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TCMS Unedited Tuesday 15th December, 2015

Non-clean Streamwriter capture. Topped and tailed with MP3DirectCut. MP3, 128kbps, Stereo, 3h:28m, 190MB

NOTE: The stream broke at 1h:17m:40s. There may be something missing, as Chris answers the Danger Mouse question, but I don't think it's anything significant.
When it comes to Christmas I'm not sure what will be happening show-wise. My guess is that the Christmas Day show will hopefully be a full (obviously prerecorded) show like the good old days, and all the others will be compilations, so I won't bother editing those. I'll have to edit the 23rd Dec on my laptop and my free time will be limited, so that may have to wait a week or so.
Been listening back to some of these old Moyles shows for the first time in years. What always sticks out to me is how different the Radio 1 music department ran things in the 90's compared to now. One of the 1997 early breakfast shows for instance plays The Jam's Going Underground, a track that charted 17 years before. I couldn't imagine something like some late 90's Travis song creeping in the playlist next to Ariana Grande.
neilt0 wrote:I was out watching Star Wars, just got back! Ian should have the show for the edit as it gets auto uploaded and shared with him at about 10:45am. I'll post the unedited shortly.

Ha, no worries, it always seems to be the days I want them asap are the days you put them up later than usual :D.
I'm not caught up on listening yet so I don't know what their plans are.

So there's an extended (presumably prerecorded) Xmas Eve show with an extended Platinum Hour? Or is it just a Platinum Hour? If its new show+platinum then I could edit that, but if it's just platinum then I don't see much point.

And will the Xmas Day show be a full new show, just prerecorded? I'll certainly edit that although it could be up to a few days later before I could do it (same for Xmas Eve if it's new show+plat).
Ian, Xmas Eve is just a 4-hour Platinum Hour from 9pm, so you're right, just a straight capture and upload should do it. I believe Xmas Day will be a full new pre-recorded show, with everything else after Xmas being 'best of' clips interspersed with some pre-recorded links.
Yeah, sounds like the only one worth editing and uploading will be Xmas Day, which will have to wait a few days. And hopefully Neil will be OK with capturing and uploading the Xmas Eve Platinum Hour.

As for today's show, shall we go with the listen again version? I seem to recall that if was supposed to be good quality these days. I could really do with editing it today if possible.
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