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Last time I went it was the best holiday - even though it was with my parents.* We just went to bars drinking vodka and eating platters of Polish sausage.

*My dad was quite useful as he's Polish and can therefore find all the decent bars with cheap prices.
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By jocky85
S4B wrote:One glass of wine for the lady!

(Oooh that was very Al Murray!)

Haha I'm going to see him in May!
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By S4B
jocky85 wrote:
S4B wrote:One glass of wine for the lady!

(Oooh that was very Al Murray!)

Haha I'm going to see him in May!

JEALOUS!!! I have had hugs and kisses off him!
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S4B wrote:
jocky85 wrote:Glass of white please!

You a girl?

Haha. You got it right this time.
But it's the 21st Century now. Men can drink wine. I'm rather partial to a nice bit of wine. And I was a bloke last time I checked!
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By jocky85
My ex prefers wine to beer - but lots of people think hes gay haha!
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I definitely prefer wine to beer. Beer is too diluted and you just feel full after a couple.
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By S4B
TIAL wrote: I was a bloke last time I checked!

Really? When did you last check? ;)

TIAL wrote:I definitely prefer wine to beer. Beer is too diluted and you just feel full after a couple.

I prefer vodka but I love a good beer - NOT LAGER!

charlalottie wrote:I'd do anything to get drunk without the feeling sick after one drink or the hangover.

*Passes Lottie a vodka and orange juice.*
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By Zoot
Haha, you even went for the retro Sig
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By Yudster
I would like a large bottle of cheap sherry. Or two. Please.
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By foot-loose
Zoot wrote:Haha, you even went for the retro Sig

It involved a lot of faffage on the iPhone.
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By Munki Bhoy
Just a coke for me, I'm driving.
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By Johnny 1989
Bottle of black label Smirnoff & a straw please (work isn't getting any better)
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By Zoot
Would an online hug do?
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By jocky85
Do you do tea? Bit early for me!!
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By CassieJackson
foot-loose wrote:It's 2am, I've just watched Torchwood, i'm in an online bar and I need a hug. :(

I needed a hug after Torchwood too. And a big Gin.
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By jocky85
On a related note, discovered today theres a pub relatively close to where I live called 'The Jockey' - must pay it a visit!
By Ezza
Archers and orange please!
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By Yudster
Whisky Mac please - and not a whisky and ginger ale, like they gave me in my local the other night when I asked for a whisky mac, a proper one!
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