The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
Of course you can comment - if you are legitimately a non-taxpayer, you are still a part of the tax system and perfectly entitled to comment on it.
Hmmm, not sure I understand what DimTim trying to say.

The basics are simple enough, there are many ways in which you can AVOID tax, which are fine and legal, what is not ok is EVASION of tax.

EVASION of tax uses loop holes, and this scheme is definitely one of those schemes. The whole substance of the scheme involves lending money and borrowing it back from some offshore trust, which as Chris points out is a loophole and wrong.

Putting your Savings in ISA's, contributing to a Pension, paying your stay at home wife half your salary, forming a company and paying yourself dividends instead of PAYE, all good.

They don't seem to mention the other end where layabouts are now claiming to be "self representing artists" so they can get the full whack of "working tax credit" as well as Child Tax credit, which includes free prescriptions/free school meals etc etc as additional benefits for "fiddling"

It's just as bad.

Having said all that I firmly believe that the problem is the Taxation System in general, too many times exceptions are made to the rules, which is what creates these little back doors tax accountants can use, if there was a much more simple system where all gains were treated equally at the time of receipt, tax rates were set on all income, and included the equivalent of National Insurance, and ALL benefits were assessed subject to status (say like council tax benefit) then we would have a much fairer system, a much simpler system, and a system which didn't pay millionaires Child Benefit and Winter Fuel Allowance.
Nicola_Red wrote:Everyone would pay less tax if they could - until things like the NHS started visibly suffering, at least. Nobody looks at the amount taken for tax on their payslip and goes "yay!"

The nhs is 'visibly suffering' & has been for years, no body is saying 'ooh we need more doctors at our surgery' or 'we need more public service that's cheap & efficient', so 'take as much out of my pay packet as you like.' people would rather have a greater take home, and to think otherwise is shortsighted. People, from dustmen to moyles want as much as they can, without real considering for the things like a 'visibly suffering nhs.'
He said that the NHS should get more money and yet he's a tax avoider? What a twonk. So glad I didn't buy tickets to the live show or the album. The NHS funding is another topic all together..

Also wasted more tax payers money trying to get a gag order. Thanks for wasting my money and not your own!

The BBC presenter Chris Moyles asked a court to conceal his membership of an aggressive tax-avoidance scheme because exposing him would “infringe” his human rights, The Times has learnt.
Mr Moyles requested that a tax tribunal grant him anonymity in a battle with HM Revenue & Customs over a “marketed tax-avoidance scheme”. The Revenue had already ruled that the scheme did not work, but Mr Moyles appealed against the decision.
Normally such appeals would be held in public, but in a preliminary hearing Mr Moyles’s lawyer argued that the press and public should be excluded because his client was “fearful” that his career would be damaged if he were exposed as a tax avoider.
“If it were to become public knowledge that he availed himself of a tax-avoidance scheme, his career might be damaged and his earning capacity reduced,” Judge Colin Bishop said, summarising Mr Moyles’s arguments. “He is already the focus of media interest for other reasons, much of it hostile.” ... 605510.ece
ess wrote:He said that the NHS should get more money and yet he's a tax avoider? What a twonk. So glad I didn't buy tickets to the live show or the album. The NHS funding is another topic all together..

What's the correlation between the two?

One is an idealogical comment about the social system in the country, the other is an arrangement of private affairs.

You sound dangerously close to those people who preach that socialists must wear sack-cloth and give all their money to the poor in order to be socialists.

Say it aint so.
Wykey wrote:
ess wrote:He said that the NHS should get more money and yet he's a tax avoider? What a twonk. So glad I didn't buy tickets to the live show or the album. The NHS funding is another topic all together..

What's the correlation between the two?

One is an idealogical comment about the social system in the country, the other is an arrangement of private affairs.

You sound dangerously close to those people who preach that socialists must wear sack-cloth and give all their money to the poor in order to be socialists.

Say it aint so.
I don't care what socialists wear.

Obviously its not private affairs as the 'company' is required to publicly release its documents.

Use of the 'humans right act' to hide your identity after avoiding tax doesn't sit right.
ess wrote:
Wykey wrote:
ess wrote:He said that the NHS should get more money and yet he's a tax avoider? What a twonk. So glad I didn't buy tickets to the live show or the album. The NHS funding is another topic all together..

What's the correlation between the two?

One is an idealogical comment about the social system in the country, the other is an arrangement of private affairs.

You sound dangerously close to those people who preach that socialists must wear sack-cloth and give all their money to the poor in order to be socialists.

Say it aint so.
I don't care what socialists wear.

Obviously its not private affairs as the 'company' is required to publicly release its documents.

Use of the 'humans right act' to hide your identity after avoiding tax doesn't sit right.

Thanks for not answering the question.

What correlation is there between wanting nurses to be paid more and engaging an accountant to manage your tax affairs?
Surely pretty much everyone who is self employed engages an accountant to manage their tax affairs?
Wykey wrote:I'll give it one last go.

What does wanting nurses to be paid more have to do with engaging an accountant to legally manage your tax affairs?

What does wanting nurses to be paid more out of the revenue received from taxation have to do with engaging an accountant to legally manage your tax affairs in order to avoid paying tax?
Yudster wrote:Surely pretty much everyone who is self employed engages an accountant to manage their tax affairs?

You'd think so... And I dare say they'll recommend certain schemes, investments and arrangements which ensure their client legitimately reduces their tax liability.
Have I ever told you you're my favourite?

It makes me wonder how people who work from home and claim tax relief on their lighting, heating, cleaning, insurance, mortgage interest payments, council tax, water rates and 'general maintenance' are perceived.

Is that aggressive tax avoidance as well?
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