The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
For me the issue at the moment is there's far too much time devoted to competitions I understand however this is part of commercial radio. I just find them tedious (especially last week where they featured Vernon) so I've been listening up until the competitions then switching off for the rest of the show.
ritchie wrote:too much * stone roses! could they be any more overrated?

seriously - sort your * music policy out, the dad rock is getting cringe worthy!

I don't think a station devoted to Indie Rock like RadioX is right for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ritchie wrote:too much * stone roses! could they be any more overrated?

seriously - sort your * music policy out, the dad rock is getting cringe worthy!


At least Absolute throws in The La's every now and again. I heard Mr and Mrs Smith by Phonics the other day, which is a belter, but oh no it's got to be watered down for radio hasn't it.

Does X even know what it wants to be? This is piss-poor bastardised mix up and very select memory of the good old days is shite and feels like it's been chosen by one man.

Shiny happy world of commercial radio meets gritty world of rock. Doesn't work, I want DJs who can be controversial. But sadly for Moyles, I fear he's going down the same road as Mr Woss when he went off to squeaky clean ITV.
Last edited by Trigger on Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
G-Sizzle wrote:
ritchie wrote:too much * stone roses! could they be any more overrated?

seriously - sort your * music policy out, the dad rock is getting cringe worthy!

I don't think a station devoted to Indie Rock like RadioX is right for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But Radio X isn't devoted to Indi Rock!!! If it was - that would be fine, its devoted to a VERY narrow selection of dad rock 'classics'.

I listen for Moyles in the morning, thats about it - I switch over when most the music comes on.
JayE wrote:
Trigger wrote: I want DJs who can be controversial. But sadly for Moyles, I fear he's going down the same road as Mr Woss when he went off to squeaky clean ITV.

Someone finally * said it.

Really? I don't think being on Radio X has dampened Chris' style. It's much more tame, but it's just him growing up a little bit. Whether we'll get the huge rants or the more edgy radio moments, we'll see. Since the latest RAJARs, it's clear Chris has got his way with less music and the show is becoming looser. Dave Masterman is really buying into Chris' style and responds like Aled might do back on R1.

The Dom pranks on the Deadpool competition have been top class this week. However, the Stone Roses competition (all week!?) has been a drag. Especially when we're guaranteed to hear them twice in the show.

Global missed a trick to make a R1/R2/R6 cross-over station to fill in the blank that the old R1 listeners have gone AWOL. A format like Virgin Radio would of worked really well and not trampled on Capital/Heart territory.
Yeah, really. The "play nice" crap is boring. He was great on R1 because he said what he thought and didn't care if you hated him for it, nowadays whenever he says anything even mildly rude he has to justify the fact that it's "just a joke".

I get that he's matured a bit during his time off but that unfortunately doesn't engage me much anymore like he used to.

That being said, I still listen to the majority of the show each day and enjoy most of what I hear.
JayE wrote:Yeah, really. The "play nice" crap is boring. He was great on R1 because he said what he thought and didn't care if you hated him for it, nowadays whenever he says anything even mildly rude he has to justify the fact that it's "just a joke".

I get that he's matured a bit during his time off but that unfortunately doesn't engage me much anymore like he used to.

That being said, I still listen to the majority of the show each day and enjoy most of what I hear.

I think that's more Global keeping Chris back and ensuring he keeps to their Radio X remit. Is there a controversial radio DJ anywhere on the Global network? No. They don't want the personality to be bigger than the radio station brand. I honestly don't think Chris will be at Radio X more than 2/3 years; especially if his ratings don't go super high.
I've never heard of him but it was good, is the Rinder/Grinder thing "the joke" or just by chance?

Dave's slip up when saying '33' in French earlier was funny and he a bit like something Comedy Dave might have done

In fact, nuDave is a bit similar to oldDave but obviously more professional because of his role
Think Pippa is back on Tuesday and Dave/Dom are on all week with just put anotyer record on Vernon. They will be doing the podcast with Vernon this week, good luck with finding material for that. Off to samfm for the week for a holiday
Misfit wrote:so how have people found the show this week?

For the times I listened in, it was primarily Vernon Kay copying the last part of the sentence word for word of the person he was talking to. Then talk about something that's worthless.

Glad Chris is back.
When I turned Radio X on this morning and heard the same old adverts, I was just filled with a sense of mind-numbing boredom. I thought they might at least have a few new ones! (Yeah, I do realise that's not really in their control.) For a weird minute, I considered going back to Radio 1. It's a dark day for me when I would voluntarily not listen to Chris. I enjoyed the show when I got into it, especially the Star Trek interview, but...I dunno. I'm wondering whether downloading the edited shows and listening on a day's delay might be the future for me, but my commute isn't long enough to get through a whole show, so I would gradually fall further and further behind. Ack.
I struggle to catch the show now, I'm either at work in which case we have our station on or I'm asleep in bed after working nights so I listen on catch up. I don't know if it's because I listen to a lot of stuff on catch up, but this show just doesn't feel as though I'm as involved anymore.
It's horrible. Mr Red has said the same, and whilst he wasn't a mega-fan of the old R1 show like me, he was a regular listener. I don't know. It's so weird to...not love it.
It pains me to say - I agree with what's just been said.

It's weird - because when I listen, I really enjoy it, and think it's a good show. But, I find it difficult to sometimes remember to even listen. And I can't put my finger on it. I think it's more me.

