The TV & Radio Show Reviews
Good Morning Britain Chris cannot hear

Chris just cant wait to complain this morning and todays moan is towards Joce who has gone through her routine plugging in the headphones without checking them first. The subject of todays show then moves towards tops as Dave becomes Harry Potter (or as he says So Solid Crew).

Kaiser Chiefs - Everyday I Love You Less, NEWS, Hi_Tack - Say Say Say, Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag, Kanye West - Touch The Sky, NEWS, Beyonce - Crazy In Love, Richard Ashcroft - Break The Night With Colour, Magic Numbers - LIVE LOUNGE, NEWS, Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out, Sugababes - Ugly, Arctic Monkeys - When The Sun Goes Down - UK'S NUMBER ONE, NEWS, Orson - No Tomorrow - RDJMNPQ, D:Ream - Things Can Only Get Better - TEDIOUS LINK, Meck Thunder In My Heart Again, Will Young - All Time Love, NEWS, Ordinary Boys - Boys Will Be Boys, Mylo - Doctor Pressure, Sown - The Feeling.

Joce arrives with tea

And joy of all joys we understand Joce and Rachel watched E4 the previous evening at 9. Joce arrived in the studio freshfaced and newly styled in a 'with it' attitude.
During the news Dom plays the wrong clip and Carrie has a slip up. After the news the team then all have a 'lovely' moment as they all compliment each other.

Whats it like out there?

As Chris has been doing this show for the last two years Chris becomes curious what it is like out on the streets of London on a weekday morning during the 7 o'clock rush hour. And after the first of the mornings double-play Chris learns that everyone is stuck in traffic.

One Road Travel with Joce Stainer

It is discovered Joce is doing Doms job before eight o'clock and to Chris is an outrage. Joce is Rachel's and Aled is Chris's. And so for the second Pop Idol of 2006 appears - Travel Idol.

The Breath Test followed by Around the world in 80 places

Rachel once again is free of the booze.
And afterwards Chris goes through his places for the podcast on world-wide charts and Chris is suprised that there is no loving from Canada and Australia. A pig sound effect is then layered on and interrupts the chat as Rachel manages to chomp an apple so loudly which afterwards gives her a reprimand and reminded the songs are there purely to eat.

Travel Idol

Once Richard Ashcroft and the 8:45 Scott Mills trailer the team start to sift through the 631 people who applied in the first half hour and Rachel picked the best of the mail. Debbie asked for a 'position under Dom' and the other one put she has 'big boobs'. The texts start with 'Egg Head Help' style thing.

Celebrity Tarzan - Day 2

Richard Ashcrofts - Key to the World is added to the current Artic Monkeys and after yesterdays 'Steve Coogan' Chris doesn't know who it is so...

Aleds Mums Review - Artic Monkeys - 'Its got some new words!'

RDJMNPQ only on Radio 1

As per usual questions and answers below however here is Daves other question 'Do all text numbers add up to 100?'

1. What is the most popular fruit in the world? Scott Mills... Andi Peters...Tomatoes! - 'Oh balls no!'
2. Who discovered penicillin in 1928? 7:28...Zane Lowes slot...Alexander Fleming!
3. What is the capital city of China? ...Beijing!
4. What sporting items are there currently 3 of on the moon? A question from 'the worlds nerdiest pub quiz'...Golfballs!
5. In km's how long is the coastline of Brazil? ...7491km

So from a guess Chris and Carrie is still winning. Carrie and Chris scored 3 this week with Rachels deduction of 1 from Chris.

Afterwards stright into Tedious as it is running late yet again...
Todays extra teaser - which three teams in the Scottish leagues have a part of the body mentioned in it?

Beep Beep Busters

It appears at the end of the show per usual and after the usual muugings and chit chat the game begins.
Line 1 - Donna from Newscastle - Not a defending champion.
Line 2 - Inspector Morse - Boop, boop, boop. Presumably someone has hung up and so Chris starts padding and the team start talking about necklaces.
Line 3 - Darren from Cromer.

Question 1 - S - What 'S' is what you'd be doing to a cat? You'd stroooke the cat.
Question 2 - E - What 'E' is the west European country famous for their fish and chips? Iiiingland.
Question 3 - K - What 'K' is the fishy smoked breakfast dish? Kippers.
Today Darren wins the pen!

On the 'G' Spot - A selection of letters through 'S''CK' 'B''RK' and 'BEARD' in a time of 2 minutes 30.
And 1 song before Jo ends the show.

Extra -

Chris is tidying his flat and preparing his wardrobe and sofa fitting tomorrow afternoon.
Dave will put the washing on and will be catching up on his timeshifted videos. Carrie will be having goalkeeping fun with Chris

Kirkland for MOTD. Aled will be washing his underwear. Dom will be talking about events in the 1245 Newsbeat, and he may also

be weighing his daughter. Joce and Rachel are having a spa-based pampering session.

Saturday is up