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By The Deadly
If Jack didn't have a disability would he have come second? Was it a sympathy vote or is he genuinely funny?
By bmstinton93
The Deadly wrote:If Jack didn't have a disability would he have come second? Was it a sympathy vote or is he genuinely funny?

I thought he was genuinely funny, but a lot of his jokes are based on his disability so maybe he wouldn't have still come second in that respect
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By Boboff
Yeah but what if the cute black girl had a third arm and a birthmark shaped like Mikey Mouse on her arse, would she have won then?

This sort of hypothetical musing is ridiculous.
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By The Deadly
No it isn't it is a perfectly valid debate. I seriously doubt that he would have got anywhere near the final if he wasn't disabled. The British public love someone overcoming a disability and he should rightly be applauded for that. The clips I've seen of him performing are at best terrible and reminds me of the sort of thing you'd get in a school talent contest. Talent is the name of the game not sympathy.
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By Yudster
It would be nice if talent WAS the name of the game, but the actual game is Who Do The British Public Want To Vote For - and they will use whatever criteria they like to choose, be it talent, sympathy, or just novelty.
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By The Deadly
Yes you have a point there. The act that won the competition were very talented so that was good but if opens up a whole other debate about if acts from abroad should be able to enter Britains Got Talent.
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By chrysostom
If the aim of the show is to showcase the best of Britain's homegrown talented individuals or nurture budding prospects - then there would be an argument that there should be an element of British nationality/citizenship as a qualifying characteristic.

However, the show is not about this.
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By Boboff
Everyone knows so much!

Bet none of you actually voted, just sat at the side lines bitching and moaning and saying someone who came 2nd in a national competition is talent-less, and only worthy due to a disability, is frankly arrogant, condescending and wrong.

I thought he was good.

Not having the X-factor doesn't stop 100% of the contestants on that show, so why should not being British preclude you from this show?
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By The Deadly
Boboff wrote:Everyone knows so much!

Bet none of you actually voted, just sat at the side lines bitching and moaning and saying someone who came 2nd in a national competition is talent-less, and only worthy due to a disability, is frankly arrogant, condescending and wrong.

I thought he was good.

Not having the X-factor doesn't stop 100% of the contestants on that show, so why should not being British preclude you from this show?

So you are saying his disability in no way influenced the public to vote for him? He came second on talent alone?
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By Boboff
Ben said it all.

Yes deadly I don't agree with you. It doesn't mean I won't have your babies one day, but you and I have different opinions on the matter, plus I don't give a shit about your overly jaundiced opinion.
By Misfit
1) jack Carroll is crap. He was good when he first went on, but he seems to get laughs out if sympathy
2) singers shouldn't be allowed in. It's not variety and its boring.
3) David Walliams is well annoying.

I'm 100% correct about this
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By Topher
You sound like you should be doing what I'm doing and not watching.
By swaddon1903
The Deadly wrote:No it isn't it is a perfectly valid debate. I seriously doubt that he would have got anywhere near the final if he wasn't disabled. The British public love someone overcoming a disability and he should rightly be applauded for that. The clips I've seen of him performing are at best terrible and reminds me of the sort of thing you'd get in a school talent contest. Talent is the name of the game not sympathy.

Aye, but he's only 14. As I said before, with a bit of practice with his delivery of gags, he'll be a great comedian in years to come. I believe he definitely has something about him.

The Deadly wrote:Yes you have a point there. The act that won the competition were very talented so that was good but if opens up a whole other debate about if acts from abroad should be able to enter Britains Got Talent.

Foreign acts have been entering our reality shows for years and it's never been a problem before. A Portuguese woman won the UK Big Brother a few years ago. And some British acts have been on overseas talent shows before, such as Scotland's Terry McDermott who finished second on the Voice in the USA.
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By Yudster
Boboff wrote:Everyone knows so much!

Bet none of you actually voted, just sat at the side lines bitching and moaning and saying someone who came 2nd in a national competition is talent-less, and only worthy due to a disability, is frankly arrogant, condescending and wrong.

I thought he was good.

Not having the X-factor doesn't stop 100% of the contestants on that show, so why should not being British preclude you from this show?

I haven't seen the show or the lad Boboff, I have no idea what he is like - but anything that the general public are asked to vote for is always going to be at the mercy of chance and whim. I'm certainly not saying that the winners don't have talent, just that merely because the show sets itself up as a "talent" show, the public can vote for whoever they want for whatever reason they wish. I think that's probably fair enough really, it only becomes a problem if you insist that the telly-viewing public does exactly what you want them to do - and if you are insisting on that, you've already lost I think.
By Misfit
all we have to remember is...whoever won...they are only as talented as a dancing dog.

I don't have anything against anyone who isnt british but lives in Britain entering. I dont agree with people coming just for the competition and leaving again until they need to make the inevitable appearance on day time telly.

Also Big Brother is shit.
By JayE
I agree. The people who won were talented and just because they were from a different country doesn't mean they can't enter the competition, people can either agree with that or disagree, I don't care either way, I only care about my opinion. The dog acts are fine, as long as it's entertaining.
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By Topher
It's not though.

Saturday is up