The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By cwayd
By wireman2004
I feel we won't hear anything till next year if we Do hear anything.
Don't forget Chris is still sitting his contract out with the BBC. And may have a embargo on him from allowing Chris to make a comeback. He may not be allowed to say anything till his BBC has run his course. So if we are to hear Chris' next move. it'll be after the new year.
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By Nicola_Red
On Moyles' every instagram pic, regardless of subject, are a stream of "come back to radio" comments. People are obviously still clinging on to hope, even after Chris himself said it isn't happening.
By JayE
This is annoying now. It's time to move on, Chris clearly isn't interested in doing any more radio anytime soon. The show had to end at some point and it did, get over it now.
I wonder what he is doing now, living off his savings or doing some work where he won't draw attention to himself.
Maybe he has radio so engrained in him that he does a podcast under some other name just so he can still be a part of broadcasting (OK podcasting). Despite being unlikely, it was a thought that came to mind.

Yes, he is definitely not coming back to Radio 1 but he is too young to not do anything.

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]