Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
Hi Aled,

Firstly, just like to add my name to the list of people who'd really like to hear from you your perspective of working on the show and bringing it to a close when all things are said and done and the dust is settled - must be weird seeing the 'launch of a new breakfast show' from both sides now!

An actual question though: what's the thing you've done on the show that you're most surprised that you actually got to happen/got away with?
JonathanEx wrote:An actual question though: what's the thing you've done on the show that you're most surprised that you actually got to happen/got away with?

That's a great question - I add my name to the petition asking you to answer it!
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By Aled
JonathanEx wrote: what's the thing you've done on the show that you're most surprised that you actually got to happen/got away with?

Oh my god there are so many! Perhaps the 'Say No To Wogan' campaign. Internally within the BBC it was a defining moment when people realised we weren't a run of the mill bland breakfast show and BBC employees up and down the company in the UK right up to senior level became aware of us.

That was my baby so I'm particularly proud of that one :)
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By Aled
Deadly wrote:Aled, do you have any plans to do more tv work?

Kinda, yes but nothing definite. That would take a lot of work on my behalf and I've decided to put my whole attention on seeing the Final 14 Shows out. My life and career are on hold until Sept 15th!
Hi Aled,

I'm currently on holiday in Vegas but listening to the show on my phone live at almost 1am. As sleep seems to be out of the question for now I thought I'd ask you a question instead. Of all the shows you've produced , excluding the marathon show , what would you say was the single hardest show to plan for ?

Apologies if you've been asked this before and can't wait to get back and hear the remaining 10 shows . I echo everyone on here who has thanked you and the team for the last 8 years , it's not going to be the same without you guys.

Aled wrote:Oh my god there are so many! Perhaps the 'Say No To Wogan' campaign. Internally within the BBC it was a defining moment when people realised we weren't a run of the mill bland breakfast show and BBC employees up and down the company in the UK right up to senior level became aware of us.

That was my baby so I'm particularly proud of that one :)

I still have my sticker and badge laying around somewhere!

I had to get mine off eBay in the end!

Just realised this wasn't a question, whoops!
I've not done the maths but is there going to be a podcast on the following Friday after the last show containing the highlights of the final show or will the podcasts stop on the same day as the last show and just have highlights up to the Thursday?
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By Aled
mcmahonman wrote:I've not done the maths but is there going to be a podcast on the following Friday after the last show containing the highlights of the final show or will the podcasts stop on the same day as the last show and just have highlights up to the Thursday?

I opened up this page and read your question just as I was pondering how we end on podcasts.

Sadly, it doesn't seem like I'm going to get what I wanted with the podcasts (which was to re-upload every single one for the last 14 days) so I want to think of another way of going out with a bang. Friday the 14th will definitely go out as a separate podcast. We might even strip the songs and put it out almost in its entirety as a collector's edition.

Maybe we should do a series of final Best Of Year podcasts like the Now CDs who do one per year and have the packages for that year out on one collector's podcast?
Aled wrote:Maybe we should do a series of final Best Of Year podcasts like the Now CDs who do one per year and have the packages for that year out on one collector's podcast?

Best of each year would be excellent, I'd certainly be interested in that!

Are you going to keep resurrecting old features like you did this morning? It was almost as if a prayer had been answered at 9am today:
Me, on the 12th July this year wrote:Something I've missed from CMS in recent years is Ramble. I understand it's spiritual successor was the 6.30-7 slot but I'm never up in time for that. I used to be able to do RAAAAAAAAMBLLLLLLLLLLE as long as Dave too. While driving to work.

I re-enacted exactly that this morning, thank you whoever decided on that :)
Aled wrote:Maybe we should do a series of final Best Of Year podcasts like the Now CDs who do one per year and have the packages for that year out on one collector's podcast?

Sounds good to me.
Can I ask that when Chris leaves Radio 1 completley that this style of podcast is produced for every year that he was there, It would only be 15 or 16 podcasts :-). I know I'm asking alot from the podcast staff (Ant can't do that on his own, surely). I know I'm asking waay too much from your influence at the station but I would love it if one of his longest standing (On air) work collegues was to be involved in his final stint at a legendary station. Radio 1 has been in my family since as long as I can remember (I heard DLT get his Gotcha off Noel Edmonds when I was in the car picking my mum up from work - My dad was driving :-) ).
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By Aled
j10cool10 wrote:Aled, just a question RE come The Chris Moyles show has only ever done weekly ones, and not daily (like Scott Mills)?

