Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Javelin395
Evening all,

This is more of an answer than a question. I've been on the hunt for the jingle used straight after the [DAY] Cheesy song on the Chris Moyles Show and ended up doing a bit of cutting and shutting to get the full track.

It's fairly long and so hopefully long enough for people to make use of. Just download it from the link below. ... ong%29.wav

Hope you enjoy it! I certainly do!

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By neilt0
ckirk1610 wrote:I have a 7min mp3 version of it.

for the nerds/geeks like myself, Chris refered to this bed once as the Cheesy Long Tag Bed (for those making notes)

Can you post it? Is it an original Music4 rip?
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By ckirk1610
nice one, for those interested, I also have a rough copy of the little out bit he played that would reprise the 'good morning from the chris moyles show international radio 1'. Just needs abit of tidying up and i'll get that on too.
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By Nicola_Red
If people wanna post dropbox links or whatever, I can then upload the files to the sound vault at some point. (Not for a week or two though - my PC is still in bits in a box on the floor!)

Saturday is up