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By Chris
Congratulations are in order .. as you may have heard, the show has added nearly 750,000 listeners since this time last year, and has closed the gap on Terry Wogan’s rival Radio Two breakfast show to just over 800,000, compared with well over a million three months ago, according to the latest ratings figures from audience monitor Rajar.

Figures for the last quarter reveal 7,061,000 people regularly listened to Chris Moyles, compared with 7,882,000 who listened to his rival on Radio Two.


Speaking from a pub to icwalkes, where his team were celebrating the figures, Moyles said the results had come as no surprise to him.

“I’m delighted,” he said.

“Over the moon. We’ve always known that we had a wicked show, and it’s great to prove everyone wrong all the time.

“I think I’ve got the best show on the radio anyway, so it’s not a surprise to me that more and more people are tuning in.”

The Leeds-born DJ’s show is co-hosted by a group of sidekicks, including Aberystwyth-born day producer Aled Haydn Jones, who said the show had been successful because it was a “dangerous listen”.

“We’re the best,” he said.

“Chris has a completely different take on how to radio in the morning than anyone else out there. Everyone else has this ‘best music mix’ approach, but Chris is a soap opera that you just have to listen to day in day out. I’m so proud he’s got the extra listeners because no one deserves them more than him.

“He’s so honest and he says the things that you think but you wouldn’t dream of saying. With the job I do, I’ve got the best of both worlds. Because I do day producing, I don’t come in until between 8.30 and nine, so I wake up at seven listening to the show.

“I wouldn’t be on the show if I didn’t enjoy every minute of it. It’s not a job, it’s a complete way of life.”

But he added that while the gap has closed between the Radio One and Radio Two breakfast show, there was no plan to beat Wogan, despite Ladbrokes yesterday offering odds of 7/4 that Moyles would record better ratings by the end of the year.

“Wogan is a complete legend – take him on at your peril,” he said. “He’s got the grey-haired listeners sorted. My parents love Chris, but every time I go home they always seem to know what’s happening with Wogan. We’re not trying to beat him. But wouldn’t it be nice if we did?”

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