The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By d000hg
It definitely used to be prerecorded and they joked about it trying to fake the audience out. Then they did a live one or two to double-fake us.

But the newer shows they don't seem to reference it, and act like it is Saturday rather than it being a joke. Is the Saturday show now live every week?
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By Nicola_Red
I don't think so. Surely they wouldn't have made such a big deal about the St Patrick's Day one being live if they were always live on a Saturday? Admittedly I don't listen to the Saturday show regularly, I prefer Dev on Radio 1.
By d000hg
Maybe they were told, or decided, to stop talking about being recorded? I'm a couple of weeks behind but on the Saturday after the birthday show, they're talking about the week naturally not making a single joke or mistake.

It seems odd they would sign up for live Saturday shows though.
By hdsport82
It's almost certainly (baring things like Dublin) still pre-recorded in fact the main thing I've heard them talk about in terms of that show is a few half-jokey asides from them about trying to 'lose' listeners from it because it's 'too' successful.

I do wonder though if it's existence is one of the sticking points in the contract negotiations, didn't it only come about after Jon Holmes left for his (now axed) talkRADIO show.
Last edited by hdsport82 on Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By hdsport82
Randomisation20 wrote:I thought the Contract negotiations now have been concluded? Hears something on a recent show?

Maybe I missed that the last thing I heard was during the first LIDL 'showcase' someone texted/tweeted in how were contract negotiations going and Chris's replay was 'slowly'. Admittedly I've been turning the show off more recently.

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]