The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By UncleBob
So as I stated above I enjoyed the show but I was slightly disappointed with the lack of features, I know it's a new show but I miss a daft feature like sting ring, celebrity raspberry man I'd even take cheggers pop quiz

What's everyone else's thoughts?
By ollyh
Well it's early days, they probably just didn't have time for features in the first show, but I'm sure there'll be a few features popping up, I'd personally love to hear the pub quiz back or something similar, I always liked the daft features too :)
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By chrysostom
Noel was the main feature in today's show - as well as introducing people. I thought it interesting that they got callers on, and referenced Radio 1 so often. No doubt there will be an increase of features, but I think the show will be a bit grittier as time goes on with a lot more social commentary.
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By Nicola_Red
I'll be honest, I don't really like callers for the sake of callers, so I'd like to see less of that. Or if they stick to having them around the 7.15am mark, I can rearrange my routine slightly so I shower then and miss them.

Otherwise, I did notice the distinct lack of features - I'm hoping they will introduce some once they're in the swing of things. The show felt short, which is very odd as it's the same length as the old one - but I think that was down to a lack of structure. I used to be in a morning routine of do this by the time of Classical Class, this by the time of Carpark Catchphrase, etc. I'm hoping with time the new show will fall into a similar pattern. It helps me get organised in the mornings for one thing :) (in fact I believe it was a conversation about that that led to the creation of my sig quote - I probably need a new one now Tina works on a rival show!)
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By doby
A lot of the daft features came from Dave so don't be expecting many of them anymore.

I felt there were a lot of songs played, certainly more than I remember being played on the radio 1 show although my memory is skewed because of the edited shows. I didn't mind the choice of music, it was about on par with my likes and dislikes of the radio 1 playlist back in the day.

The ads are bloody annoying and really disrupt the flow but that's just something I'm going to have to learn to live with.

The sound effects were dire. If there's anything to come across from the old show I'd like it to be the sound effect catalogue, that and Roy Walker.

Once we all get over the fact that Chris is back on the radio I think it'll become clear that its going to be tough to recreate the magic of the old show. There were a number of things in play at the old radio 1 building that helped this, not least it being a basement studio which created a hidden away, intimate and cosy atmosphere.
Guests were always commenting on how relaxed the atmosphere was in that studio which helped a natural and funny conversation to flow, I just don't see that happening in the new studio. With its industrial design, green lighting and being part of a station complex it comes across quite cold and business-like unfortunately.
As a listener I always preferred the shows that came from the studio as opposed to outside broadcasts and I think its because of the reasons stated above.

Anyway, I don't want to put a downer on things, the first show was a good listen.
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By Nicola_Red
doby wrote: I don't want to put a downer on things, the first show was a good listen.

No, me either, but I don't think there's any harm in a bit of constructive criticism. In the past we've had reason to believe that influential people do read this forum (not just Aled), so suggestions may be looked at, ya never know.
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By James H
Nicola_Red wrote:I probably need a new one now Tina works on a rival show!)

She's the Pippa Taylor of

^^^ There you go :)
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By Nicola_Red
James H wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:I probably need a new one now Tina works on a rival show!)

She's the Pippa Taylor of

^^^ There you go :)

That doesn't make sense though! What's Pippa's defining quality to which the sig would be referring?...
By Tunster
Is everyone just expecting too much, too soon? I loved it and don't forget that this show would of been heavily scripted/planned to make sure it went off with no problems. Especially launching a new station. It will be head honchos influence this week at least.

Chris hasn't lost his spark to go off on a tangent and then come back to point. There's a lot of room for features; especially with so many other commercial stations around the building. He'll be off his leash at some point and try to sabotage other shows he's against in London within the same radio group.

Pippa and madam sound right for Chris as well. The team is just about right.

Also don't forget Chris will have 5 - 10 mins less talk/music time against his old BBC show.
By UncleBob
chrysostom wrote:Also, ban for clickbait threat title.

This wasn't intending to be clickbait it was a genuine statement wow really welcoming to New folk around here aren't you?
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By Nicola_Red
UncleBob wrote:
chrysostom wrote:Also, ban for clickbait threat title.

This wasn't intending to be clickbait it was a genuine statement wow really welcoming to New folk around here aren't you?

Ignore Chrys, he's taking the mickey. I'll decide if anyone is being banned and trust me, you're not :)
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By walters
Hey fellow Moyles fanatics!

Well... I wasn't sure I'd ever see this day but it has arrived and I am extremely happy!

I'm a very long time lurker and for some reason never got around to signing up!!?? I remember fondly reading the daily reviews of the show on this site including the reaction of some of the "slightly too visual" features when the gang first started visualisation back in the day. :D

I'm bursting to get my feelings out about today's show so I thought what better place to do so!

I've been ridiculously giddy since the rumours first surfaced (was it April??). I like many here grew up with Chris and the team and when it all ended I couldn't have put it any better than James Corden when he expressed it was like losing a group of friends.

There wasn't anything else that came close to that special group of people on the radio anywhere and the last three years just haven't been the same.

So I like others was both beyond giddy but also apprehensive about what came next. Listening to your incredible archive, hearing again on a daily basis how special it all felt. Would Chris' welcome return feel less like the old show and more like watching his youtube videos which I still found hilarious as it's him and his sense of humour but of course didn't have that feeling that is hard to describe. That special formula of no adverts, unique format of the opening link, features we love and that relaxed chatty environment unlike any other show.

If I had to live without those things I would probably still listen anyway because it's still Chris and radio is where he should be. I could still listen to the archive and enjoy a new style show too but this morning as I heard the pips followed by those opening strings of the cheesy song I instantly began to feel that feeling again and it just got better and better from there...

