The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By d000hg
Has anyone ever put a timeline together of all the key moments in the show's history? For instance when each team member joined, when timeslots changed, when Aled came out, team members announcing weddings/divorces/births, etc?

I was thinking today, I don't recall ever hearing the show Aled shocked the world by coming out!
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By Nicola_Red
Nope. If you do want to do it, feel free and we'll be happy to add it to the vault and wiki!
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By G-Sizzle
Sorry if I've missed the sarcasm is your post, but did Aled really "shock the world"?
Didn't he just casually throw in that he and his boyfriend watched a film or something, he didn't make a big deal out of it anyway.
Plus i wasn't really all that shocked at a cap'n man coming out as gay!
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By Nicola_Red
Aled definitely didn't 'shock the world'. If you look back to the early days of this forum before he was officially out, people would suggest he might be gay or state that they thought he was, and then a little later people just refer to him being gay - there doesn't seem to have been any thread or even really much mention of him coming out.
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By Nicola_Red
You can glean some of the dates of stuff like people leaving from the clips in the vault, but for a lot of them you'd have to guess the rough date and then do a lot of listening, which would be pretty time-consuming.
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By slaphead1982
I've kind of started helping you out already. All the shows I've edited (And some other shows aswell), I've put on which guest or guests are in the studio that day. Also, I put if they are braodcasting from a place other than the studio.
By d000hg
It's been many years since I heard it but yes it was sarcastic - I was referring to the way Chris joked about Aled casually saying "I watched a film WITH MY BOYFRIEND" and how it was the least surprising coming out ever.

I only started listening to catch up a week or three back, how many years of the show have I missed? About 1?

Friday is up, and platinum:[…]