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By neilt0
This week's popbitch:

>> Radio XXX << The perils of live Comedy

In an interview Chris Moyles gave to the Sun this week, Moyles talked about how he was still annoyed that Radio 1 controller, Ben Cooper, had sacked him before he had the chance to resign live on air - the way he'd always hoped he'd go.

That wasn't such a worry for Cooper though. He knew Moyles would never quit on air – nor would he misbehave too badly on his final day. What Cooper did worry about, however, was Comedy Dave. Specifically that Dave might try to settle one final score with Moyles on his last show – and claim live on air that Moyles had slept with his ex-wife.

He didn't, but perhaps unsurprisingly, Comedy Dave is one of the few people who won't be rejoining the team on Chris Moyles' new Radio X show.
By VMPhil
I can't imagine Dave would ever have done that, considering how professional they were in hiding any kind of tension whilst on air in those last few months. It would have tarnished the memory of the final show and not have done much good for any future career he had in mind.

In hindsight, you can easily hear how the chemistry between Chris and Dave had changed between, say, 2011 and 2012. I didn't listen nearly as regularly by 2012 as I thought the show had lost its energy somewhat, but even in those shows, at the time nothing appeared out of the ordinary to me, and I presume to the majority of listeners.
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By doby
That would have soured the last show, but the fallout would have been amazing.

I'm currently listening to May 2011 and atm it's business as usual. They've already joked on air about Dave's separation or rather Dave not having anyone to share his dinner with.

When exactly did said event actually happen because I didn't notice a thing first time round.
By wireman2004
would chris actually do that.


chris didn't do anything why dave and jayne were together. but the pic we saw on here after the show finished when chris and jayne were on holiday may of been chris and jayne. boyfriend and girlfriend at the time
Who cares? I don't. Chris may be are favourite radio personallity but he is human. He did / He did'nt, I don't give a flying who har what happened. I enjoy his radio shows and that's good enough for me.
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By Nicola_Red
I agree with slaphead, I don't really care either. I didn't really notice much tension between Chris and Dave at the time (perhaps I wasn't paying enough attention, although that seems unlikely given I was clipping from almost every show) and although listening back I can detect it now, I don't want to be listening out for it to try to guess when this happened (if indeed it did). I don't need to taint the memory of the shows that way.
By Tunster
To be honest, what Chris and Dave did personally shouldn't matter and isn't our business. They had a job to do professionally and if Dave was that annoyed about it, he could of disappeared and Radio 1 could claim he was really unwell etc.

I guess that if Dave ever returned, it would be huge for the TCMS in the new era.
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By neilt0
Of course it matters. They're not doing a drama, the show was mostly about their personal lives and banter. If they can't even look at each other, let alone speak off air, then the show will be impaired.

Not that we have to know every gory detail, but the fact that a rift was created is very germane to the show.
By JayE
neilt0 wrote:Of course it matters. They're not doing a drama, the show was mostly about their personal lives and banter. If they can't even look at each other, let alone speak off air, then the show will be impaired.

By Tico987
If a mate slept with someone's wife there is no way in hell that they could continue to work together - it just wouldn't happen. I've called bullshit on this since the start - I just don't think it happened.
By tro1
Moved from the other thread...

Haven't been on here much in the last 3 years, let alone posted and never got round to posting my thoughts on Dave from when the show ended.

There's a part of me that blames Dave for the R1 show ending. I was interested to see whether he would return, but after thinking about it more came to the conclusion that unless he and Chris had completely repaired their friendship and he was 100% into it i'm not sure I wanted him to come back. Certainly by the end he looked disinterested and distant from the rest of the team off air. I always remember one show during the first half hour when Chris played a clip of Dave on 5 Live, and made the interesting observation that Dave acts all chummy as part of the team but is happy to laugh at him when working on another station, something like that anyway. At the time I just assumed he was just playing along with the rest of them, but pretty much from around that time I did start to think that Dave's other work was affecting his commitment to the show. He seemed to be starting to head in a different direction. Don't know when they were meant to have fallen out but it's certainly interesting thinking about that occasion now.
By deimantee1
Well, I did listen to the show in 2012 and several years before that, and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary between Chris and Dave. As someone was saying, maybe I would be able to hear subtle little hints of something if I was listening to every show very carefully and trying to pay attention to every word, but I don't think it's important. Even if we all were told what actually happened, it wouldn't change anythyng. Dave would still be doing what he does now, and Chris would still be hosting the new show. The "explanation" wouldn't suddenly bring the old show, with Dave and Tina, back... Reading this forum - I am not even sure if many of us would like to have the old show back as we've all moved on. In other words, it is what it is. It would be nice seeing Dave wishing Dom/Chris a good show, or just stumbling upon an occasional tweet where they're simply being friendly to each other, but I don't think that's going to happen. Yes, it is very curious, but... the answer is now always in the papers.
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By Yudster
tro1 wrote:...........I did start to think that Dave's other work was affecting his commitment to the show. .

I think the problem was that all of Dave's other work - every last bit of it - was directly on the back of his involvement with Chris. Without Chris and The Chris Moyles Show, Dave had nothing and he must have known that any bookings for him as a "celeb" would dry up as soon as he was no longer associated with Moyles. So good on him for getting the production company up and running - at least he could claim that is only indirectly due to his involvement with Chris...
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By chrysostom
Yeah, I always felt a bit bad for Dave when Chappers went off to become a serious journalist (especially now his career has soared). Mark Chapman has gone from Chappers & Dave (and the trampette) to being a national presenter on radio & TV. Dave obviously hasn't. Chris' TV work rarely involved Dave, and neither did Dom's commercial work.

I question Dave's transferable skills, in a way that terrifies me and my lack of transferable skills. Reading this uni testimonial from him actually made me quite sad. I'm glad he's invested into a business that could get him on a successful track
By Fledge
Tico987 wrote:If a mate slept with someone's wife there is no way in hell that they could continue to work together - it just wouldn't happen. I've called bullshit on this since the start - I just don't think it happened.

I've just posted similar on the Nolan thread. I just don't think they could have continued working together AT ALL had the fall out been as bad as we fear it may be.
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By G-Sizzle
chrysostom wrote:Yeah, I always felt a bit bad for Dave when Chappers went off to become a serious journalist (especially now his career has soared). Mark Chapman has gone from Chappers &amp; Dave (and the trampette) to being a national presenter on radio &amp; TV. Dave obviously hasn't. Chris' TV work rarely involved Dave, and neither did Dom's commercial work.

I question Dave's transferable skills, in a way that terrifies me and my lack of transferable skills. Reading [url=http&#58;//www&#46;chester&#46;ac&#46;uk/sites/files/chester/DaveVittyMediaStudies&amp;Mngtgrad2005&#46;pdf]this uni testimonial[/url] from him actually made me quite sad. I'm glad he's invested into a business that could get him on a successful track

Difference with Chappers & Dave is Chappers was always a sports journalist, and Dave was just... Well, Dave.
G-Sizzle wrote:Chappers was always a sports journalist, and Dave was just... Well, Dave.

I'm, Well, Chris and I'm just a wharehouse assistant. I'm happy mind.

Saturday is up