Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Yudster
Freezing cold and rainy will make you think of England, I can see that.
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By S4B
My computer is annoying me today! I'm fed up with mt internet connection freezing or crashing for no reason at all! I keep having to reboot it and before long I'm going to throw it at the wall! Stupid thing! Signal strength - excellent. Ability to bloody well work - zero!
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By Andy B
My "Backup Wife" Has only gone and got herself engaged to basically a ginger version of me. This leaves me with no back-up now and only a few years left to find someone I'd be happy to spend the rest of my life with if all else fails.

The fact that I'm currently with my girlfriend of 5 years is moot, everybody needs a back-up.
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By S4B
1. I'm still not well enough to go to work
2. My house is a tip and I'm not feeling up to tidying it up
3. One of my twins got into the grammar school and the other didn't - now have the hassle of finding another school for him
4. LEA's are rubbish at giving you information!

I would be in a really bad mood but Chris and the team are back so I just can't be too miserable
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By Vivienne
Annoying me = the weather, and I feel a bit sick and "blaaah"... I have this afternoon off, so I may spend it in a big bubble bath with my rubber hippo :-)
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By MK Chris
I am currently living with my dad (for very cheap, while I pay of credit cards and then save for a deposit on a house), but now he wants to move in with his girlfriend of roughly three minutes. She has offered for me to stay there for the same price, which is nice of her, granted, but I can't be doing with moving in there, then they find out they don't get on, then I have to move out again...

What a load of old shit.
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By MK Chris
Nope. No room. Never mind.
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By Andy B
I think I've caught S4B's plague as I'm no suffering although 'cos I have no replacement I have to work. Pooey!
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By Andy B
Yeah, there's loads of viruses out there and there was that millenium bug. So I've caught your plague. I've no energy, coughing all day and bunged up. I've gone through more bog roll than I did as a teenager!
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By Vivienne
I have quite a headache now... the internet went off for a while earlier, which was annoying, and I'm a bit tense and have neck pain (a bit). Tomorrow, I have the dox and don't want to go. But I guess I should face it. I'm gonna try to go swimming tomorrow, which should brighten me up, I hope :-)
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By Andy B
Peed off 'cos they sent me a lazy cashier who was on the phone to my boss every 5 minutes to complain that I was telling her not to do things she's not supposed to do and then claiming that I am also doing those things and then claimed I was victimising her. I'm now facing disciplinery action because of this stupid girl.

Her claims are however easy to disprove so I'm not worried, just annoyed.
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By Yudster
I'm annoyed because I live on the West side of Colchester and I work on the East side. So on a day like today, the sun is right in front of me as I drive to work, and at this time of year it is at about 35 degrees to the horizon, meaning that it is right in my eyes but below the effective reach of the sun visor thingy in my car. So I can't see a bloomin thing all the way to work. And then the whole thing happens the other way around in the evenings.
I don't want the sun to go away, so do you think it might be possible to turn Colchester around for me?
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By MK Chris
I have that problem, but only for about 300 yards down my high street as I first set off.
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By Yudster
I have it for eleven miles, give or take the odd bit of shadow from a building or a tree. I have permanent flashing dots before my eyes at the moment from staring at the sun.........
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By Andy B
Polarising sunglasses. They work a treat. Also for driving at night to stop idiots blinding you with their full beams when you're tryingto take a blind bend at 90.
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