honestly have a feeling Chris' girlfriend is from America and that's one of the reasons why he goes out there so much and he just doesn't talk about her.
JayE wrote:
PaulF wrote:They talked about when Comedy Dave was dressed as a jockey. I'm sure he has been mentioned on X once or twice but they have seemed to try and move on from the Radio 1 days

Yep. That's definitely why.

Really? I think there's far too much mention of the "old place" and stuff they did there. For me the longer they do that, the new show won't be able to grow into one of its own right,
PaulF wrote:They talked about when Comedy Dave was dressed as a jockey. I'm sure he has been mentioned on X once or twice but they have seemed to try and move on from the Radio 1 days

Oh and Dave was mentioned on the very first show by Noel Gallagher a few times.
Misfit wrote:
JayE wrote:
PaulF wrote:They talked about when Comedy Dave was dressed as a jockey. I'm sure he has been mentioned on X once or twice but they have seemed to try and move on from the Radio 1 days

Yep. That's definitely why.

Really? I think there's far too much mention of the "old place" and stuff they did there. For me the longer they do that, the new show won't be able to grow into one of its own right,

No, I was being sarcastic. There's no way Dave isn't mentioned because they're trying to "Move on".
It's something else entirely.
Tunster wrote:I think sometimes Chris is bi-sexual/gay and refuses to come out for whatever reason. We know he's quite close to Stephanie Hirst and supported her through the changes.

Supporting a trans friend has nothing whatsoever to do with your own sexuality. It's called being a good mate. And even if he were to have a relationship with Stephanie (if that's what you're implying) that still wouldn't make him bi or gay. She's a woman. C'mon now, let's be a bit more enlightened than this reductive reasoning suggests.
Not that it matters, but I honestly feel like if Chris was gay, which I don't think he is, he would be open about it. Come on, Aled used to be one of his closest friends. I don't think Chris would feel the need to hide such a thing from everyone or try to "cover it up" in any way...
I've been here a fair few years and now but...."We" (As fans) are going on about his sexuality? Come on now. We are all better than this.
here we go.

The other time I get short shrift is when I ask him about his current love situation. He has a girlfriend, he confirms, but she doesn’t live with him (she doesn’t live in London) and she isn’t “in the business”. So it’s not actor Aiobhinn McGinnity then, as the tabloids seemed to think. He seems happy enough with his domestic set-up and doesn’t really want it to get more serious or traditional. He went on record ages ago saying that he’d rather have an iPod than a child; today, he says, “maybe an iPhone 7”. ... -interview

Can we go back to talking about radio now please
slaphead1982 wrote:
John Hellier wrote:Will these best of shows be added to the downloads in this site?

At some point yes. They will be drip fed onto here but they are coming.

That's great I usually rely on the Chris Moyles net Versions but it has allowed me to go out and continue listening in order to the old show - now in 2009 just before the Chris Moyles on tour week lol
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