Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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You're quite right Bonan. You're quite right.

People don't need these kind of details, and even now as it heads for the pearly gates, at least it has seen the light, unlike yourself who could not see that my post was a response to mr tim's.

RIP Matt by the way, I spoke to him on his very first day in 2007.

True that. :)
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By Senninha25
Just before this OT banter gets stopped, I'd just like to leave a RIP to the mosquito that had been pestering me for the last hour while I was trying to get some sleep. Oh no and all for the poor thing, but trying to take precious sleeping time away from me = death.
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By dimtimjim
Senninha25 wrote:Location: Madeira, nowhere near the UK

I like your location note - although technically you could argue - its nowhere near anywhere else - you lucky thing you!
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By Yudster
I've always wanted to go to Madeira.
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By dimtimjim
Play ya cards right, I may take you sometime.... :wink:
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By dimtimjim
And here was me thinking you, of all people, would be all over the other possible connotation of 'take you'...

As in 'Gruffly, from behind'.

Whats wrong with you today?!! :D
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By a-moron
I always just assumed that Yuds would adopt the male postion between you two.
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By dimtimjim
Tis a wee small island out near the Canaries...
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By Yudster
Its part of Potugal. In the same way as the Canaries are part of Spain. Its north of the Canaries by a fair way.
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By a-moron
S'bout the same distance as Glasgow - London.
Wouldn't want to swim it mind and certainly couldn't reach it with a 5 iron.
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By a-moron
Yudster wrote:Its north of the Canaries by a fair way.

theflyingbadger wrote:...certainly couldn't reach it with a 5 iron.

Nothing. Not one one smiley or groany or anything. Nothing?

You people sicken me.
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By a-moron
All my posts would be covered over due to the number of -'s against it.

Which probably wouldn't be a bad thing.
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By Yudster
theflyingbadger wrote:
Yudster wrote:Its north of the Canaries by a fair way.

theflyingbadger wrote:...certainly couldn't reach it with a 5 iron.

Nothing. Not one one smiley or groany or anything. Nothing?

You people sicken me.

I tried to come up with a suitable golf related response but I started thinking about golf and nodded off.
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By dimtimjim
Golf; The only time your missus lets you go out to handle your shaft and stick ya balls in 18 different holes.
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By Nicola_Red
*cough*let's try to stay on topic*cough*
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