Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Bonanzoid
Deadly's got a point. It's quite clearly marked as a football thread, so if you hate football why click on it? Naff off.

I hadn't thought about Zlatan for Chelski, but chrys makes some valid points. He could indeed be a very good signing. I'm pretty sick of seeing headlines about Rooney or Suarez that are just speculation. Especially when a football non-story is eclipsing Froome's rather brilliant Tour de France so far on the Beeb's sport website.
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By chrysostom
Deadly is right.

Just checking I actually typed that...

I stay away from the F1 thread and the Car Geek thread because I know little about the topics, but they are prevalent in modern society.

If I were to go in and bitch, I'd be a wildly negative individual with nothing better to do. When the whole of the Internet is at my disposal, that would be quite a feat.
By Misfit
I was bored! wondered if I could coax up some kind of debate about the merits of a bunch of overpaid idiots kicking a bag of air about.
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By The Deadly
Misfit wrote:I was bored! wondered if I could coax up some kind of debate about the merits of a bunch of overpaid idiots kicking a bag of air about.

Why would anyone care? Like football or don't like football it's up to you.
By Misfit
The Deadly wrote:
Misfit wrote:I was bored! wondered if I could coax up some kind of debate about the merits of a bunch of overpaid idiots kicking a bag of air about.

Why would anyone care? Like football or don't like football it's up to you.

probably not, but I'm that bored and fed up and you're still replying so in theory...I got a conversation, it worked, thanks deadly.
By Misfit
The Deadly wrote:Have you ever been to a live game? Sampled the intense atmosphere up close and personal?

yes and the best part about it was the final whistle.
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By chrysostom
Misfit wrote:I was bored! wondered if I could coax up some kind of debate about the merits of a bunch of overpaid idiots kicking a bag of air about.

Yawn. Misinformed nonsense, textbook trolling. Actually, not textbook - this is a poor attempt.

Having said that, it's not like you're the only troll on the forum. But it's only right I treat this instance as I would any other. Yawn, yawn, yawn.

Put some informed effort in and appreciate the overall income the sport brings in (with the Premier League it is well over £2bn) and how much the main feature (the players) are responsible for that income.

Then think about the ethical repercussion of not rewarding them with a significant chunk of that income.

Also compare it to similar roles which require you to be in the top 1% globally, and how much that percentile will earn based on the scarcity of their skillset, income of their profession and skill level.

If you had a decent grasp on how sports financing works, and how business markets (and salary level determination) worked, then you wouldn't have asked it in the first place.

Basically, SHH.
By Misfit
Boring boring boring.

its still ninety (sometimes more) minutes of people running about with a ball.
Last edited by Misfit on Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By chrysostom
Your conversation is basically a display of how ignorant you are of a sport which you've come into the thread to make derisory comments about because you have nothing else to do.

Why attempt to inspire ire in those who have a passion about something you find banal? Do something positive, you'll probably be happier for it!
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By chrysostom
The Deadly wrote:Have you ever been to a live game? Sampled the intense atmosphere up close and personal?

It's the SPL up there. Enough to turn anyone off football :P
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By The Deadly
Football has its faults, especially the modern game but its popularity can't be denied. It is the most loved sport on earth and easily the best to watch. While I agree there are overpaid idiots in football the same can be said about any other sport or business in the world. In football the idiocy is magnified because of the sports popularity and the obscene way the tabloid media report on it.
By Misfit
chrysostom wrote:
The Deadly wrote:Have you ever been to a live game? Sampled the intense atmosphere up close and personal?

It's the SPL up there. Enough to turn anyone off football :P

Last I heard it was evo stick league? or conference or some nonsense. I only went cos our lass liked it. The only time ill go back to a football stadium is for speedway!

chrysostom wrote:Why attempt to inspire ire in those who have a passion about something you find banal? Do something positive, you'll probably be happier for it!

Yay For football then.

anyway! I shall let you get back to talking about this here football game then!

thanks chaps!
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By Yudster
Apparently ManU are after Fabregas and Bale. Certainly either of those would (more than?) fill any gap left by Rooney, but BOTH? And also, as Chrysostom was speculating on Twitter yesterday, its harder to see players like that being as attracted to ManU and Moyes than it would have been to ManU and Fergie.
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By DevilsDuck
I hope rooney leaves... I now feel the man utd squad would be better off without him even if we don't sign anyone else
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By The Deadly
Well done to Papiss Cisse who is standing his ground over the sponsorship by loan sharks Wonga. I think Newcastle are going to become a laughing stock over the course of the season.
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By chrysostom
I'd likely say that Wonga is at the heart of this as opposed to NUFC (although it's likely that their attitude isn't helping).

When this happened with Kanoute at Sevilla (who had as their sponsor, a gambling company), they managed to find an amicable solution.

"Sevilla at first permitted him to wear a shirt with no sponsor on it and then persuaded him that simply by wearing the logo it didn't imply that he was endorsing gambling. In addition he was excused personal appearances at events connected with the sponsor. A grown-up negotiation that treated the player as an adult and as a valued individual."
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By The Deadly
This combined with Joe Kinnear can't be helpful preseason. I'm tempted to stick a fiver on them to go down. It's a long shot I know but the club could easily implode with the management set up they have there.
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By Boboff
Whose got an eye on the Fantasy Football for this season? I did so badly the first time last year, thus proving it's best to read the rules!

Rooney is * ugly mind.
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By The Deadly
I shall certainly be entering a team. From what I saw on last seasons one the league continues unless the creator says otherwise so our league should still be active.
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By flyingbadger
I've renewed the league details.
You'll have to rejoin it by the looks of it.

League is now Badger Didn't Reign Supreme

If anyone else wants to join in, the invite code is this -

By bmstinton93
flyingbadger wrote:I've renewed the league details.
You'll have to rejoin it by the looks of it.

League is now Badger Didn't Reign Supreme

If anyone else wants to join in, the invite code is this -


Is there a link for it? I can't even remember what site it was on.
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