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Has Nic deleted her post to make it look like the random ramblings of a mad man on here. Very funny. Nearly as funny as Ross Noble.

*Edit - Really should notice when it's about to start a new page by now*
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theflyingbadger wrote:Has Nic deleted her post to make it look like the random ramblings?

Ha tis most flattering but I am no gorgeous red head. Closest I came to that was when I dyed a section of my hair for a festival one year. I'm also too sceptical of tatoos.

theflyingbadger wrote:Really should notice when it's about to start a new page by now*


Yeah, one day, all this shall be ours, unless no-one else posts in which case this message will self-destruct.

Sorry Aled, by the way.
I'm a bit confused now, but suffice it to say, I didn't delete any posts. And to answer Wykey's question about Mr Noble, some of his other dvd titles include Sonic Waffle, Unrealtime and Mind Blender.
Someone, who shall remain un-outed by me, deleted a post to which I was replying.

I think they probably realised that pointing out 'random chaos theory is a widely used phrase' didn't quite fall within my scope of opprobrium...
Its a load of bollocks anyway. What a stupid thing to assert.

Do you think it's healthy for someone who is so out of touch with the recent past, so out of touch with popular culture, someone who portrays themselves (act or not) as being entirely without common sense and someone who can't understand even the simplest joke even when it's explained to be even in part responsible for output that is targeted at impressionable children?

Or is your on air persona an act?
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By Aled
Wykey wrote:Aled,

Do you think it's healthy for someone who is so out of touch with the recent past?

It's not recent past. It's 80s and before - and then you're only referring to music. My history of events, politics and showbiz are quite good actually.

Wykey wrote:so out of touch with popular culture

Absolutely incorrect to the point of being defamatory

Wykey wrote:someone who portrays themselves (act or not) as being entirely without common sense

Again, completely off the mark - I think my common sense is really strong, emotional intelligence is far superior to intellect from an educational point of view.

Wykey wrote:and someone who can't understand even the simplest joke even when it's explained

It's not that I can't understand, it's that it's not my humour - I just don't have that kind of sense of humour, something I share with my Mum and a lot of other people according to Twitter - I just don't bow to bullying snobs who mock people like me into lying and laughing along politely when I don't get a joke. Try it, tell a fake joke in a group of people and arrange it that everyone else laughs and see whether the person you're telling it to laughs along or not. I wouldn't laugh - because I openly admit I don't get it - others go with the flow. Is that really that bad?

Wykey wrote: to be even in part responsible for output that is targeted at impressionable children?

Absolutely. Every child should be taught to be proud of who they are, not to be shamed into going with the crowd and blending in, and to encourage learning by asking if they don't know something. I'm proud of that.

Wykey wrote: Or is your on air persona an act?

No, this is me.
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By Wykey
I'm not saying any of what I perceive is bad - and it's not intended to be defamatory, far from it - I think what you do on the surgery is frankly brilliant. Not only brilliant, but hugely important and something that you should be massively proud of. I wish there was more of that kind of radio for it's target - I wish there'd been more when I was that age.

But the you on the surgery appears, to me, to be an entirely different person from the you that was (for example) speaking during the opening link this morning.

Obviously from your reply I'm reading you entirely wrongly - but I wasn't referring only to music, there have been many many discussions where you've appeared to be set up either as someone who is oblivious to the discussion or as someone that had never heard of the things being discussed. With respect - the you that comes across during those discussions appears to exist almost entirely in an x-factor, celebrity jungle type bubble.
By Emmy
Wykey wrote:Aled,

Do you think it's healthy for someone who is so out of touch with the recent past?

Aled wrote:It's not recent past. It's 80s and before - and then you're only referring to music. My history of events, politics and showbiz are quite good actually.

Prove it. The Battle of Hastings took place in...? :-P

Wykey wrote:someone who portrays themselves (act or not) as being entirely without common sense

Aled wrote:Again, completely off the mark - I think my common sense is really strong, emotional intelligence is far superior to intellect from an educational point of view.

Why is one more valuable than the other? There are plenty of people for whom emotional intelligence isn't their strongest point who get by perfectly well in life (I'd include myself in that category) and vice-versa.

Wykey wrote:and someone who can't understand even the simplest joke even when it's explained

Aled wrote:It's not that I can't understand, it's that it's not my humour - I just don't have that kind of sense of humour, something I share with my Mum and a lot of other people according to Twitter - I just don't bow to bullying snobs who mock people like me into lying and laughing along politely when I don't get a joke. Try it, tell a fake joke in a group of people and arrange it that everyone else laughs and see whether the person you're telling it to laughs along or not. I wouldn't laugh - because I openly admit I don't get it - others go with the flow. Is that really that bad?

