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By Yudster
swaddon1903 wrote:What he is going to be doing with his career, I think we know as much as he does.

I seriously doubt that.
JayE wrote:I'd love to hear Chris on another station though, but I'm pretty certain there's about as much of a chance of that happening then there is of Chris getting back on Radio 1.

When the money runs out he will have to come back to radio, he won't keep getting "celebrity" appearances in shows etc. when he's no longer famous for what he originally did.
By Emmy
I do find it odd that someone who appears to have always had a very strong work ethic (he started working at a young age, barely missed a day during all of his time at Radio 1 etc.) has stopped doing anything at all (that we know of anyway) for a long period of time. He must have some kind of long term plan, although if he does then it's one that I certainly can't figure out.
Well, he's had a strange few years - splitting with Sophie, being axed by Radio 1 and C4, the apparent fall-out with Dave and the tax issue. Probably doesn't quite know what he wants at the moment and so just maintaining his profile through Twitter etc. Just hope he doesn't waste his talents as a broadcaster or leave it so long that his only offers are reality shows populated by long forgotten celebrities (at least a couple of his R1 breakfast predecessors went into the jungle!)
By Emmy
Is it bad that even though I'm well aware of all the reasons why it would be awful for Chris and his career if he were to do 'I'm a Celebrity' I'd actually quite to watch him on it?
Well it would be fun to watch at some stage... he probably should steer clear for a few years though, of things like that and Strictly etc. I can see a stage where it's the only thing that will get him back in the spotlight though.

Small gap in editing to come