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By JayE
I think the next movie will be about the guys at either uni or college or something like that. I don't know but I have very high hopes for it.
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By chrysostom
I liked the Inbetweeners film, I thought it was really good - and much like the series, perfectly captured the awfully hilarious ways of modern teenage life. In this case, the lads holiday.

If you don't like the Inbetweeners then obviously you won't like the film.
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By Nicola_Red
I've seen some complaints that Alan Partridge looks too young in the new film, and then I read an interview with Steve Coogan in which he said that they have actually made him younger, so as to bridge the gap between Partridge's supposed age and Coogan's actual age. So I guess it's a similar thing with the Inbetweeners, but the other way. That said, all the cast of Fresh Meat are way too old to be students, but they carry it off fine.
By R94N
I've just finished the first series of Alan Partridge actually and it is hilarious.
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By Bruvva
Hmmm, Supergirl's going to be made apparently...

"Is it a bird?....."
By JayE
So there has been a lot of stuff on the internet about Star Wars Episode 7 recently, what are everyone's thoughts on this.

Personally I'm not happy about it because I think Star Wars ended at Episode 6 and I think it should stay that way.

The prequels I didn't really like that much and I thought Episode I was complete and utter crap. Episode II was decent enough, Episode III was easily the best out of the 3 prequels but still not as great as the originals.
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By The Deadly
Episode II is the best of all the Star Wars films. End of discussion on that debate.

As for the new films I'm open to them as it gives a new generation to chance to enjoy the Star Wars story. After watching the new films the kids who see them will then go onto watch the old ones and appreciate them as I do.
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By Yudster
Empire Strikes Back is the best. Attack of the Clones was only marginally better than Phantom Menace.
By JayE
Absolutely agree with that! Episode V was the best of all the Star Wars films. The Prequels are no comparison with any of the 3 original movies.
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By The Deadly
It goes in this order:

Episode II
Return of the Jedi
Episode III
A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Episode I

By JayE
The Deadly wrote:It goes in this order:

Episode II
Return of the Jedi
Episode III
A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Episode I


What exactly did you find the most appealing about Episode II?
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By The Deadly
JayE wrote:
The Deadly wrote:It goes in this order:

Episode II
Return of the Jedi
Episode III
A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Episode I


What exactly did you find the most appealing about Episode II.

I loved the seeing Anakin turning to the dark side. I particularly enjoyed the scene in which he slaughtered the Sand People. I liked the overall pacing of the film and feel it combines all the things I want to see from a Star Wars film.
I have a lot of friends and family members who feel that Empire Strikes back is easily the best film of the series and I just don't get it. I thought it was quite boring.
By JayE
Well that's your opinion. I did enjoy the second one when I watched it though, but certainly not the best in my books.

Anyway back to the new ones, the only problem I have with them are the fact that the actors are really old now and I just don't think that it can possibly work, How can Star Wars good when It's about Luke as an old man? Why can't good stories just be left where the real endings are? It annoys me.
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By The Deadly
I have my reservations about using the old cast but I am cautiously optimistic that the new ones will turn out to be decent. With advances in 3D technology they will be visually incredible and as long as they stay true to the existing story then the films will be good. The danger of introducing a host of new characters is that you could end up with a Jar Jar Binks situation and nobody wants that.
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By Topher
I still haven't seen any of the prequels.
By JayE
They're worth watching even if It's just the once, but the first one truly was awful.
By bmstinton93
I quite like the prequels but that's probably because the Phantom Menace would have come out at exactly the right age for me and it was the first Star Wars film I watched.
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By Badger Mark
Topher wrote:I still haven't seen any of the prequels.

Phantom Menace is definitely the worst of the prequels Clones was definitely better than Menace. The only parts of Clones that were truly bad were the relationship ones between Anakin and Padme. And I really liked Revenge of the Sith. The best of the prequels IMO.
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By Badger Mark
Saw The World's End yesterday. I thought it was pretty good. Great music sound track - hadn't heard "Happy Hour" by the Housemartins in a very, very long time. I'd rank it better than Hot Fuzz but not quite as good as Shaun of the Dead.
By JayE
I can't wait to see The World's End, since It's come out I've only heard good things about it.
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By The Deadly
The good reviews come from the fact that reviewers feel the need to lodge their tongues as far up Simon Pegg's backside as humanly possible. Everything he has ever done has been overrated tosh.
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By Topher
Saw Wreck it Ralph last night, bloody brilliant.
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