Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Bonanzoid
To go off on a tangent, Liverpool aren't playing in this week's fixture list due to the Carling Cup Final. I thought I'd be nice and warn people.
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By Yudster
theflyingbadger wrote:She only done it to wheel out her Shakespearean 'balls gag' again.
Old dog new tricks

*Edit* A smiley face was meant to be positioned at the end of my last sentence, thus making it a wee cheeky comment rather than a rather obnoxious looking one.
Apologies big bawster :(

Chheky or obnoxious, fact remains its completely true. I simply LOVE that quote and yes, I WILL wheel it out at any and every opportunity.
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By foot-loose
theflyingbadger wrote:Don't blame you, my diet is very poor with quite a high lager intake so it's probably safer for the both of us.

Whilst browsing UD for a more quaint act of carnal shenanigans for us to partake in I stumbled upon the following.

Cashier Number 4 please...

I'll be honest, I did release a little bit of nose flem in trying to curtail my laughter. I apologise.
And I'm sure it wasn't you who created the entry.

Ahh Kevin. Happy memories. He's still got my watch...
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By a-moron
Back on top!

Expecting a good score this weekend, which will probably culminate in a new points low for the season.
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By a-moron
Andre villas bonanzoid.

Stroke of luck for me. Aguero benched so Dempsey stepped in as captain, 26 points later and I'm a happy camper.
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By a-moron
Still top, soaring above the rest of you. A screaming eagle so to speak. Also known as a FlyingBadger.
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By DevilsDuck
Hmmm...I need to get 3rd...I dont want to have to go through pre-qualifiers for the champions league
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By Bonanzoid
Suppose I'll make it official. Congrats to theflyingbadger on his triumph in the Fantasy Football league.

5th will have to do for me, although I was pleased to just pip chrysostom to it. :)


PS. Can anyone remember who won it last year?

Saturday is up