Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
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By S4B
markool89 wrote:
S4B wrote:I am chilled I'm just upset as well

i didnt even know that was possiable. but hay, anything is possiable with women!! :-P

Note: that was a joke. not a serious comment...

Mark, seriously, learn to spell
S4B wrote:
markool89 wrote:
S4B wrote:I am chilled I'm just upset as well

i didnt even know that was possiable. but hay, anything is possiable with women!! :-P

Note: that was a joke. not a serious comment...

Mark, seriously, learn to spell

thats what not going to school for your last two years does!
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By Aled
jeddeth wrote:Hey Aled!

Is Chris aware that he and Drew Barrymore were both born on February 22nd? I've always just wondered about that.

Also, do you guys have any idea how many listeners you have on Sirius?


I don't think he is actually. I'll mention it to him!

We don't know Sirius figures - but then neither do they. They go by subscription - they don't actually then audit which channels are listened to.
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By Aled
boboff wrote:Has any one seen Aleds friends list from X box ?

Seriously S4B - Chill

My friend list on the XBox is made up of randoms I don't actually know. My gamertag was mentioned on air a while back.

The online alerts can be a bitch when you're trying to play a game
Can you not change your tag?*

* I don't actually know the answer to this, I've never used XBox Live.
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By Aled
S4B wrote:Aled! You obviously have a problem with us. I don't enjoy being misrepresented to 8 million people and I'd like to understand why you're being so vicious about us.

Chris mentioned that you're our "leader"? Since when? You have your own site and if we wanted a leader we'd come and play on your site rather than be on here.

I'm disappointed that you obviously think we're retarded idiots who don't understand Chris' humour, I think the problem is yours though and that you don't understand ours.

We're not cliquey and the only newbies we shoot down are the stupid ones! There have been many new members recently who post regularly and that we haven't brought down in flames!

Will you please come in the chatroom at some point and discuss it with us like adults!?

You HAVE taken this very personally!!

Just to make things clear. I LOVE this site - I've been reading it since before I even joined the Chris Moyles Show and contributing to it in some way or other from pretty much day 1 of my joining the team when we were on afternoons.

Many of the words you use as mine are in fact Chris'. I don't regard myself as your leader! lol. I'd like to think of myself perhaps as a bridge between the site and the official team seeing as I'm both on the show and a fan (and geek). We all love it when Chris talks about the site - it helps to keep new blood coming to it as well as keeping the excitement around it. Chris isn't the type of presenter and do a "sell" about something saying how great it is. His style is to do it in a pee-taking kinda way. Surely as a fan you know this. His talk up of this site is no exception.

As for my and Chris' opinion of our experience of the site - you can't shoot us down for this! Whether you think you are or are not one thing or another if I feel the site's negative about something that's my perception of it. It's just as valid as the next persons surely? If Chris comes on here and feels newbies are treated harshly then that's his opinion. If he's thinking it then there must be others who have also felt that.

Having a hissy fit in our direction doesn't change our experiences of the site, and questioning Chris' humour seems a bizarre choice of discussion on the website!?

All that aside Aled.......

What about that room, you've let it out now and I was waiting for you to get back to me and everything. I feel hurt and rejected, just cos he likes woo woo's more than me.
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By Aled
unclejoesmintballs wrote:ahhhha hey mr hayden-jones i have 2 comments

1) i think you was well and truly robbed on css

2) we miss you on here

3) ok i lied i have three what has been your most disapointing interveiw or moment on the show

1) Thank you. I had a great time - nothing lost.

2) I AM here just SO busy (12 hour Chris Moyles Show coming up and all!)

3) Often my disappointments are different to everyone else'. I get disapointed when things didn't go as well as I hoped. My links into the show that never quite take off get to me quite a lot. I was disapointed with a couple of guests but in the name of keeping a calm front I'll stay quiet. :)
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By Zoot
There are some grumpy SoB's in here, nobody can deny that. Anyway folks, lighten up - Its Christmas! (well nearly...)

Aled - What you doing for Christmas? you spending it with your family or Mr Aled (that doesn't work does it... your better half..) or both?
Aled wrote:If Chris comes on here and feels newbies are treated harshly then that's his opinion.

Aled wrote:if I feel the site's negative about something that's my perception of it

Absolutely, but if you look at the site as a whole, negativity and newbie-bashing happen infrequently - these things have been presented as being representative of this site, which is demonstrably untrue. And whilst anyone and everyone has the right to form an opinion even if they aren't looking at the whole picture, you must admit that to do so isn't the most intelligent thing in the world, and if that flimsily based opinion is then voiced to 8 million people, the individuals who feel justifiably maligned by that opinion are likely to be upset.

I'm not upset by the way, doesn't bother me in the least!
Excellent Aled, I have found this a bit frustrating with the Negative stuff that comes out on the show, but hey, like you say, it's not unusual, as that Welsh Song Bird said.

P.S. Tell Dave that he's funny would you !
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By S4B
Aled wrote:
You HAVE taken this very personally!!

Just to make things clear. I LOVE this site - I've been reading it since before I even joined the Chris Moyles Show and contributing to it in some way or other from pretty much day 1 of my joining the team when we were on afternoons.

Many of the words you use as mine are in fact Chris'. I don't regard myself as your leader! lol. I'd like to think of myself perhaps as a bridge between the site and the official team seeing as I'm both on the show and a fan (and geek). We all love it when Chris talks about the site - it helps to keep new blood coming to it as well as keeping the excitement around it. Chris isn't the type of presenter and do a "sell" about something saying how great it is. His style is to do it in a pee-taking kinda way. Surely as a fan you know this. His talk up of this site is no exception.

As for my and Chris' opinion of our experience of the site - you can't shoot us down for this! Whether you think you are or are not one thing or another if I feel the site's negative about something that's my perception of it. It's just as valid as the next persons surely? If Chris comes on here and feels newbies are treated harshly then that's his opinion. If he's thinking it then there must be others who have also felt that.

Having a hissy fit in our direction doesn't change our experiences of the site, and questioning Chris' humour seems a bizarre choice of discussion on the website!?


Do you know what? I just typed a really long and articulate repsonse to that but deleted it and give up as you obviously have NO idea what I was talking about so there is no point in trying to explain it to you further! I'll just say this we are NO harsher to newbies than Chris is to many people on air and maybe his humour is now so firmly engrained in us that we have a hard time switching it off to "softly, softly" introduce people to the site!

Still would appreciate a visit in the chatroom though.
Sorry to say something that's already been posted but i couldn't find an answer from Aled.
How many cards do you get fo Birthday Corner and how many of them do u usually read out. 'cos I just posted one now for my sister on tuesday.
Thanks in advance, Leon.
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By Aled
leon44 wrote:Sorry to say something that's already been posted but i couldn't find an answer from Aled.
How many cards do you get fo Birthday Corner and how many of them do u usually read out. 'cos I just posted one now for my sister on tuesday.
Thanks in advance, Leon.

Hey Leon

It varies from between 7 - 30 a day. We try to namecheck every card we get (that's on time) even if we don't read every card out
  • 1
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 47

Saturday is up