Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By a-moron
Don't normally notice the birthday notification thingy down the bottom of the forum page but one caught my eye today.

No. Not sarbearuk but *aquamarine star*.
Don't know why. Just with the wee asterisks' / asteri (?) it just seemed to do the trick.

So after perusing aquamarines profile page, I then turned my attention to today's other birthday star - sarbearuk. And it's * brilliant.

For those who can't be arsed logging in to view their profile, here it is.


The best thing in this isn't that her horse is 15 hands. No siree.

It isn't that she just lost her 17yr old cat Jess. No siree Bob.

It's not even her pretty little signature down the bottom.

The thing that really swung it for me was the users statistics.

She joined up. Spent 13 minutes doing * knows what on here, then * off never to be seen again.
It would've taken her * longer to fill in the * profile information.

So Happy Birthday Sar Bear.

I hope your horse isn't dead now as well.
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By Nicola_Red
Good Lord, I just noticed she's 43. I assumed from the writing that it was a 15 yr old, even though I saw that the cat was older than that.
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By a-moron
The finger test?

You lift up one of their boobs. Run you finger underneath it.

No cheese triangles falls out, they pass?
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By Nicola_Red
theflyingbadger wrote:The finger test?

You lift up one of their boobs. Run you finger underneath it.

No cheese triangles falls out, they pass?

No cheese triangles in mine! Probably some cake crumbs, though.
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By dimtimjim
Deadly wrote:If they can take more than four comfortably then it's a no no.

Good rule. Like it.
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By chrysostom
Deadly wrote:If they can take more than four comfortably then it's a no no. It would be like throwing a sausage in a skip.

If you were JamesH is would be like forcing the moon into the Grand Canyon. It's all about perspective.
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By The Deadly
chrysostom wrote:
Deadly wrote:If they can take more than four comfortably then it's a no no. It would be like throwing a sausage in a skip.

If you were JamesH is would be like forcing the moon into the Grand Canyon. It's all about perspective.

This is a fact. A fact worth remembering in times of need.
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By Nicola_Red
I think perhaps every day we should say happy birthday to a lost forum member, one who never realised their potential. Today: Simon Bayliss! 4 posts, short and sweet.
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By Nicola_Red
I think this gem has it:

Simon Bayliss wrote:The Wannadies gets my vote, i love that song from the 90's. New Radicals would have been my other choice.

That cinderella rockafella song was no 1 when i was born and is awful, glad no one is voting for that.
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By The Deadly
Not only is Simon Bayliss a great wordsmith he is also humble and appreciative.

"Thanks for the last two days shows, much appreciated as i use radiodownloader and only got 5 minutes of each show!"

Simon Bayliss
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By Nicola_Red
I'm resurrecting this thread to say happy birthday to today's forum member, Vestan Pance. He has the PWEI Greatest Hits album cover as his avatar and this was his one and only post (in the Newbies thread):

Vestan Pance wrote:Afternoon one & all.

32, from just down the road from Rachel-land in the West Midlands.

Lovely stuff. Happy birthday Vestan!

Saturday is up