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Tea or Coffee?

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By dimtimjim
Tea. Obviously. Coffee is for silly people and those with a really small willy. Like Toph, I am unbudgable (?) on this.

I take mine nice and weak with milk and 1/2 a spoon o sugar. Nom.
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By The Deadly
Are there not better things to discuss than tea or coffee? This place has gone from rated 18 to PG in the space of a couple of months.
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By MK Chris
Deadly wrote:Are there not better things to discuss than tea or coffee? This place has gone from rated 18 to PG in the space of a couple of months.

theflyingbadger wrote:From tea and coffee to anal sex in 0.178 posts.
My kinda forum this.

And the smell of anal sex can be quite off putting. Especially if she pulls out and tries to go ass to mouth.
You never go ass to mouth.
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By The Deadly
Topher wrote:
Deadly wrote:Are there not better things to discuss than tea or coffee? This place has gone from rated 18 to PG in the space of a couple of months.

theflyingbadger wrote:From tea and coffee to anal sex in 0.178 posts.
My kinda forum this.

And the smell of anal sex can be quite off putting. Especially if she pulls out and tries to go ass to mouth.
You never go ass to mouth.

He has a point to be fair.
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By Nicola_Red
Topher wrote:Haha, you're too serious Ms Red. I my comments stem from the fact that I find it very hard to believe that people can actually like that stuff... they're not serious or to be taken as fact... having said that, knowing the response I got last time did pretty much tempt me into making the same sort of assertion again. Like smoking. People only pretend to like smoking because they can't get off their addiction to nicotine. No smoker actually likes smoking (actually I suspect this is far closer to the truth than the coffee thing...)

I did realise you were pushing my buttons (oo-er missus etc) with that post, but cos I'm kind of an idiot I felt the need to reply anyway :) I do understand what you mean about smoking, though.
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By Wykey
dimtimjim wrote:Tea. Obviously. Coffee is for silly people and those with a really small willy. Like Toph, I am unbudgable (?) on this.

Give indefatigable a try.

Or depending on precisely what you meant, obstinate, recalcitrant, resolute or unmalleable might do the trick too.

Personally I'd go with indefatigable. I just like it. It's got a nice ring to it.
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By Nicola_Red
Wykey wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:Tea. Obviously. Coffee is for silly people and those with a really small willy. Like Toph, I am unbudgable (?) on this.

Give indefatigable a try.

Or depending on precisely what you meant, obstinate, recalcitrant, resolute or unmalleable might do the trick too.

Personally I'd go with indefatigable. I just like it. It's got a nice ring to it.

It does. Unbudgeable sounds quite nice though, even if it isn't a real word. Kinda reminds me of the episode of The Simpsons where Homer says "unregardless". :)
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By Wykey
For that very reason, unpossible should be utilised more.

Making up words is great, as long as they're more than four letters long and aren't acronyms.
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By Nicola_Red
Definitely. Also embiggen.
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By Yudster
Is that just a milky coffee with ginger syrup in it, or does it actually have gingerbread in it? Because coffee lover or no coffee lover, that would be icky.
By Misfit
I smoke and enjoy it. Don't try telling me what I can and can't like. I smoke the new lambert fresh burst because the mint in it is really nice and I look forward to one during my lectures.
By Scottbartonexp
Yudster wrote:Is that just a milky coffee with ginger syrup in it, or does it actually have gingerbread in it? Because coffee lover or no coffee lover, that would be icky.

Ginger syrup, doesn't have a scratch on an amaretto latte though...cause thats much manlier! 8)
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By chrysostom
Yudster wrote:Is that just a milky coffee with ginger syrup in it

Presumably it would also have cinnamon, black treacle & vanilla in it too, although I don't know if Starbucks (or similar) would bother with that level of detail.

Actually, now i think about it - I do like tea with fresh ginger and a teaspoon of sugar. But only if i'm feeling unwell or have a headache.
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By Nicola_Red
You can put cinnamon on top, but I usually go for nutmeg on a gingerbread (or hazelnut) latte, cinnamon on a vanilla.
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By Nicola_Red
Oh. Yeah, I have no idea what's actually in the syrup. Just artifical flavourings I imagine :)
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By MK Chris
Misfit wrote:I smoke and enjoy it. Don't try telling me what I can and can't like. I smoke the new lambert fresh burst because the mint in it is really nice and I look forward to one during my lectures.

Smokers perceive themselves as 'enjoying' smoking because they think it relieves stress. It doesn't. The reason they think it relieves stress is because the addiction fools the brain into thinking it needs nicotine and when that 'need' (even though it isn't actually a need) is not satisfied, the smoker feels anxiety and stress. If you were free of that addiction, I am willing to bet that you would realise that you don't actually enjoy it, you just satisfy a craving that your body thinks you need, but you actually don't.

No need to thank me.
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By The Deadly
Topher wrote:
Misfit wrote:I smoke and enjoy it. Don't try telling me what I can and can't like. I smoke the new lambert fresh burst because the mint in it is really nice and I look forward to one during my lectures.

Smokers perceive themselves as 'enjoying' smoking because they think it relieves stress. It doesn't. The reason they think it relieves stress is because the addiction fools the brain into thinking it needs nicotine and when that 'need' (even though it isn't actually a need) is not satisfied, the smoker feels anxiety and stress. If you were free of that addiction, I am willing to bet that you would realise that you don't actually enjoy it, you just satisfy a craving that your body thinks you need, but you actually don't.

No need to thank me.

I smoke at work to "relieve stress". Topher is correct.

Topher 1 Misfit 0
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By chrysostom
Isn't everything that an individual enjoys based on their own experience with whatever the subject is?

I was thinking about this as I've recently trained myself to like olives. 2 years ago, I couldn't stand them - but after forcing myself to have a little every now and again I've grown to really enjoy the taste. Does that mean I'm just deluding myself, or that I actually like olives now?

By Misfit
JayE wrote:Don't start smoking in the first place. Simples.

If I wanna smoke, I can smoke, I dont see what right anybody has to tell me not too. I dont smoke in places where it is prohibited, so I can.

Hey JayE, never ever start drinking, if you go to uni, if you go on a work night, YOU MIGHT DAMAGE YOUR LIVER AND I SHOULD TELL YOU NOT TO DO THAT.

its my choice.


Quite frankly, I enjoy going and sitting with my mates outside and smoking or whatever. Its not just the action of smoking, its some of the things that surround it. and i like the taste of it. especially the really minty menthal ones. Smokings helped me to pull before as well.

"hey up love, can i borrow your lighter"

etc etc.

if i say I enjoy it, who are you to tell me I dont.
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By Yudster
JayE wrote:Don't start smoking in the first place. Simples.

Definitely the best approach.

Saturday is up