The opening link as we know and love - it remains!!! The problem with any other radio show on the planet at that time of the morning, quick link and into a song. There is nothing better than hearing Chris talk about random stuff on his mind for thirty minutes while you slowly wake up.

The Ads? Annoying?? - Nope, the way Chris handled it felt no different to him having to play a trail for some rubbish BBC Three show, in fact it gave me chances to do some stuff before I started concentrating on the show again.

Different genre of music, too rocky?? - Actually no, granted some stuff is better than others but I think if anything they will actually do the job the station is setting out to do, it may just "get me into the music". Some of the tracks I've heard today I would never choose to listen to but I don't mind them at all.

Finally the big one, the team with Chris. Without Aled and Dave would it even work?? - It's only been one day and it's of course maybe a little too early to know for sure but I think it really did work.

If I had the choice to bring back Aled and Dave, of course I would (more Aled than Dave as I've accepted the latter is never going to happen now) but with Dom not writing the news and being in the studio the whole time (if that continues) I can see the natural chatter between them is just going to continue as it always did whenever Dom was in the studio.

After seeing the videos of the studio it's clear that rather than a live lounge / green room set up anyone working on the show is in the studio sitting in front of a mic and they are all lit up red and are switched on. Dom, Pippa and the new dave (ha!) can chip in at all times and so that zoo format isn't going anywhere.

Today was always going to be different due to it being day 1, having to fit in an interview and positioning the new station which is why I believe there were no features. If you heard one of the calls Chris took this morning he was asked about Carpark Catchphrase, he made it clear that he did it for 8 years ( apart from when he did Cheggers Pop Quiz of course 8) ) and that he had no intentions of doing that anytime soon... BUT he did go on to say that they'd been thinking about still getting Roy Walker on again and talk with him without playing the game. That sounds like a feature to me!

So you can bet in time there will be features. Chris can make great radio with his eyes shut and I'm pretty sure a featureless show is not for him. Even when he covered for Greg he still did unplanned features such as "it's 10 to 2, what you gonna do" and "How many DJs did they ring before me".

Phew!! I've got it all out of my system now... Sorry if you're still reading this long ramble. I had to tell someone how I was feeling. NO ONE ELSE UNDERSTANDS!! :D
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By nade
Wow, great post and welcome to the forums!

And I agree, nobody else understand, as soon as my missus heard Chris was back I got the usual comments of either I need to grow up or I should listen to the other Chris... Sod that I liked the new show, missed most of the first link because of poor signal on my little dab radio, but thought it was a good first show back.

Edit: Haha oops just realised your post was needing approved.
By jdog55
Have to say am really missing Dave from the show. Had hoped their disagreement had been a bit over exaggerated and had been blown out of proportion but am starting to think its very deep seeded. No good luck tweet or anything from Dave to Dom or Chris, no mention or reference of Dave on the show today which considering they had someone else on the show called Dave, I thought quite strange. Also had a feeling calling the new Dave 'Madam' was maybe a way of getting away from having a Dave on the show and confusing people. Thought Chris had implied in his interview with the Sun that he had talked to Dave about coming back but he was too busy with his production company, though am doubting this and am wondering was Dave ever approached by Chris. Really sad that one of the greatest radio partnerships of our time ended like this. I hope against hope that someday they make up and Dave can come into the show.
By ritchie
I loved it - the less features the better, I just want someone to chat, entertain and talk about shit thats going on on my daily commute. I don't need a jokey feature - a pop quiz would be tolerable; but I really don't think its required.

There is less time with all those wank ads - lets just have a laugh and enjoy the chat!
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By nade
Yup, but I feel the way Chris worded it in the Sun interview, he wanted to leave the for open for him. But really only Chris & Dave and maybe aa handful of other people will truly know what happened.
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By Badger Mark
I've listened to all but the last 15 minutes of the show. I thought it was pretty good. Since I've listened to a downloaded version of the show I was able to skip the commercials (always a good thing). I liked the references to the old show and that he wasn't afraid to bring that up. I was surprised to hear both Rachel and Aled getting a passing mention. What's missing is all the back and forth between the current team. That will come with time though as they all get used to the new mix. The lack of features was not a problem for me. They'll probably never be as big a part of the new show since Dave isn't there, but I'm guessing they'll bring in somethings over time. I also liked that Chris mentioned listeners outside of the UK and how he'd like them to have direct access to the show. That would be great for me! Finally, the music was far more in line with my tastes than anything on R1 (or the version of R1 that existed back when Chris finished his show). So I liked that I didn't have to skip over the songs during the playback of the show.

Very happy with how things have started off for the new show!
By hdsport82
doby wrote:I felt there were a lot of songs played, certainly more than I remember being played on the radio 1 show although my memory is skewed because of the edited shows. I didn't mind the choice of music, it was about on par with my likes and dislikes of the radio 1 playlist back in the day.

There were 14 songs according to Radio Today. Just checked the website ( ... ernon-kay/) and I make it that Vernon played 30 in a show that was only 3 hours long. I decided for the hell of it to look back exactly 5 years and there were 12 songs played,

...and 4 years ago there were 14,

Maybe the it was the ads (or as you say the edited shows) that made it feel like more but then there was only news/sport on the hour which gave a little time 'back to the show'. Now will he be forced to play more once the show settles in lets see but the indications so far is that Global understand why you hire someone like Chris and it's not to play 10 songs an hour!

Personally I though it was an extremely solid start and agree with comments that the odd feature wouldn't go amiss once we get past the 'introduction' stage.

Saturday is up