Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By evilrabbit
hi all
can someone please help me with this. the replay show dated thursday 27th jan 2005, theres a peace of music which starts at 9.28 into the show when they are talking about greenday.
ive tried looking all around this great website but just cant seem to find it.. any help on this would be great
Last edited by evilrabbit on Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By flyingbadger
I thought this was spam for a bed factory outlet or summit.

Turns out, it's not.

Best of luck with your request fella or fellette(?)

Piece out.
By evilrabbit
hi all
can someone please help me with this. the replay show dated thursday 27th jan 2005, theres a peace of music which starts at 9.28 into the show when they are talking about greenday. chris uses this piece of music on alot of the shows but i thought i'd use this show for ease.
ive tried looking all around this great website but just cant seem to find it.. any help on this would be great. i put this in the sound part of the forum, 73 looks and 1 non reply so i thought id try here in stead
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By Nicola_Red
You can bump your existing threads rather than making new ones. Not that it needed bumping as it was still at the top of S&V - which would rather indicate that nobody knows the answer (so far).

Saturday is up