I listen to less radio full stop these days. I think social media has actually pulled my attention away. Radio is often on as background listening - but I don't connect with it nearly the same as I did 10 years ago.

I actually think the Facebook videos from show show stop me from listening. I keep up to date on what's going on without the need to listen to the whole show. Strangely they are having the exact opposite effect from what they are designed to do.

It no longer feels like an event. I couldn't miss a Radio 1 show for fear that I'd miss something - and my friends would hear something that I wouldn't. These days I don't know anyone who listens to Radio X. (I barely know anyone who listens to the radio).

A very small part of me wishes Chris hadn't come back. My memory would have been a happy memory of when I was younger than I am today - but instead it all just feels a little... sad...

Which is strange, because like I said, it IS a GOOD show.
Evs wrote:Anyone reckon we could get Masterman or Pippa to take over the "Ask Aled" section? Would be good to get some behind the scenes of the Radio X show.

I thought about this recently. Aled was so *on* the social side of what the fans were thinking and feeling about the show, especially on here. Does anyone think Pippa and Dave even bother with this site? I'd quite happily put a cheeky 50p wager on Masterman being oblivious to our existence. It's not the kinda place I imagine he's ever had to deal with, per his previous shows. That's a shame because Aled had it nailed, but this new show feels like it's wrapped itself in a bit of a bubble.

Having read the last few posts, I had to laugh when listening to the podcast and hearing Chris say that he's doing the best radio he's ever done. I'm sure he means it, too. Without being namedroppy, I spoke to someone on the show recently (strictly professional!) and they reiterated how freeing they find Radio X compared to the BBC. In Chris' mind, I have no doubt that he is probably very happy to no longer have to walk through minefields just to get a show on the air. When Howard Stern left terrestrial radio to move to satellite radio where he could swear and be free of FCC (US equiv. of OFCOM) regulation, he felt he was doing the best radio of his life too. And for a little while, the shows were pretty great. So as a broadcaster, it must be so liberating to have your professional and social ducks in a row and feel like you're in a calm, happy and sensible place.

And yet for me as a listener, the best radio comes from everything they are so happy to have escaped. I love conflict radio. Almost all of my favourite moments of the old show came from the collective exasperation at what they were facing from upper management. One of Chris' greatest strengths (and the main staple of Stern's success too) was creating the feeling of us vs. them! Chris was on Radio 1 in spite of Radio 1 and gave us the show we wanted because he was fighting for it, not because they (the BBC) wanted us to have it. Lord knows how many years we all spent knowing that someone at the BBC wanted to replace him with a younger talent. But that in itself was kinda exhilarating. Remember when Danny Baker went mental about Radio London live on air and everyone raved about how great it was? Because it was great, but it was also Danny rallying against the nameless suits who don't care about us as individual listeners. He was ranting on our behalf and we ate it up. Same for Chris. So many people hated him and wanted him to fail, but we never did. We always stuck with the team because it felt like the team always stuck with us. Go back and listen to the Sound Vault and pick almost any feature or funny bit from '06-'12: it's a great platform to hear so many different battles going on behind the scenes. I'm sure it gave Chris nightmares at times, but for the listener (read: me) it was a reason to get out of bed and listen. I just couldn't spend my day without it.

Today? I mean, it's not a bad show. It's funny, Dave and Pippa are perfect foils and I will never begrudge Dom getting a more prominent role. It may have its faults - Dave is too intimidated of Chris in a way that Aled and Rachel never afforded him; it can only be listened to in the edited non-commercial/music version; and I'd love some of the backroom staff to get more time on air because more voices are desperately needed - but it's still the best show out there right now. But there is very little conflict and I hate to say this at the risk of seeming ungrateful or even resentful of the team, at times it does just feel like four people doing a radio show. And I can hear people doing a radio show anywhere at this point. There's no urgency or feeling that this show is being done out of necessity. It's almost, and it kills me to say this, milquetoast at times. And whilst another voice certainly might help, it's not going to do much more than paper over the cracks. Occasionally, the old Chris will come to the surface and you can begin to see little issues forming with Chris vs. Radio X or Global and I get excited that the show is finally going to burst out of its bubble. But then everything is fairy liquid again and I sink back into my seat, defeated.

Now having said all that, my favourite show of the week of any show at all is the podcast intro! For some reason that I still can't work out, the podcast intro feels like a completely different team doing a completely different show. I don't know if it's because it's looser, less structured and more like four people forced into a room and told to fill 15 minutes worth of tape, or because it's just better in and of itself, but I could happily live with the "best bits" being removed and just listening to a full hour of a podcast intro. It's funny, it's whimsical and it's * entertaining. THAT'S the Chris Moyles Show that I grew to love and it shows ultimately that the talent is still there. So in all the negativity, I can only praise the podcast intros and hope that they become more of a thing. I get the point of them: advertise the live shows, give Global some cool podcast numbers to report in their financial meetings, etc. But scrap the clips and give us more original content because it's the best damn thing going right now.
Yeah I just worry that we're gonna call him Chris Mullorn soon. It's like Stephen Mullorn is already presenting the show. Just think, any of your favourite celebs - living or dead, Stephen Mullorn would appear in their place and imitate them, that's the future! Hi I'm Stephen Mullorn and today we're gonna do lets get ready to ramble weeeeeeee!!

Lord save us.
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Friday is up, and platinum:[…]