Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Andy B
Nope everyone I know who lives close enough(5 people) are going to the gig tonight. I work just up the road from BH so it's not so bad, just a little bit....desperate.
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By Vivienne
The weather is annoying me, my train was late, I am in a stinking mood, which goes perfectly with the weather :-( I was late for work, and got a small row about it. Today, I have to deal with the PUBLIC. Oh No. Oh No.
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By S4B
I'm still ill and the amount of drugs (medicinal not recreational) I took yesterday just to keep standing are now coming out of my system. This is not making me feel better and I need to sleep but my brain won't shut down. Hoping someone will bore me to sleep!
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By MK Chris
Having taken Mrs Topher to an embarrassing book signing yesterday, the girl in front of us was interviewed for the regional news crew... unfortunately at least three people at work saw it.

Also, on the way back from said book signing, my car overheated and we eventually worked out with the AA man that it was probably the cooling fan not working, so it's now in the garage. So I'm relying on others.
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By Andy B
**Reports Foot to the virtual police for committing virtual murder**

**virtual nee naw nee naw**
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By Andy B
Oh and I ended up going to the gig in the end. I've already got the first book signed (with a great dedication may I add!) and I've got a mate who works for R1 on a 6 month attatchment now so I'll see if he can take it in for me. I love hanging out with a bunch of media whores if not actual whores.
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By Bruvva
Right, today it's broken air conditioning. I'm sitting here next to an air con unit that's decided that it's going to emit air pumped from the hottest part of hell itself. As a result, I'm getting all hot and sweaty - if it gets worse I'm going to strip off and work in my pants.

And no, I won't post pictures.
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By Bruvva
S4B wrote:Shall I come and be your Punka Wallah? (sp?) Cool Sponge bath sir? Even when ill I can't resist a man in underwear! ;)

You temptress, you.
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By MK Chris
How tempting is it to have someone coughing and spluttering over you while operating a fan...?
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By S4B
I'm not coughing and spluttering! I have a temperature of 103 and I can't use my legs and feel like crap! Obviously doesn't stop me sluttering though, especially not where brother is concerned!
I'm annoyed at trying to phone BT (Bloody Terrible???) 20 minutes on hold, then some woman laughed down the phone, and cut me off!

AND didn't get to meet Mr Moyles.
bloody work was a nightmare today, and couldn't get out!
Should've given Waterstones a call and ask for a dedicated book, (as suggested by s4b). hopefully they'll have some tomorrow if I pop in.

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By kendra k
it's rainy and cold here and i forgot my hat, which means my bald head is freezing. it's also made me really melancholic, thinking about maybe going back to england but not really being able to afford it.
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