The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Fathomer
I think Moyles has basically confirmed he's leaving Radio 1 on twitter:


Almost the end of a day of mixed emotions but ultimately an amazing day. Today's show proved that I have the best team and audience ever...To Radio 1, my team and the millions of listeners and fans we have, I honestly can't thank you enough for making my dream come true...Tomorrow is my last show. It's been an incredible rollercoaster of a few lows and a million highs. Overall, the best job ever. Thank you.
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By Bas
Theres a point in that article that i never really considered before,

...The idea of a new music champion such as Nick Grimshaw taking the helm at breakfast will certainly appeal to a music industry more desperate than ever to break its latest signings –

I wonder if pressure from the record industry for someone more pliable, vapid & eager to pimp whatever bilge they are churning out, had any bearing on R1's decision to get rid of Chris*. Probably not, but its an idea i had never considered before.

* I think we all reckon he was pushed rather than jumped, don't we? Certainly comments he has made on air during the past couple of weeks would point to that being the case.
By Fathomer
My view (and I think the logical one):

Chris wanted time off for Jesus Christ Superstar
Radio 1 refused.
Chris decided R1 wasnt really giving him enough support, it was time for a change, he felt another 18 months on air would mean the quality of the show would suffer.
He quit and Radio 1 accepted his decision very swiftly.
By Misfit
I personally think, Radio 1 were starting to mess with the show a little (song before 7), and chris was becoming more constricted with what he could and couldn't say.
as we hear a lot "its my name above the door". cant see him being too happy about them telling him what to do.

of course, I could be wrong, and we could all be wrong, i suspect we will never know fully why chris chose now.

coincidentally, I'm leaving my radio show, due to it being more and more difficult to present and study. if anyone wants to cry and send me stuff. gratefully recieved ;)
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By fish heads
I don't think Chris wanted time off for Superstar- he wanted to do the show from wherever the tour was the night before. Obviously the BBC probably would have vetoed that.

I think speculation this late in the day is slightly pointless as we'll know in a few hours. However I didn't neccesarily read that as a farewell to Radio 1 full stop, more as a goodbye to his dream job of the breakfast show.
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By jocky85
Deadly wrote:Chris or any of the team wanted the show to end now. Official word.

is that did or didn't - doesn't really make sense?
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By Longview01
Can't believe its abit emotional over here

Goodbye team...gonna miss you all so much!
By swaddon1903
Longview01 wrote:
swaddon1903 wrote:First Mark and Lard

Bloody hell...that was almost 10 years ago

It still hurts... :(

And it was only 8 years ago.

In fact, I never got over Simon Mayo leaving Radio 1, and that was more than ten years ago.
By Ste_Michaels
Almost 4yrs since I last logged on here, I've listened to chris from day 1, he's become part and parcel of my day, early breakfast, afternoons and the breakfast show, the man cannot be replaced by grimshaw, it's destined to fail, maybe Ben cooper knows that and then he will put Greg into be the new "saviour" of radio 1, but thr issues I have is am I told old at 36 to be a listener of R1? The truth is I think radio 1 is terrible, I'm far from being a R1 fan, I hate there choice in music, the DJS are poor, I'm a chris moyles fan not a r1 fan, so how many people have left because of the great man leaving? 18 lads at my work have vowed never to tune in again, so what has that done for them in turns of figures! There will never be another phenomenon like the chris moyles show! I'm going to miss them all daily, hey I may be told old for Ben cooper, but I'm
Not for Simon bates.
Didn't know where to write this, but it was quite sad to hear Aled coming on the request show to talk about the surgery just now. Jameela Jamil played Star Girl by McFly for him and Aled said "we play it every week on The Chris Moyles Show". Aled's still talking in the present tense about it. Poor man.
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By yummytummy
he just mentioned it on the surgery. He said it is like losing a friend
By VMPhil
The thing that annoys me is that I genuinely expected the show to finish in 2014. So it was shocking and abrupt for the show to end now IMO. I feel as though we should have had two more years. 10 years to round it off.
By ollyh
VirginMediaPhil wrote:The thing that annoys me is that I genuinely expected the show to finish in 2014. So it was shocking and abrupt for the show to end now IMO. I feel as though we should have had two more years. 10 years to round it off.

Same, I presumed (especially with Chris signing the contract to 2014) that they'd get to the 10 year anniversary in 2014 and then call it a day, but the announcement in July was very unexpected and caught completely me by surprise and it did feel like a very abrupt end to the show, I know there was 2 months between the announcement and the actual end, but the 2 months went so quickly, it was like one minute they were there and everything was normal, the next they're gone :(
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By Johnny 1989
I was so expecting them to finish in 2014 that when I still ran the archive I had seperate posts for 2013 & 2014 with "coming in the near future" or words to that effect for both posts under each year.

It sort of sunk in for me yesterday when Mills said that because he wasn't no longer covering for Chris as he had left and not cover for Grimmy as he hasn't started yet, that he would go down as the shortest reigning Breakfast Show host in the breakfast show history on Radio 1 (previously held by Mark Goodier who did two months).

So far I've been listening to mainly afternoon shows at present, it seems weird now hearing even those old shows now knowing that we'll not be getting any more new Moyles shows on Radio 1.

Still what do we know, the BBC Trust has spoken and apparently this is what the audience wanted (just shows how clueless the BBC Trust are judging by the FB and Twitter comments) :roll:
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