Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By neilt0
Mildly off-topic, but I'm sure Chris will mention this:

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By Ilovematt
neilt0 wrote:Mildly off-topic, but I'm sure Chris will mention this:

WOW... I have lost a lot of respect for 'Baldy' What a nasty man !!
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By Yudster
I saw the video without the audio yesterday and thought that it was all a bit of a nothing - but when I saw it properly, well I can only assume Patrick Stewart was drunk. How could he be so patronising and misjudge the whole thing so disastrously otherwise? Unless he really is a complete arse, which is obviously possible but I don't want to believe it......!

The more we see of James Corden (belly and all) the more I like him. I keep waiting for him to go all Gervaise on us but he really hasn't, he is brilliant.
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By MK Chris
I saw a 'best of' version of his Sky panel show yesterday and it was brilliant - although that wasn't purely down to him, he had some great guests (I have a similar reaction to John Bishop as Yudster has to James Corden - I like him more the more I see him - his reaction to Alastair Campbell criticising the grammar in someone's autobiography was brilliant: "Alastair, you of all people are criticising the content of a document!")

James Corden is brilliant too though - I did feel for him in that clip - I suppose you could say his reaction was a bit over the top, but as has been said here, Patrick Stewart was very out of line (and very possibly drunk).
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By dimtimjim
I've always liked Pat, he's always come across very well in other interviews i've seen with him, but I agree that he's fallen flat on his face with this one. Maybe he wasn't meaning offence by it, but he did a fine job of digging himself deeper. James Corden is brilliant. He is a proper comedy genius and obviously comfortable with who he is, and why not. Good retort JC.
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By foot-loose
dimtimjim wrote:I've always liked Pat, he's always come across very well in other interviews i've seen with him, but I agree that he's fallen flat on his face with this one. Maybe he wasn't meaning offence by it, but he did a fine job of digging himself deeper. James Corden is brilliant. He is a proper comedy genius and obviously comfortable with who he is, and why not. Good retort JC.

Totally agree. I think this was a joke that wasn't well thought out that fell on it's arse and, as you say, he dug himself too deep.

The man captained The Enterprise though, he's allowed to be an arse if he wants.
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By DevilsDuck
foot-loose wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:I've always liked Pat, he's always come across very well in other interviews i've seen with him, but I agree that he's fallen flat on his face with this one. Maybe he wasn't meaning offence by it, but he did a fine job of digging himself deeper. James Corden is brilliant. He is a proper comedy genius and obviously comfortable with who he is, and why not. Good retort JC.

Totally agree. I think this was a joke that wasn't well thought out that fell on it's arse and, as you say, he dug himself too deep.

The man captained The Enterprise though, he's allowed to be an arse if he wants.

are you a star trek fan?
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By foot-loose
DevilsDuck wrote:
foot-loose wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:I've always liked Pat, he's always come across very well in other interviews i've seen with him, but I agree that he's fallen flat on his face with this one. Maybe he wasn't meaning offence by it, but he did a fine job of digging himself deeper. James Corden is brilliant. He is a proper comedy genius and obviously comfortable with who he is, and why not. Good retort JC.

Totally agree. I think this was a joke that wasn't well thought out that fell on it's arse and, as you say, he dug himself too deep.

The man captained The Enterprise though, he's allowed to be an arse if he wants.

are you a star trek fan?

I don't dislike it, but I wouldn't call myself a fan. What has that got to do with anything though... he captained The Enterprise fur * sake!
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By DevilsDuck
thank * for that! Almost lost that last scrap of respect I have for you! Anyway sweet-cheeks........calm down!
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By MK Chris
Sidders wrote:Did Chris mention it?

Yeah, it was in the opening link this morning.
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By foot-loose
DevilsDuck wrote:thank * for that! Almost lost that last scrap of respect I have for you! Anyway sweet-cheeks........calm down!

... we refer to ourselves as "trekkers" anyway.

Live long.
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By Cheryluk
I agree that Patrick Stewart was a bit drunk and probably out of order but lets face it James Corden shouldn't even be on the same stage as he's just well known for being a fat ugly sod and being in a series where he wasn't remotely funny.
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By foot-loose
Corden is a nice guy who's genuinely funny (as oppose to only funny off a script) and appears to be pretty down to earth. He's not the most conventional looking celebrity, agreed, but that is certainly not a bad thing Cheryl. Gavin and Stacey was hugely successful whither you like it or not and so far, as Yuds (I think) said earlier, he hasn't gone down the Gervais route of being a shitey one trick poney.
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By Sidders
Topher wrote:
Sidders wrote:Did Chris mention it?

Yeah, it was in the opening link this morning.

What did he say? I imagine Chris to have quite a lot of respect for Patrick Stewart.
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By dimtimjim
I do believe, being 3 men, no matter how hard you guys may go at it, babies may not be the result..... Worth a try though, best of Bwitish!

Saturday is up