Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By Misfit
Around this time last year I had a bike stolen from local train station, and I'm pretty sure I saw it earlier on today. I could be mistaken however, but it looked very similar, but when I got in tonight I had a look through ebay and gumtree and I think I found the ad.

My original stolen bike posts. (no pictures as they got removed off flickr) ... tolen.html

And the advert for the bike I think is mine, again no pictures as its an old advert. ... 1023349322

Click "see full description" next to the title if you cant work out how to see it :)

Bearing in mind, they've edited the text to remove the stolen bits, and stuff, and I have zoomed in on a very pixelated picture in the listings, and the forks are shiny and fully rigid, exactly the same as mine, and its in my area, that kinda gives me hope its mine, on the other hand, it didnt have michelin tyres on when It was taken and it mentions trek...a different bike brand, I'm a bit unsure.

What do we all think and what would be my next move?

Help would be very much appreciated.


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By flyingbadger
Make an appointment to view the bike.

If you're certain it's yours, kick the * in the balls, jump on your bike and cycle off into the sunset.

Job done.
By Misfit
rang the fuzz. they werent too helpful. "we'll be in touch" and all that. gumtree werent helpful either. If I got that bike back, I'd be so happy. fingers crossed!
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By Bonanzoid
flyingbadger wrote:Make an appointment to view the bike.

If you're certain it's yours, kick the * in the balls, jump on your bike and cycle off into the sunset.

Job done.

First part, yes. Second part, unsure. Imagine it was the bike, but the thieving bastard had sold it to this poor, clueless chap - innocently thwacked in the goolies.
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By Bruvva
This may be of interest to you. Doesn't address your particulars but still interesting. I think short of having an identifying code engraved somewhere on the bike, you're shafted, you can't prove it's yours at all.
Last edited by Bruvva on Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Bruvva
Don't drink and post kids, you just end up with messed up links.

Saturday is up