The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
ritchie wrote:Toby does my * swede in - his eagerness to please is nauseating.

He reminds me whilst I know this is a bit stereotypical like a public school graduate I have met many similar people

I do think he’s good but he gets too much the constant slagging of pippa that week I felt was too much really
Trigger wrote:Hope the Vintage stuff will be clipped too!

I don't know how to download and clip from iplayer now the program we used to use back in Moyles' R1 days doesn't work anymore. Hopefully someone else does!
Nicola_Red wrote:
Trigger wrote:Hope the Vintage stuff will be clipped too!

I don't know how to download and clip from iplayer now the program we used to use back in Moyles' R1 days doesn't work anymore. Hopefully someone else does!

Hopefully indeed! There's a clip on the vintage website of him recalling Nana windows so I'm already looking forward to it.
Nicola_Red wrote:
Trigger wrote:Hope the Vintage stuff will be clipped too!

I don't know how to download and clip from iplayer now the program we used to use back in Moyles' R1 days doesn't work anymore. Hopefully someone else does!
I'm on the case.
i have the whole show in mp3 all ready to go let me know where to put it
Interesting moment between Chris and Pippa regarding Matt's late arrival this morning.

Seems like they would have had Matt in the studio much earlier in the shows run but had opposition.

Anyone else notice a bit more 'old chris' has been present recently?
I think James is ballsing up a lot. There was the * up with the car stickers, and other bits of audio have been wrong, and then on instagram stories the other day Moyles Headphones had gone missing and Chris said "yet another * up by James". Get the feeling Moyles is a little unhappy with him.

I got the impression the missing headphones thing wasn't actually James's fault. That said, there is a bit of eggy tension - on Tuesday Moyles just went off on James for no reason for being "Not funny, stop trying to be funny but not, like those rubbish callers on Car Park Catchphrase". As far as I remember it was a bit of an innocuous comment that had been made and not worth a - seemingly - impromptu rant.

As Pippa is off this week, it'll be interesting to see if the dynamic changes a bit. Chris, Dom and James sound pretty at ease with each other on the live Saturday show last week when Pippa was in Berlin.
Source RadioToday

Radio X hits record high with 1.5m listeners across the UK. Moyles has added 120,000 listeners to reach 823k each week.
Year on year star performers in London commercially this quarter are Radio X, up 26.5% in the capital to 478,000;(Moyles in London is up 60,000 listeners from 182k to 242k).

Radio X is up – by a third – to 1.523m across the UK, compared with 1.265m a year ago.

Chris Moyles added 120,000 listeners to his show over the 12 months, going from 703,000 a year ago to 823,000 in Q3/17.

And just a side note, Nick Grimshaw on Radio 1 has under 5m listeners for the first time – it’s the station’s lowest reach at breakfast since the start of audience measurement by RAJAR.
Harry Briggs wrote:Source RadioToday
Nick Grimshaw on Radio 1 has under 5m listeners for the first time – it’s the station’s lowest reach at breakfast since the start of audience measurement by RAJAR.

I can hear why. He is a brown nose of the highest order.

It's good to see Moyles figures going up, But a shame to see them still under a million.
Harry Briggs wrote:Yes interesting to see Moyles having 800k but the station having 1.5m, must be Johnny Vaughn pulling nearly double more on drive? That’s me inferring I don’t know for sure.

I should start this by saying that I more than likely know less than most here about how it works, but it always seems to me that a station's figures overall are always higher than individual show figures? I have always assumed that's because figures for all of the shows go to make up an overall station's figures, so for example (obviously then the figures are extrapolated, but go with it), if you have two people, one of them listening to Moyles and one of them listening to Vaughn, that's one each for the shows and two for the station - but again, I'm not sure that that's true.
I saw something that broke down the hours for London per station, and Moyles does get more than Vaughn. Reach is about people it reaches over a week/month. So say if Moyles gets 800k and Vaughn gets 500k, it isn't 1.3m reach neccesarily, as some people listen to both shows - I think.

Back to the show this week, the team and Moyles have had quite a go at Andrew Garfield for being a bit boring, and true I do think he isn't that interesting a character, but Moyles was a total tit to him from the start so no wonder it wasn't the greatest of starts, banging on about Spider-man for 5 minutes at the start and then saying he didn't watch the full film as he had better things to do is a bit of a slap in the face right at the start
fish heads wrote:I saw something that broke down the hours for London per station, and Moyles does get more than Vaughn. Reach is about people it reaches over a week/month. So say if Moyles gets 800k and Vaughn gets 500k, it isn't 1.3m reach neccesarily, as some people listen to both shows - I think.

Do you have the source/image for this? I saw it on Twitter I think but it was so blurry I couldn’t make it out!
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