I would think that the reason why a group of people would laugh along politely at a lame joke/a joke they don't get is because it would be quite rude to meet the joke teller's efforts with a stony/blank faced stare, or by saying 'I don't understand that joke/'That's not funny''. I would be cringing inside for the joke teller if someone reacted like that, in the same way as I was cringing so much listening to this morning's link I had to turn off the radio for a bit, which I almost never do with the show. I do like you as a rule Aled, but you were getting right on my last nerve this morning!

I'm currently opening a door of an advent calendar each day with a large group of small children.They insist on me reading out the jokes behind the doors, and even though nearly all of the jokes clearly go right over their heads they always laugh at them. They do so because they know you're supposed to laugh at a joke (even if you don't get it), having already learned that the socially acceptable thing is to 'go with the flow' as you put it. I don't see that as being a bad thing at all, to me it's the along the same lines as teaching a child to say thank you even for a present they really didn't like.

Bonue joke for you from today's door;

What do snowmen ride around on?


Yay or nay to that one Aled?
By Emmy
I was only talking about a real life face to face joke telling situation, which is entirely different to your reaction to a tv or film comedy, or a comedy gig etc.

And there's no need to be so rude, you obviously missed out on the manners lessons as a child.
Well said Aled, I don't always find the old/lame jokes this morning, I do love one of Dave's crap puns/jokes though!

Other than the marathon show, what would be your 2011 highlights on TCMS? (I presume the marathon is the main highlight)
Emmy wrote:I was only talking about a real life face to face joke telling situation, which is entirely different to your reaction to a tv or film comedy, or a comedy gig etc.

And there's no need to be so rude, you obviously missed out on the manners lessons as a child.

even in a real life face to face joke telling situation you don't have to lie about finding something funny in a group of friends.

I am here:,-2.593678
Emmy wrote:I was only talking about a real life face to face joke telling situation, which is entirely different to your reaction to a tv or film comedy, or a comedy gig etc.

And there's no need to be so rude, you obviously missed out on the manners lessons as a child.

So if I called you a complete and utter moron, but said I was joking, you would laugh?
By Emmy
Technically that's a statement and not an actual joke, so it's an irrelevant question. The bottom line of my earlier post, and all I want for Christmas this year, is for Aled to pretend/lie/do whatever he has to do in future in order to avoid any more cringeworthy 'Aled doesn't get the joke' links (especially if Jimmy Carr is involved). We've all got that particular joke by now. However, I get the feeling I will be disappointed by Santa this year, so I am resigned to my fate.
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By Aled
Wykey wrote:But the you on the surgery appears, to me, to be an entirely different person from the you that was (for example) speaking during the opening link this morning.

Well that backs up my point, you're reading into such a narrow perception of someone - in my case musical heritage, humour and sport and are coming to a conclusion of how stupid I am, you're then surprised that I can sound like a different person on The Surgery. Well, The Surgery doesn't include any music from before I was born, we don't discuss sport and there's never been a comedy corner so i dont do the things that wind you up and you regard me as a different person.
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By Aled
Emmy wrote:Why is one more valuable than the other? There are plenty of people for whom emotional intelligence isn't their strongest point who get by perfectly well in life (I'd include myself in that category) and vice-versa.

It isn't.

That's the point I'm making. Just because I'm not strong in one particular intelligence doesn't mean I can be marked down as a human being as unfit to work in a particular job. There are many many different types of intelligence. Chris didn't go to Uni, but he gets jokes.. are we even having this conversation!?
It does seem to be Pick On Aled Week doesn't it?

I think I understand why people are saying what they are saying and I won't pretend I haven't had those thoughts myself in the past, but I think I hear it all differently now to how I used to. And I know lots of people who don't "get" jokes, but I don't know why anyone cares.

The bit that has stuck in my head from reading this though is where Emmy said that laughing at jokes even if you don't understand them is akin to a child saying thank you for a gift they don't really like - its good manners. I love the analogy, but I would say that it totally depends on the circumstances of the joke telling - in the scenario Al was in on the show, manners are irrelevant. At a social gathering where everyone wants to have a good time, I agree, it would be rude to respond in that way.
I actually think it makes Al more endearing, not irritating. I know many stupid clever people and a few clever stupid people...

not 'getting' jokes is hardly a basis to resign someone to obscurity. Al is clearly a capable and talented producer - where is the issue.

Everyone is different, thats the beauty of the world.
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