Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By gregs
can someone pleeze help!<br><br>i am tryin to download some mp3's from the sound vault but when i click on the link it just goes to a blank page with the source of the mp3.<br><br>i cant right click, save target as because you get the .cgi file.<br><br><br>pleeze help<br><br>ta<br><br>gregs
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By Uglybob
i know i go on about this place all the time but its fantastic go to and download the software, type in "chris moyles" and see a multitude of songs come down in front of your eyes. simple and bbc hasnt cottoned on yet.
By Guest
Of course got to get them from the best place around  :P
By Guest
moylesworld rules. got homework. i really shouldn't be here. <br><br>[move]i love this "move" function[/move]<br><br>[move]go words! fly accross the screen![/move]<br><br><br>- i need sleep. i need medication. :)
By the_dr
I advice everybody who does any downloading to get a program called FlashGet. I have tried every download manager (gozilla, getright, dap, etc) and this is the best, no doubt. It does everything you want - and can download the files in the sound vault very easily. It follows the .cgi link itself, and handles the redirection to the .mp3 very easily (it even reveals the real url of the mp3 if you look hard enough).<br><br>[move]FLASHGET IS MINT[/move]

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