It comes from my interpretation of the data of when we twice did a week of daily podcasts, after they settled down we had less weekly subscribers than we did before the dailies - I took from that that our audience generally found a daily podcast too much so have kept it to weekly.

It also means the quality is higher. A daily podcast would mean less editing and less crafting. A skill Ant is world class in.
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By Aled
James H wrote:
Aled wrote:Maybe we should do a series of final Best Of Year podcasts like the Now CDs who do one per year and have the packages for that year out on one collector's podcast?

Best of each year would be excellent, I'd certainly be interested in that!

Are you going to keep resurrecting old features like you did this morning? It was almost as if a prayer had been answered at 9am today:
Me, on the 12th July this year wrote:Something I've missed from CMS in recent years is Ramble. I understand it's spiritual successor was the 6.30-7 slot but I'm never up in time for that. I used to be able to do RAAAAAAAAMBLLLLLLLLLLE as long as Dave too. While driving to work.

I re-enacted exactly that this morning, thank you whoever decided on that :)

If you view the 14 shows as a series, then across the shows they'll be balanced out with other things, but initially (i.e. this week) yes we will be
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By Aled
slaphead1982 wrote:
Aled wrote:Maybe we should do a series of final Best Of Year podcasts like the Now CDs who do one per year and have the packages for that year out on one collector's podcast?

Sounds good to me.
Can I ask that when Chris leaves Radio 1 completley that this style of podcast is produced for every year that he was there, It would only be 15 or 16 podcasts :-). I know I'm asking alot from the podcast staff (Ant can't do that on his own, surely). I know I'm asking waay too much from your influence at the station but I would love it if one of his longest standing (On air) work collegues was to be involved in his final stint at a legendary station. Radio 1 has been in my family since as long as I can remember (I heard DLT get his Gotcha off Noel Edmonds when I was in the car picking my mum up from work - My dad was driving :-) ).

I rarely say 'no', but here are two reasons why this is unlikely - one producers aren't attached to presenters as a rule. There's no guarantee that I would work on his future stuff so what interest would a producer in 2015 have to do a best of the year and catalogue, source, edit, compile and upload a year's worth of material from 1997?

I can do it with breakfast because I've overseen the backend stuff, I've kept my own copies of the shows, kept the running orders and podcasts.

The other reason is that Radio 1 is never going to be in a place where publicising the span of years a DJ has been with a youth station is something they're going to want to do.
This would explain why the montages are sounding brilliant. I would imagine Ant is involved in these as they sound like podcast trails - and those have always been sublimely edited, so well done to him!
How about releasing a DVD with the whole of the Marathon for Comic relief (minus the songs presumably) - 3 or 4 discs I'd imagine...£20 and the proceeds go to next years Comic Relief?

I watched as much as that as I possibly could but there were some bits I couldn't (work, sleep etc.)

I'd love to be able to watch it all again as it happened.
Tico987 wrote:How about releasing a DVD with the whole of the Marathon for Comic relief (minus the songs presumably) - 3 or 4 discs I'd imagine...£20 and the proceeds go to next years Comic Relief?

I watched as much as that as I possibly could but there were some bits I couldn't (work, sleep etc.)

I'd love to be able to watch it all again as it happened.

I have a copy of the entire marathon show red button feed. It's about 11GB but I can send you the download link via pm if you want, same goes to anyone else on here! :)
Aled wrote: Radio 1 is never going to be in a place where publicising the span of years a DJ has been with a youth station is something they're going to want to do.

Radio One did celebrate Annie Nightingales 40th and Pete Tong's 20th anniversary on the station recently!
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By Aled
SAV1OUR wrote:This would explain why the montages are sounding brilliant. I would imagine Ant is involved in these as they sound like podcast trails - and those have always been sublimely edited, so well done to him!

Yes, totally.

Are we liking the packages? Do they work?
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Friday is up, and platinum:[…]