The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Topher
It's a pram with toys being thrown out of it. You are throwing your toys out of your pram (metaphorically speaking... I don't know if you literally are).
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By Yudster
I'm not sure that anything anyone has printed or anything that Chris or Melanie has said is any indication whatsoever that they are more than friends. They do seem to be very good friends, but I haven't seen anything which makes me think more than that, however much I would like to think it is true. Topher is right, Melanie's comment was clearly not intended as a confirmation, quite the opposite.
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By chrysostom
Which is why I asked for clarification when Jay said 'that was clear'. I wasn't being sarcastic...

Anyhow, I was thinking about the possibility of him and Mel C being an item - it would be a great platform for a big rebrand for his image, get him a good lot of coverage and attention in the papers - not to mention a possible excuse to get on the chat show circuit about any possible work in the future, all without resorting to reality TV!
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By Yudster
See my speculation muscles are now working overtime. I can't help thinking that if they are really just good friends, they must surely have been expecting this kind of press attention - in which case a more natural response from melanie would have been "oh right, here we go" or something acknowledging that its a story which has been ripe for fabricating for a while. But she didn't.

See? Speculation overdrive - its bad for the planet kids.
By JayE
chrysostom wrote:Which is why I asked for clarification when Jay said 'that was clear'. I wasn't being sarcastic...

Well that's how I read your message.
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By neilt0
I'm hoping they are "hiding in plain sight". I like Chris and Mel C. seems really nice -- just from having seen her close up at the HMV Forum with Chris on his tour.
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By Yudster
If he ever was, it was ages ago. I never thought that was the cause of the end of Chris and Dave's friendship. I still think Dave is just resentful and sulky because Chris pulled the plug on Dave's gravy train.
By swaddon1903
Chris' face does look weird in that picture.

And I see he's still attracting the ire of some people in the comments. "A vile man" says one. He has only broadcast on the radio and TV; it's not like he's sold arms to Iraq or kicked dogs in the face.

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]