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So? What does that matter? It's ridiculous and if she is drunk that just makes it worse. Look at the recent spate of teen suicides in South Wales, this is hardly going to help that situation is it?
So if encouraging suicide is such a bad thing, should I remove my petition to get Big Brother cancelled then? I just thought itwould be funny to see what would actually happen.
S4B wrote:And how bad has she just made her mother feel?

Gods sake!


S4B wrote:She's supposed to be some kind of role model, admitting she would kill herself is hardly likely to stop kids doing it! I think it's VERY irresponsible of her.


kendra k wrote:Drunkenly saying you'd kill yourself if your mom died from cancer on national radio seem more like attention seeking than honest sincerity.


I've lost my dad to bowel cancer a day before my birthday. The last thing I wanted to do was then kill myself as I needed and wanted to stay around to look after my mum and little sis. (which then meant I grew up very fast). I think suicide is a very cowardly thing to do anyways... it's escaping from things you need to sort out/get through. Plus it causes a lot of pain for others...
rustybike wrote:I think suicide is a very cowardly thing to do anyways... it's escaping from things you need to sort out/get through. Plus it causes a lot of pain for others...

I don't think it's as simple as that. You don't know what people are going through.. people who are ready to commit suicide (and I mean the people who actually do it, who (I believe) are generally not the same people as the ones who talk about doing it) are at such a low ebb they think they don't matter to anyone. They believe that their demise will be of no consequence to anyone and won't disrupt anyone's life. They think people are better off without them.

I'd be very careful of calling it a cowardly act in those circumstances.
I can see how some people would call suicide cowardly, but I know I don't have the guts (personally) to do it. I also agree that for some people, it's the only way they will ever truly be at peace, as sad as that is. It doesn't mean they're beyond help, but it's hard to understand that without having their mindset.

Of course, this has very little to do with people declaring suicide in a public forum when it will garner attention. I'd be more worried about the people who say they're fine.
Topher wrote:
rustybike wrote:I think suicide is a very cowardly thing to do anyways... it's escaping from things you need to sort out/get through. Plus it causes a lot of pain for others...

I don't think it's as simple as that. You don't know what people are going through.. people who are ready to commit suicide (and I mean the people who actually do it, who (I believe) are generally not the same people as the ones who talk about doing it) are at such a low ebb they think they don't matter to anyone. They believe that their demise will be of no consequence to anyone and won't disrupt anyone's life. They think people are better off without them.

I'd be very careful of calling it a cowardly act in those circumstances.

Topher is spot on.
iain_smith wrote:Kelly Osbourne has just annouonced live on air that she planned to kill h erself if her mum died of cancer.What a brave thing to admit and what an amazing person she is!

Brave? I would never call talking about "suicide" BRAVE. If I had time, I would post much more, but as I don't, I will just I am less than impressed with Kelly. Right, I'm off to join the land of the living, and would be very happy to stay there, problems, or no problems. Byeee.
Vivienne wrote:Brave? I would never call talking about "suicide" BRAVE. If I had time, I would post much more, but as I don't, I will just I am less than impressed with Kelly. Right, I'm off to join the land of the living, and would be very happy to stay there, problems, or no problems. Byeee.

Best Viv post ever.
Topher wrote:
rustybike wrote:I think suicide is a very cowardly thing to do anyways... it's escaping from things you need to sort out/get through. Plus it causes a lot of pain for others...

I don't think it's as simple as that. You don't know what people are going through.. people who are ready to commit suicide (and I mean the people who actually do it, who (I believe) are generally not the same people as the ones who talk about doing it) are at such a low ebb they think they don't matter to anyone. They believe that their demise will be of no consequence to anyone and won't disrupt anyone's life. They think people are better off without them.

I'd be very careful of calling it a cowardly act in those circumstances.

True... but I would always just assume that the people around them would help them if they were in such a state and catch them before anything happened and that they would also go to them for help. But at the end of the day that's just my opinion - that's just what I think about the subject... doesn't mean everyone else is wrong though - I respect everyone else's opinion, I just might not agree with it 100%.
The trouble is, if you look into a lot of these cases, people give no prior warning before they actually do it. I've heard stories where someone who committed suicide was making plans on the same day they killed themselves to go out with mates on the next day and stuff.. the people they were talking to often have no idea that something is wrong, they hide it very well.
He's spot on again.
My mate hanged himself at 7am one morning and we'd all seen him at 2.30 the previous night where we'd been kicked out of a club together, we were singing and dancing and wondering why we always get greasy burgers yet regret them the next day.

He seemed fine and happy and normal. His last words to me were "See you tomorrow mate!" I thought it was a wind up when I was told the next day. No-one had a clue, me, none of his other friends, his missus, his family, his lecturers, no-one. that's why it came as a big shock to us all.
Topher wrote:The trouble is, if you look into a lot of these cases, people give no prior warning before they actually do it. I've heard stories where someone who committed suicide was making plans on the same day they killed themselves to go out with mates on the next day and stuff.. the people they were talking to often have no idea that something is wrong, they hide it very well.


Saturday is up