The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris

"and it's off to join Jo Whiley for the beginning of R1's extensive Glastonbury coverage. Goodbye!" penned the usual Friday reviewer Katie as she listened to the usual sign off jingle told her that Chris and the team would "Be Back On Monday from 7". Her finger firmly pressed the off button on the radio, and she was safe in the knowledge that another Friday's review was done, and indeed dusted, for another week. Alas, dear Katie, that is not the case as there were still 2 hours of Moyles yet to come. "Why" I hear you cry?. Well, let's start from the start.

So, the pips go and a short trail as usual, then Jo opts for a bit of pre-show banter with Chris, all pretty usual so far. There is one comment that stands out though from Jo,

Jo: "I have never seen Thunder & Lightening like this"
[Chris & Dave groan with disapproval]
Jo: "Yeah I…[abruptly stops]"
Chris: "That's why she was talking to us, in case the line cut."
Dom: "Of all the year's we choose to go, it's so bad that Jo Whiley can't even broadcast
Chris: "She may as well have gone 'Chris…bye - you're on until 1'"

Chris then commented that he better go home and get changed, t-shirt and shorts are clearly not the right option in the circumstances. Dave also started to blather on in hilarious filling mode during this first link, as this point nobody knew what the heck was going on - hoping beyond hope that Jo's voice would come out of nowhere and everything would be sorted. It wasn't to be though, so best pop a record on…


So after a couple of songs, Jo was back - but not for long. It was all on her mobile as the power has gone off all throughout the site, which I imagine is quite annoying when you're trying to do a broadcast to the entire nation on the radio. Dave clearly isn't keen on the whole idea of hanging around in the wet and the mud, so suggests to Jo that they should all fly out to see U2 in Dublin and by the time they return it'll all be nice and dry for them. Of course Jo thinks anything is preferable to the situation that she's in now - but moody old Rachel isn't having any of it as, usual.

"It's all a bit of a babyshambles", comments Chris (of course a hint of irony there since they were supposed to play on Jo's show today), Dave though is finding it hard to stay optimistic though, since Colin & Edith are on at 1, again supposedly live from Glasto. So Moyles until 3, then Scott Mills gets in a bit earlier than usual to take over, in Dave's mind at least. In fact because so many DJs are due to be there this weekend, who is left to take over if things go wrong? Kevin Greening and Tony Blackburn of course!

Chris: Wake up with Moyles, Get Home with Moyles, Have Moyles on during the day

Chris isn't even ready to go to Glastonbury - he hasn't packed a thing. Of course that's working to his advantage now, since he can pack completely different things. The main problem now is (as Dom points out) is the mud. So now Chris and the team will become one of the people they have ridiculed all week for wearing shorts and wellies at the same time. Don't knock it before you've tried it/been forced into it is my motto.


Another way they filled a bit of time this morning was to play "Carrie on Camping" (see what they did there) which they didn't play out this morning as they were doing the Your Call spoof. Well now is a good a time as any. And what is today's subject from Ms. Davis? By complete coincidence…the weather. Genius. Also another breakfast show feature comes in to take some seconds away, as BB Aled enters the building. Just the usual BB yapping, (like Jo Whiley's Briggy - but with smaller boobs). The most exciting news is 3 new housemates are in the house tonight, so tune in for that. Chris later commented that he could basically do what he wanted now, since most of management were on site, and he is literally saving Radio 1 (for the first time ever, that's actually true). Lesbian Lovers here we come, and there is nothing Rachel can do to stop him since she's technically not even producer for this show!

The weather soon cleared up though, and Jo was on a single mic about 11:40 starting to do some interviews, and her full show was going just after 12 (well the ¾ hour that was left of it anyway). So well done to Chris, can't be easy doing this sort of radio, but in my humble opinion it's the sort he revels in and is best at. Plus he did it all with only repeating one song from the breakfast show this morning (Coldplay if you're interested, I'm not typing out the entire playlist). Well done Team Moyles.

Saturday is up