The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Wesley
foot-loose wrote:CPC is probably my favourite feature on the breakfast show.

I've never thought about it from a forgeiners point of view - I suppose if you didn't know of Catchphrase and who Roy Walker was, it could sound a tad odd.

Odd only begins to explain it.. but I like it :-)
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By Walter Sobchak
Take the mickey is shortened from take the mickey bliss, which is * rhyming slang for taking the piss, this came from a man being piss-proud, having a false erection in the morning, and taking the piss was used to deflate someone that had a sense of self importance.
heres a list of slang

As for Charlalotties post.... she came from Somerset, where I live, and we do talk funny down ere ;)
I tried to find an example of how people used to talk in somerset, but can only find someone from devon, which is similar. Click on "Weare Gifford, Devon..." and see if you can understand this bloke, (I cant understand most of it! :?) ... 9U00005C01

Heres Roy Walker doing his TV Catchphrase show
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By Walter Sobchak
awwwww, my Dad used to call all the girls maid, and all the blokes zunner.
"Ow do sunner".
My Nan (coincidentally) came from Essex and my Gramphy was from Somerset, when he got mad he used to revert to the somerset dialect completely, which my nan couldn't understand!
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By jeddeth
So can someone explain curry to me? When I was last in London, everyone was obsessed with "curry." They would ask, "wanna go get a curry tonight?" I had no idea what they were talking about and I still don't really. Is this just what they call all Indian food? Or is "curry" a specific dish? If you get curry, what specifically is the most popular thing to order? Why is Indian Cuisine so much more popular in London than in New York?
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By Walter Sobchak
if you want to ask someone what they are doing say Yer! Wat be doin-o
My Gramphy was always saying that to me, lol

I'm going now 8)

btw, We have a lady where I work calls people Duck, I love all these Colloquialisms!
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By The Dude
Walter Sobchak wrote:btw, We have a lady where I work calls people Duck, I love all these Colloquialisms!

I used to live in Stoke where even the blokes called each other Duck. Was frightening
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By jeddeth
charlalottie wrote:A curry is a particular dish, well dishes you can get many types of curries. Its basically meat marinaded in a spice saucey marinade thing served with rice, often pilau and then other delicacies such as poppodom and onion bhajis. I think its the most popular take away in Britain and the nations favourite dish appears to be chicken tikka massala which is very nice, slightly spicy but not too hot. Despite it being known as an Indian dish, it was made up in England first.

ahhh! ok, so if I order a chicken tikka massala here, I'm basically ordering an authentic british curry? I might get that tonight for dinner.
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By jeddeth
Last curry question, I swear!

Can I go into a british indian take-away and just ask to order a curry? Or do you have to be more specific?
charlalottie wrote:That's what I said pretty much weren't it?

Sorry I tend to ignore the vast majority of your posts as they are dull and your sig is irritating.

I imagine people do the same with mine.
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By foot-loose
jeddeth wrote:Can I go into a british indian take-away and just ask to order a curry? Or do you have to be more specific?

You would need to be more specific. I find it the most complicated thing ever to order which means i tend to go in wanting a curry and come out with a pizza or a nan (bread) (with cheese).

Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:I imagine people do the same with mine.

Every time I read your sig, gaspode, I can hear Sara Cox reading it.

I have absolutly no idea why.

"Nicer legs than Hitler and bigger tits than Cher."


A quick google search leads me to believe that it may be a monty python sketch:

"Henry Kissinger, I've been missin' yer
You're the doctor of my dreams
With your crinkly hair and your glassy stare
And your Machiavellian schemes

All right, so people say that you don't care
But you've got nicer legs than Hitler and bigger tits than Cher
Henry Kissinger, how I'm missin' yer
And wishing you were here"
By Ballbag
S4B wrote:round here they call people "duck" or "petal" it annoys me I always want to quack when someone calls me duck!

I'm the same when people call me honey or hun.
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By Yudster
What, you quack when people call you honey? That I'd like to see.

jeddeth wrote:you hate me just cause i don't love car park catch phrase?

tough crowd, you lot :?

No, its because you are exemplifying the stereotype of the American inabilty to cope with irony, sublety of dialogue and flexibility of thought during conversation, plus the cliche of the American propensity to take everything at face value without registering or understanding the layers and shades of meaning within. In case you really are like that, I would like to point out that my use of the words "stereotype" and "cliche" are intended to indicate that I do understand that not all Americans are really like that (although we know they are). ANd that last bit was humour.
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By Boboff
Only in your world yuddey !

The whole going out for a curry is a stupid question again though.

If you went out for Pizza, you would specify what type when ordering, if you went out for fish and chips, you could have sausage, savaloy or even donkey dick and chips, with scrumps, if you went out for Tapas, you would end up eating all sorts of unmentionable seafood and stuff, curry is simply a collective term for an Indian, not sure why you say curry and not Indian, but you say Pizza, and may well have Lasagne, or a Salad, *Gaspode I accept this is a complete Oxymoron* but then you would go out for a Thai or an Italian or a Mexican, which describes the cuisine, Indeed in some areas you might go for a Balti, which is a type of curry, but of which there are many.

jeddeth, appreciate that it just doesn't make allot of sense but really it's not that important,
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By jeddeth
Yudster wrote:
jeddeth wrote:you hate me just cause i don't love car park catch phrase?

tough crowd, you lot :?

No, its because you are exemplifying the stereotype of the American inabilty to cope with irony, sublety of dialogue and flexibility of thought during conversation, plus the cliche of the American propensity to take everything at face value without registering or understanding the layers and shades of meaning within. In case you really are like that, I would like to point out that my use of the words "stereotype" and "cliche" are intended to indicate that I do understand that not all Americans are really like that (although we know they are). ANd that last bit was humour.

You guys are hilarious! Yudster, I think the thing you should take from this conversation is that all in all, my impression is that you are the one who is daft. So maybe you are more like the "typical american" than you think? I was fully aware of your subtle "shades of meaning" and attempts at humor. I was winding you up (as you would say). Why did you take my responses at face value? Did you really think I was concerned if you love or hate me?

Americans are thick, I can vouch for that. But New Yorkers are increadbly ironic, sarcastic, subtle, and brilliant. You would like them.

And thanks everyone for the curry info! I get it now. Here curry is a specific dish, like, you would order "chicken curry." So to understand it as a general term causes us Americans a bit of confusion.
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By Yudster
I do like New Yorkers. Well, the ones I know anyway. I like New York, its one of my favourite places in the world. I even know where in the city I want to live (never will, never going to have that kind of money!). Whereabouts are you jeddeth? Now I know you aren't stupid?!! (that was just ....oh you know).
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By jeddeth
Fair enough Charlalottie, I actually never order anything specifically curried cause I don't care for the spice. But I did get Indian last night, (we refer to your "curry" as "Indian food"), and I had some of the best Unda, Chicken Tikka, and Aloo Masala I've ever had.

if anyone comes to New York I'll tell you where you should go!
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