The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
I will most certainly be up for going to R1. I found the building the other day when I was in London, pretty easy to get to. Best thing would be to contact Aled via twitter nearer the time to give him a heads up. If the group isn't too big he might even be able to get us in and we'll be able to give tributes live on the air (if we're lucky).
I've always wanted to visit the Radio 1 building, never been to London really.
Looks like my plans have sped up a quick notch. I'm gonna have to try and book a week off work in September very quickly. I want to be there for the last show!
Nicola_Red wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:It was... :wink:

Alright, you get it first and I'll get a copy of yours.

Don't tempt me....!
I think I need someone to design a nice logo or symbol of some sort and then I'd get the dates of the show around it. It wouldn't have to actually say Chris Moyles Show - my Lost tattoo doesn't say Lost. My tattooist will laugh at me, but who cares :)
Hmmm... I do quite like the look of that "Yawn - No-one cares." design... I might use that as my first tattoo xD
I will be there on the final show. I would say the last show might be a outside broadcast though. If its a normal studio show I shall be outside, hopefully with some of you lot, drinking tea and listening to a digital radio.
Turicum wrote:When in September is the last show? Do we know?

There'll probably be more official timings closer to the show. They'll want to get everything prepped with Grimmy and Chris for the official hand-over first.
I wonder if there'll be a week where they share the show together...
Travis Bickle wrote:They said Grimshaw takes over in September, so it can't be the 28th. Why don't they just say?

Hmm odd. I don't understand why Chris would leave midweek though. When does his King Herod role start does anyone know?

Saturday is up