Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By the_dr
YES! I heard it while I was at the bus stop and figured you'd ask me for it. I got home to discover...... it had recorded. Same quality as last time. I'll edit it and upload it somewhere ASAP.<P>the_dr
By the_dr
You were very lucky today! this morning the computer kept crashing so I couldn't set it up to record Moyles until I had restarted it 3 times. As a result - I missed the bus and was late for school - so you owe me one!<P>the_dr
By stevotrash
much apreciated guys, the ever dependable crew. As a reward i will both send you one of my mates quality paul daniels, debbie mcgee and david coperfield manga style porn pics which he drew. Titled 'the magic circle'<br>v funny  
By the_dr
Wayhay Steveo! I'm making the mp3 now.  :)<P>And Clare - me sad? Yes, I do record the show - but I'll be the one laughing when he stops doing the radio show and you have none of them recorded.<P>the_dr
By Guest
yeah, what he said.<P>- my bad luck always means i miss stuff from the show (also school means i miss often the best of the show from 3-4) so i set the timer on my stereo to record the whole show onto minidisc, which helpfully switches the radio on everyday from 3 - 5:45. also, it gives me the opportunity to upload if anyone want's anything. <br> sad - maybe. prepared - certainly.<P><br>cheers trash<p>[This message has been edited by Monkey (edited 11 June 2001).]
By Tom_Murphy
ok clare serious question - you go up to see moyles all the time so you obviously like him. but you don't even listen to the show. <P>so from your point of view, chris moyles is just a fat man who works at the bbc. <P>why?
By Guest
Am i right in thinking that Stevotrash wants an mp3 of the entire show?<P>Just to let you know in the future, I record the whole show to minidisc. The only gap is in the 5pm newsbeat when I have to change discs. But if anyone wants an mp3 of the entire thing, forget it. I'm only on 56k and I have no broadband options. Anyway, that's enough of my internet problems.<P>Paul.
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By magenta
So how do u lot record the show, set your MD to start recording at a certain time or what? I was trying to get mine to do that but couldn't work it out.
By the_dr
I use a program called Audiograbber and connect my radio to my PC. It grabs the show straight to an mp3.<P>the_dr
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
you should see me fly up the stairs very day when i get home from school to turn my radio on,and on saturday i don't have lie in,i get up at 8am,have breakfast have a shower,reply to e-mails put the radio on,mess around on the internet while listening to chris and then go and have my lunch/go to jemma's house at 1pm.<P>now you can all think about me on saturday mornings and know what i'm doing
By stevotrash
n1 dr, my mate has finished his exams and is finishing off the 'magic circle' illustration. As soon as completredsd, it will be scanned and emailed to you
By the_dr
We are building up a psychological pattern of you to aid our assination attempt. You've just given us all the information we need.<P>dr_murder...
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
ah ha,so it could have been you that rang my mobile and hung up,trying me and see if i have my mob turned on...or not,hmmm,so far you are all suspects, but the_dr is the prime suspect

Saturday is up