The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
We may just have a full week of reviews for Chris' last week of 2005....thats we may.

ImageFreeloaders- So much Love to give ::NEWSBEAT:: The White Stripes- Blue Orchid: Pussycat Drolls- Stick wit 'choo: Kylie Minogue- Santa Baby ::NEWSBEAT:: The X Factor rejects- My Way: Burt Renolds- Natural Gambler: Eminem- Sing for the Moment: Number 1Nizlopi- The JCB Song: Foo Fighters- Times like these: Shane- Thats my goal: Kanye West- Diamonds from Sierra Lione: Madonna- Hung Up: James Blunt- Goodbye my Love: Gwen Stafini- Know we're cool: >>TEDIOUS LINK: James Bourne- Problems<< :Sugarbabes- Ugly: Naughty Boy- Phat Beach (I'll be Ready): Coldplay- Talk ::NEWSBEAT:: Herb & Fitz- Cant get enough: Nelly- Over and Over again

Chris wants 3 days off for once but has decided that he doesnt get his wish have three days off a week is because the nation would shut down after 3 days of Chappers and Dave- possibly true. However, Dom has decided that 3 days would be perfect for him- he is off today. So the gorgeous Georgina Bowman will be filling in his slot. Well, not literally.

Reality TV Overload

It was the battle of the 3 greats of Reality TV this weekend (well, bar Big Brother). The X Factor, Strictly Come Dancing and Space Cadets. The X Factor was the clear winner in Moyles' eyes since "that dance show is for girls" and Space Cadets was really disappointing. I mean, they gave them 25 grand and told them what was going to happen anyway! So you didn't get the prize shot of them emerging from the rocket thinking they are going to space- but instead are in a airplance hanger in Ipswich.

Sharon got a little freaked out by Simon staring at her beasts

Chris apparently turned down the chance to "press the button" to begin the CD pressing of Shanes new single (which is apparently a wierd mix between 'Evergreen' and 'All this time') at Saturdays X Factor final. So who did they pick instead? Andi Peters, of course! Chris was upset that Andi looked really out of place in the factory. However it was pretty obvious why- wearing his swanky suit whilst the dregs of Blackburn were waving nervously at the camera in the background.

ImageBing Ring


Called: Lucy
Call Time: 0.56
Tracks Played: Frosty the Snowman and Winter Wonderland
Fathomer fact attack: She has never been bung rung.

We had a brief football update. Kidderminster won this weekend for the first time in aboutn a century. Apparently in the local press the manager has walked out. So, Chris had a thought that maybe Rachel could become the new manger, Chris will sort out the oranges and Joss will help be the training. Aled could do the showers or something...

Detox Preview

Chris and the team have obviously pencilled in to do another Detox in the new year. So, like last year, Chris has decided that he hs become sick of drinking and will give up smoking in the new year. Good luck with giving up the fags Chris but the booze? No, never.....

Carrie and the Horses

Carrie was spending the weekend with the horses. She went to the Olympia as she is now the chairmen of Veteran Horses Chairity. She had a really good weekend with John Wittiker (he is big in the horse world). She presented the award, as the "sportsgirl" of the Chris Moyles Breakfast Show. She is wetting herself at the prospect of being in next months Horse and Hound. Hurrah!

Some random horses

The Non-Demotional seasonal Christmas Play

This is a BIG improvement on last years panto. This was part 1 of a "Chris Moyles Carol". It highlighted how Chris prepared for his Christmas show. Rachel was the poorest actress and Dave was a very good Bob Cratchitt.

Moylesworld Update

Chris went on the website this weekend. He is totally sick of members of the site who have been members for years being unfair to the new members. He has told the regulars to be nice to the new people- his words and mine.

Carpark Catchphrase

Doing battle today was Hannah from Plymouth (she is a singer for the popular act Midnight Affair) and Rob who deosnt do much. Hannah won in a very quick game of CPC. Since they were running over it was the shortest Catchphrase EVER!

1. Chris had problems when ringing up a Insurance Company: they knew he was a "radio man."
2. Richard of of "Richard and Judy" thinks Chris is 'incondesently rude'.....
3. which is funny since Chris is on Richard and Judy tomorrow.
4. Moyles may also pull Judy tomorrow...tune in to find out if he does or not!

FINAL SHOW RATING: 6- bit of a slow show to be honest. Also, when they were talking they were never any beds! The Christmas play made up for that tough.

Saturday is up