The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By sigimck
He made a right arse out of dave and the rest<br>of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Steph
I thought it was brilliant but I thought they could of used Dave more as it seemed a bit of a waste of time him doing it.
By Lara
ARGH!!!! My walkman broke and my bus was late sooo i missed the first part of the show (i listened from about 5:20 pm) so what happened......what did paul mackenna do to comedy dave? i heard them all talk about how they were gonna test him at the pub or summit like that....please someone tell me!
By sigimck
McKenna put him into a trance so that when a<br>anyone who said TOMORROW dave burst out and said I LOVE STEPS
By Alice
I use to fancy Paul Mckenna, thats a bit wierd isn't it?
By Lara
he probabaly hypnotised u into fancying him...well, at least i hope so....thanx for telling me what happened...i was wondering why he kept on saying "I love Steps"...v. strange...
By Lazy_Gimp
I thought that the whole hypnotic thing last nite was pretty pants! It could of been so much better, I didn't think any of it was really very funny or original and it would of been so much funnier if one of the group had been put under.<br>Anyone wanna argue?
By Lazy_Gimp
No I didn't see ur one so I thought I'd take the initiative and do me own!<br>Gotta give me credit for trying though!!

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]